Saturday, September 24, 2011

Update on My Leg

Well, I'm trying very hard to be on a diet (about my 4th day now) and also to eliminate water to reduce edema and relieve the pressure on my leg. I am still seeing the acupuncturist and I am also now receiving pneumatic compression therapy on the legs.

I look a little like the lady in the photo immediately below when I get my legs compressed except that the garment stops at my hip area. The compression feels a little strange but I enjoy it because it relieves some of the pressure and heaviness I feel in the legs.  Hence it reduces the pain in my knee and my foot though the feeling doesn't last so long.   I will get about 8 of these treatments altogether as they are very expensive.  I also continue to get the acupuncture.

Photo credit: Squidoo

Photo credit: me
My acupuncturist has me on several herbal medicines to eliminate excess water (not drugs as those weaken the kidneys even more so) and to address pain issues. These aren't working that quickly so yesterday I just found an herbal remedy containing boswellia and tumeric for aches and pains.  It seems to work quickly but is double the price of what my acupuncturist gives me. She only charges me at cost not at retail prices. I will continue the boswellia mixture for a short time while I wait for the Chinese herbal remedies to hopefully take effect soon.

My diet is self-initiated and consists of lots and lots of steamed veggies of all kinds, canned tuna and wild salmon,  beans & legumes, millet, squashes, sweet potatoes/yams, basa fish fillets and a piece of fruit each day.  I have very little red meat or dairy though I will allow myself a sweet treat about once every week or two.

In the Chinese medicine belief, excess weight is caused by too much mucous and water in the system and the presence of these makes it nearly impossible to loss weight. That might explain why diets and exercise very seldom do anything for me no matter how much I try.  The doctor also says I have too much damp cold inside and my body has to work hard to warm it up and hence I get too hot.  Additionally, she says that wind or cold is not good for me.  All this makes a lot of sense since I tend to get leg cramps when I have wind blowing on my legs. I'm sure she is on the right track but it does take time and I am impatient. After all I just want to get over the pain and be able to walk again.

Today's treat is chocolate no bake macaroons. I will take some to my acupuncture doctor tomorrow who is always happy to eat whatever I bring her.  I also have someone at home who enjoys the treats.  That way I am not tempted to eat too much.

No Bake Chocolate Macaroon Cookies

Here are the cookies setting before going into the fridge/freezer.  As you can see, I didn't bother to make them too perfectly shaped.  I like my cookies in different sizes and a bit "rough" around the edges.


  • 2 cups white sugar
  • 1/2 cup milk
  • 1/2 cup margarine
  • 3 cups rolled oats
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 3 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa powder
  • 1/2 cup flaked coconut

Directions  In a saucepan over medium heat, combine sugar, milk, and margarine. Bring to a boil, stirring occasionally, then boil for  2 minutes. Remove from heat and stir in the oats, vanilla, cocoa and coconut. Spoon onto waxed paper and allow to cool for at least an hour then put them in the refrigerator to harden up.  Store in an airtight container.

Recipes alterations:  The recipe has far too  much sugar for me. I reduced it to 1 cup and there was no problem with the mixture sticking together. It is still plenty sweet enough. You can use splenda or some other artificial sweetner but given my issues with water retention I try never to use any artificial foods or at least to eliminate them as much as possible. I will look for some stevia next time I can get to a health food store.  You can also use 1% milk or skim milk like I did. I imagine that a milk substitute like Almond milk would also be fine if you are lactose intolerant or a vegan. You will also need to use a margarine substitute. In  my case I used real butter rather than the artificial margarine. If you use slow cooking oats, you will need to cook the mixture for a minute or two longer. 

I think I've only had these cookies once or twice since I was a school child. A school chum would bring these for lunch and sell them to me as my mother never made them. I wonder if the girl ever became an entrepreneur. These cookies are approx 100 calories when you use the full amount of sugar so I calculate my sugar reduced cookies at 50-70 calories each depending on their size.  Not bad at all.


Kilauea Poetry said...

I'd like to hear more about the compression for your legs..very interesting and I do pray it will ease the pain and together with the acupunture do the trick. I can be frustrating. The herbs sound good to me too..but so does your treat. I am battling the fatigue yet need energy to exercise (sigh). Funny about the edema because it's my eyes are puffy all the time now. Oh well, it's getting late..just wanted to thank you for your input on my last post! Again, those cookies look delicious..wishing you a wonderful day-

Diane said...

The leg compression must feel very weird but if it works then it is worth the money I guess. I have never tried acupuncture but my husband has had it a couple of times for shoulder problems and it seems to work for him. Good luck with the diet, it is not always easy to keep on track! Diane

Lonicera said...

I didn't know you were still suffering from pain in your legs, and I'm so sorry to hear it. The leg compression treatment sounds fascinating. Everybody has their own way of motivating themselves to lose weight - sometimes it helps if you put on your blog (as a gadget)how much you've lost, and how much you want to lose by - say - the end of the month, and then update, even if it's bad news. Making it public can force you to stay on the straight and narrow... Good luck anyway.

Jo said...

Dear Penny, I only heard about your leg pains in your mail to me, Sorry, I've been SO out of date. Hope to catch up soon. I pray that the compression treatment works for you. Blessings and (((hugs))) Jo

Linda said...

I'm SO sorry, Penny, about your health problems! May God give you endurance and peace and healing! I send hugs,

Margaret said...

Sorry to hear about your leg problems. The compression therapy looks great! I wear compression stockings 24 hours a day to stop the swelling.

Susan said...

I hope for speedy relief for your pain replaced with much blessing!

WebbieLady said...

The treats'r yummy! Goodluck with the leg!

Barbara Rosenzweig said...

I hope that you have complete and speedy recovery. Your diet sounds like a good one and increasing water helped me with my leg and foot cramps.

The macaroon cookies look great with your substitutions. I wonder if the sugar could be cut back further if raisins are added for sweetness. (Of course, they are loaded with sugar, too.) You can't win!

Fred Alton said...

My Frances has lymph-edema in the feet and legs. It's horrible. She once bought a machine like you described here - but it didn't work well for her so we finally gave it away. Prayer helps hers as much as anything.

clairz said...

I'm sorry that you are experiencing pain, Penny. I sure do know a bit about trying to lose weight--I've been working on it for the last four months and have actually met with great success so far, losing pounds slowly so they'll (hopefully) stay off. I've lost 23 lbs. so far, and am feeling much better and have lots more energy. Stay with it, if you can. The benefits are amazing!

EG CameraGirl said...

I do hope the treatments work for you!

Sr Crystal Mary Lindsey said...

Hello Penny, When sitting you should raise your legs, like when using a recliner lounge. This assists the blood return to the heart, it also reduces the swelling. If there is any redness and heat take care for thrombosis.. Celary seed capsules are a natural diuretic and get rid of excess fluid.. usually fliud build up like this is a result of right handed heart failure,kidney or liver failure. I don't want to upset you but please do take care...check your blood pressure as I am sure it will be elevated. Love Crystal Mary

Joyful said...

Hello fellow bloggers, thank you all so much for stopping by and offering your encouragement, your tips and your friendship. I continue to make small gains with my healing. I read last night that in acupuncture, healing can be up and down and there can be more pain and a crisis of healing just before the breakthrough. I'm hoping that that is what is happening now. Even if it isn't, I have to remember that this leg problem did not come on suddenly. It had been bothering me for years and although I took some efforts at making it better, I did not give it adequate time to heal. I cannot expect a quick fix to a chronic problem. Through it all, God is showing me his hand and his help. That gives me comfort.

Kilauea Poetry said...

I watched the video this morning so here is what I understand-
this method(pneumatic air compression)..cleans out
the lactic acid and metabolic waste. So it helps to move the blood and the lympth tissue towards the heart~ thus, improving circulation and allowing the body to detox (helps with hydration). Waste is stored in fat so the theory is it accelerates the fat loss (toxins) Was interesting to note the woman said she had better clarity of mind- that especially got my attention! Sounds great to me Penny! Thanks

Joyful said...

Yes, exactly. I'm having the procedure done to get rid of toxins in the body and hopefully improve circulation. I do believe it helped a bit in the two times I've used it so far. Combined with the acupuncture, I see my top skin layer improving in tone, texture etc. which means circulation is also improving.

OtienoHongo said...

Wishing you all the best in your recovery!

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