Showing posts with label World Vision. Show all posts
Showing posts with label World Vision. Show all posts

Monday, January 18, 2010

A Prayer for Haiti

Dear Lord,

I ask you to be with the Haitian people. Many are wounded physically and scarred emotionally, mentally and spiritually. I ask you to heal them today in every way.

I pray for many labourers in the field who would help the needy in Haiti and for many prayer intercessors from afar who would step into the gap to pray.

I ask also for your ministering angels to protect, strengthen, comfort and preserve the sick, the weary and the wounded. I ask for the creative miracles and other miracles of healing for those that need it and cannot get medical attention in time. I pray for protection and safety for the living from any possible outbreak of disease caused by so many dead people. I pray you will help the dead to have a name Lord and not to be "lost" because of mass burials. It is so tragic for their loved ones who may be left behind. I know You do not forget these dear ones Lord no matter who else does.

I thank you so much that you are a loving and healing God and that we can call upon you any time, night or day, and you are always there. You never sleep or slumber. We can be assured that you are there to hear us when we pray.

I want to give you all the praise and glory Abba Father for you have been so good to me. I would like it so much if these desperate people could know some of the joys and hopes and dreams that you have given me. I pray for them to have a hope and future as your word says in the book of Jeremiah. Let your glory be revealed in the Haitian people; our brothers, our sisters, our mothers, our fathers, our grandfathers and grandmothers; for you love them so very much. I pray the world would see how you want to bless these people abundantly because you love them so much.

I pray and I ask all things in the name of your Son Jesus; the matchless name of Jesus. Amen.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Help for Haiti

By now virtually everyone will know of the devastating earthquake and aftershocks that continue to rock the small nation of Haiti in the Caribbean. I've practically been glued to the television set as I watch for signs of life in the rubble and PRAY for any signs of good news in this truly tragic situation. I have been praying for international aid and assistance to reach these dear people as soon as possible.

Today I was deeply moved by the generosity of my Canadian countrymen and the generosity of the many other nations and individuals that have stepped up to help our brothers and sisters in Haiti. There are many organizations on the ground in Haiti to which one can donate funds. You can read about the Canadian aid agencies here. If you are not in Canada, many of these agencies have international counterparts.

[All photos are the property of Mail Online
Click photos to enlarge]

Canadians can donate to charities through text message. The Salvation Army began its "text-to-donate" program on Thursday, whereby Canadians can make a $5 donation by texting HAITI to 45678 from Rogers Wireless or Bell Mobility, and then confirming with a YES reply. World Vision Canada is encouraging people to use social networking sites to challenge others to donate in a campaign called $10 And Pass It On. That is where I gave my donation. I encourage you to do likewise if you are a Canadian reader as every $10 counts toward helping someone.

Americans can donate to the Salvation Army by texting a message with the word 'Haiti' to 52000 for a $10 donation. You can also text "HAITI" to 90999 to donate $10 to American Red Cross relief efforts for Haiti. The amount will be added to your cell phone credit card bill.

For more information about the aid agencies around the world that are providing assistance to Haiti, here is one short summary article disaster and relief aid to Haiti.

Gone With The Wind ~ Tuesday 4

Welcome to Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4 where we answer 4 questions each week and try to have some fun with them. 1.  Have you read the book...