Sunday, November 7, 2010

Kipnegeno Goes to School

Hello prayer partners,

Kipngeno will be going to school in January, 2011 and we are so happy for him.

I wrote about Kipnegeno in an earlier post and you can read about him here if you like

He will be studying pharmacy, instead of nursing. Medical professionals are very much needed in Kenya.

He needs a lot of funding and prayer support to start school in two months time and we are trying to gather what is needed. Please continue to pray for him and if you can help, please let my friend, Pastor Jonah know here.

Otherwise have a great day.


Bossy Betty said...

A happy and wonderful day for him!

Ginny Hartzler said...

I hope this really smart and motivated boy gets all the help he needs to graaduate for a good job!! Glad to see you posting again!

Inger said...

I just read the earlier post and he so deserves this opportunity. I will pray for him.--Inger

Joyful said...

Thank you BOSSY BETTY!

GINNY, this young man is really smart and is motivated, though with a wait going on one year to go to university he is getting discouraged. I so want him to have an opportunity because that will mean all the difference between life long poverty and an ability to help himself and others.

CANYON GIRL, I thank you so much for your prayers. I thank you on his behalf, his family's behalf and my own behalf. Prayer is powerful and a sacrifice on the part of those who offer it. God bless you :-)

Kilauea Poetry said...

That's cool Penny..I'll pray for him!
My best:)

Joyful said...

I just read the earlier post and he so deserves this opportunity. I will pray for him.--Inger

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