Saturday, November 13, 2010

Scenic Sunday ~ November 14, 2010

I love this photo. I took it from my hotel balcony in downtown Vancouver. I think it almost looks like a painting.
For more Scenic Sundays, click here.


Jan said...

Yes a very special photo.
Trust all well
Love, Jan

Joyful said...

Thank you Jan. The last week has been "hairy" but all is well at the "mo" and soon I will be arrivederci.

Francisca said...

It's nearly impossible to have a "bad" scene in Vancouver, a place I called home for many years. Your image is indeed like a painting. I like how you caught the sun's reflection on the bay.

[Did you enlarge the photo on my blog? It shows the village at the back a bit better then. But if you'd like to see a closer image of a minority village, you may enjoy this earlier post: and if you click on Guizhou on the side bar, it will offer more. This is a new blog, so I'm sure to post more minority/Guizhou images in future.]

Ginny Hartzler said...

Quite lovely with that sun over the buildings. It's what Simon and Garfunkel would call "A Hazy Shade Of Winter'!

Inger said...

It looks like a wonderful composition of nature and what man has made to me. I love the building with the balconies against the water glittering with sunshine.--Inger

Jo said...

This is a beautiful photo, Penny. I love the light from the water behind the buildings. I've been thinking about you: are you OK? How is your mum? I've not been visiting too much and feel out of touch. Take care, my friend. Blessings Jo

Joyful said...

Thank you everyone for your kind words. Please forgive me if I don't address each of you individually as I am very busy right now preparing to go out of town.

Jo, my friend, mom is doing ok at the moment though there have been some very tenuous times this past few months and weeks. My brother and I are keeping very busy attending to all of her needs. She has been approved for a nursing home and we are awaiting her new unit to become available. Still lots of things to do at her home while we await the move.

Cherry said...

very scenic indeed! thanks for visiting. :)

Heidrun Khokhar, KleinsteMotte said...

Yes I can see the beauty you refer to. The sun adds a lovely touch to the scene.

Teena said...

very beautiful <3

bren said...

Am delighted to know your back in Kenya... and can find updates here. Gave Becky Salem Sutherland from Mychurch/Facebook your email address and this link as she leaves for Kenya Monday on a Missionary trip... she may be contacting you.

Joyful said...

Am delighted to know your back in Kenya... and can find updates here. Gave Becky Salem Sutherland from Mychurch/Facebook your email address and this link as she leaves for Kenya Monday on a Missionary trip... she may be contacting you.

Joyful said...

It looks like a wonderful composition of nature and what man has made to me. I love the building with the balconies against the water glittering with sunshine.--Inger

Joyful said...

It's nearly impossible to have a "bad" scene in Vancouver, a place I called home for many years. Your image is indeed like a painting. I like how you caught the sun's reflection on the bay.

[Did you enlarge the photo on my blog? It shows the village at the back a bit better then. But if you'd like to see a closer image of a minority village, you may enjoy this earlier post: and if you click on Guizhou on the side bar, it will offer more. This is a new blog, so I'm sure to post more minority/Guizhou images in future.]

Evening Sky ~ Last Friday Sky of January 2025

Hello friends and fellow bloggers, Welcome to my Skywatch Friday post. I snapped these photos on my way to buy some produce at some of the ...