Showing posts with label scenic sunday. Show all posts
Showing posts with label scenic sunday. Show all posts

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Our First Snow

This photo was taken in the early afternoon (Sunday). You can click to enlarge it.

The next two photos were taken about 4:30 p.m. when the sun came out for a short while.

Scenic Sunday link

Sunday, April 22, 2012

A Day in the West End

I took in a film at the 2nd annual Vancouver South African Film Festival (VSAFF).  The VSAFF uses the film fest as a way of raising money for Fezeka Senior Secondary and Songeze Middle Schools in Guguletu, Cape Town. My readers know that I have the Missions of Hope which is dear to me and where most of my charitable giving goes. However, I do try to support other charitable endeavours wherever I can. I did that today by going to a film and making a small donation at the door.

This is where the film was shown in what we call the city's West End.  The film festival ends Sunday.
I got off the city bus and had to walk the last few blocks. I took these photos near the waterfront. I love the brilliant display of colour.

The film I saw was called "Stargazer" (aka Roepman) is an epic drama, based on the Jan van Tonder novel with the same title. It tells the story of a 1966 South African railway community, told through the eyes of an eleven year old boy, called Timus. Timus and his family are trapped within the structural violence caused by the government and the church of the day. It is a story with unforgettable characters and it combines the magical world of childhood beautifully with the cold realities of the world.

There were a lot of people at the beach and a lot of tourists in town. I overheard an American mother saying it was the last week of school break. Canadian school children had their school break long ago.

The film was purchased by an Black American and he kept the audience for a few minutes after the show to discuss some issues that will help him premiere the film in New York City.  The film was made in Africaans, with English subtitles.  It was interesting for me to see how much of the vocabulary I could make out in Africaans based on the subtitles. I enjoyed the film and if it was playing in a regular theatre sometime I would recommend  you see it.

I never tire of the scenes at the waterfront.

If you wish to see more beautiful scenes from around the world, please visit at Scenic Sunday.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Bright Lights

We had a wild, windy day yesterday with great big, wet snowflakes falling fast and furious. It was unwelcome weather because I was going out to a dance performance (more about that in a later post).  The big white strips caught in mid-air are the snow flakes. The snow was falling so fast that it was difficult to get a photo of it. You can see the large flakes lying on the patio floor.

 It is rather late in the season to be getting snow where I live. We also got a large snow fall early in the season which is again unusual. The weather is largely unpredictable around the globe these days. 

My small garden will have to wait awhile until the weather warms up but I'm sure the skiers are happy with the fresh snow.
I like the pretty photos snow helps to create and I simply love looking at the bright lights at night on a snowy mountain. I can see these scenes from my desk.

It is most difficult to get a night shot with my camera.  
I'm happy with these few that I'm sharing with you. 
 I hope you like them too.
Please click on badges below to see more blues and scenic photos!

Friday, December 2, 2011

Ever Changing Weather

I was reminiscing about a road trip to visit my mom last Spring. Just look at the ever changing weather and sky in a few short hours. In the case of the bottom photos, it is only a few minutes between photos.

Join Scenic Sundays hosted by the Holleys to see more beautiful scenes from around the world.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

More of Seton Lake

The other day I featured a few sky photos, taken on the drive from Vancouver to Seton Lake, near Lillooet.  I thought it would be good to post more photos of this spectacular area as my submission to this week's Scenic Sunday Meme. I do hope you enjoy them.

 I think these photos will give you a sense of the driving conditions and the mountainous terrain.

 You can see that there are some extreme switchbacks in the road.

If you look in the far distance, you can see the blue plastic shelters (around the middle of the photo). Those are Aboriginal fishermen of the St'a'imc (pronounced Statleum) First Nation, who have set up camps to do their annual food fishing for salmon.

Here is a closer view...

and here are the fishermen right on the water (below). It can be dangerous as the river is very powerful.

Fishing for salmon may be the most important part of the First Nation's culture in in this area.  The  people used different styles of harvesting the fish including spears, dip netting, and net fishingThis annual fishery is called "food fishing" and is distinct from fishing as a commercial venture, and distinct also from the sport fishery.  The annual food fishery is protected by the country's law and is a much fought for right of the First Nation's people.  

Much of the salmon harvested in the summer months is preserved for the winter months.  Aboriginal people preserve the salmon through wind drying and also through smoking it. Of course, the people also have the option today of freezing it and canning it. 

Whatever way you eat it, it is delicious. Thank you for stopping by and reading my post for Scenic Sunday. I encourage you to click on the badge below and join in all the fabulous posts from around the world.

Photo credits: my brother

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Lily Macro Series

The lily was beginning to fade when I photographed it.  But I found it quite beautiful as I got closer to it. It was amongst a group of flowers planted around a post on the street.

The young shopkeeper came out to water the flowers as I was photographing them. I thought it was very charming of him to tend to flowers that are growing on the side of the street.  Perhaps he planted them.  Anyway, they make a nice touch in an otherwise not so pretty area.

Enjoy your weekend and enjoy more flowers and beautiful scenery at the following links (click badges).

Scenic Sunday
Macro Flowers Saturday badge 1

Friday, July 29, 2011

Aloe Vera

These aloe plants are growing on the side of the highway on the way to Marigat, Kenya. Look at all the succulents in the background too. I'm not sure the name of that succulent tree but it is plentiful in these parts. As for the aloe vera plant there is a factory nearby which grows and harvests many fields of aloe vera.

Click on the badge to link to more scenes from around the world.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Boat Tour on Lake Baringo

A big welcome to my newest followers, Follygirl and Nancy at A Rural Journal. Thank you both! 
My readers may reach their blogs by clicking on the underlined names.

An unforgettable experience during my stay at Soi Safari Lodge was my boat tour on Lake Baringo. I hesitated to go on the tour due to limited time but the irrepressible tour guide, Sylvester (pictured above) was so charming and so persistent. He ultimately convinced me to go on the tour and tailored the everything to my needs.  Sylvester surprised me when he started speaking French to me because he knew I am from Canada. Alas, my French is too rudimentary to carry a conversation, even a simple one.

I took many photos and  I've decided to combine a number of them into collages so I can share as many as possible in this post.

First up is a collage of the hippos. There were a number of them in the lake and we were able to get quite close. In the reeds there was also a crocodile and though I did see it skimming just below the surface, it was difficult to get a photograph.  The house in the mosaic is privately owned by foreigners.  There is also at least one campground nearby but I didn't have time to check it out.
Bird life is abundant in the area. In the space of a few minutes I found several species of birds.
I was hoping to see the African Fish Eagle such as in our guide's bird book, but no such luck. My boat tour took place later in the day.  Several tours had already gone out and the eagle was not hungry.

The guides will purchase a small fish from fishermen right on the water.  They then throw the fish up in the air and the eagle, if hungry, will swoop down and catch it.
I was very intrigued by the fisherman's boat.  The boat is made from wood that is extremely light and buoyant. It feel and looks like cork but I've learned that it is "ambatch" or balsa wood.  The people of the Njemps tribe are the ones that make the boats with this wood.
There were a number of different boats on the water that day.
The scenery in the area is spectacular, whether you are viewing from the water or from the shore.

These men really got my attention. They were taking cows to market in Marigat. I've never seen cows transported this way before but there are no roads to where they live.

One of the 6 or so cows that was being transported was having a very difficult time of it.
As you can imagine, cows are precious cargo so there is no way these men were going to let anything happen to the cows before they got to market.  I saw the men next day in the town of Marigat a few days after market day.  They no longer had cows with them and they seemed to be enjoying a break in town.

You can make out the rooftop of the distinctive Soi Safari Lodge.

Here is a close up of the main building of the Soi Safari Lodge as the boat nears the shore.
More tourists are eager to get in the boat and go on tour.

This concludes my tour of Lake Baringo.  If you missed my post on the Soi Safari Lodge you might want to read it here.  I hope you've enjoyed the tour of this area.  Please join me again soon as I will be stopping at another beautiful place not too far away.  Please also check in at other Scenic Sunday submissions for more fabulous stories and scenes from around the world. Simply click below.  I hope to see you again.

Please leave and comment and then come back and click the widget to see more of Scenic Sunday from around the world. Enjoy!

A Gorgeous Day

Hello friends and fellow bloggers, Here in my part of the world we will soon transition to Spring and planting season or growing season.  Wh...