Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Books and More Books - A Quarterly Update

This is my quarterly update on the books I've read in 2018. 

The books I enjoyed most are An African Love Story by Dr. Dame Daphne Sheldrick,  The Secret Daughter by Shilpa Somaya Gowda and The Laws of Harmony by Judi Hendricks.

Dr. Dame Daphne Sheldrick is a Kenyan author, conservationist, and expert in animal husbandry, particularly the raising and reintegrating of orphaned elephants into the wild.I completed reading the book on March 31, 2018 and learned that Dame Sheldrick passed away in Nairobi on April 12, 2018, after a long battle with cancer. 

In previous visits to Kenya, I have had the pleasure of visiting the Sheldrick Wildlife Trust dedicated to the conservation of elephants and rhinos. If you are all interested in this work please see more information here about the trust and the ways you can help in the conservation efforts.  The work of the trust will continue under the leadership of one of the daughters, Angela Sheldrick.

On my current reading pile are several books:

Very interesting book on breathing and fitness/health.

An interesting book written by a prop stylist about how to identify your decor style and tips for achieving it.

A new to me author. The story is set in 1940s British ruled Malaya.

I'm interested in the book, Oxygen Advantage for health reasons but it was written with athletes in mind. If you are at all interested in oxygenation for fitness or health reasons you might be interested in watching this short video presentation by the author.

If you have any good book recommendations please feel free to share them in the comments.  Thank you for stopping by.


  1. What would we do without books? If ever I enter someone’s home and don’t see a book I am suspicious of the people in it!

    1. I agree with you David. I cannot imagine how a person doesn't read a least a book or two in a given year. Most of my friends will attest that I am always trying to get them to read more. With some people it is difficult to get them to that point but I keep trying :-)

  2. You read a wide variety of things! I will look into the book Styled. I always love how prop designers do sets! They are always so great and Much Ado about Murder looks interesting too.
    Glad you shared your list! I need some good ideas. :)
    Hope you are feeling good today, been praying for your health.

    1. Annie, you are very sweet and kind to remember me in prayer. I am feeling much better than I had been feeling a week or so ago. I'm remembering you and your health needs at this time too. I hope you get some good news soon. I think you will enjoy the book "Styled...". It is beautifully presented and easy to follow.

  3. I miss having my nose in a book nut vision limits this option. And too much Kindle hurts the eyes too. Audio books are okay but I don’t get the smae emotional thrill using my ears rather than eyes to print.
    Love your selection though.

    1. I understand Heidrun. I can't seem to focus on an audio book and I far prefer a paper book to books on my Kobo reader. I hope you and Buddy and hubby are well. xx

  4. I haven't read any of these and I'm not familiar with the authors.

    1. Hi Red, I hadn't heard of most of these authors either until I came across their titles on line, on library website or through happenstance. The beauty of having reading goals each year is I get to read different books and authors that I might not normally choose on my own.

  5. Thanks for your recommendations - I have quite a long list of books to read .... I am currently engrossed in "The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry" by Rachel Joyce - a blogger recommended it but I can't remember who. Great book!

    1. Thanks Angie! I'm always on the hunt for book recommendations and will add this one to my list.

  6. Thanks for the recommendations!

    ~Have a lovely day!

  7. Good list of books that you've read.
    I see Angie mentioned The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry. I loved that book. My book club read it and we all liked it a lot.
    I've just started the reading the Hannah Swensen Mystery series by Joanne Fluke. Just got book number 2 out of the library, Strawberry Shortcake Murder. They are fun, easy reads and have lots of recipes in them.
    I'm also reading the Outlander series books by Dianna Gabaldon and like them a lot. I'm on book number 5, The Fiery Cross.

    1. Thank you for all the book recommendations. I'm glad you are such an avid reader :-)

  8. I could not survive without having a book to read. You have a very wide range of reading matter, how it your Arabic now? Take care Diane

    1. I agree Diane. Yes, I have an eclectic range of interests which translates into an eclectic array of reading materials. Also I challenge myself to expand my reading horizons and not just stick with what I really like. My Arabic is terrific, lol. Actually the book, Arabic for Beginners is not a language book.

  9. Replies
    1. Hi Jeanie, you've read more books than I have to date. I'm impressed with you! :-)) Enjoy your Spring and your reading. As summer nears my reading will slow down a bit. I only have 35 books in my reading goal for the year. Once I've passed that, I may or may not add to it.

  10. Penny, thank you for sharing about these books that you have read recently. The one on style would be quite interesting and I'm sure the one on oxygen is quite good also.

    1. Hi Dianna, I just finished the style book which I quite enjoyed. It is beautifully presented, well organized and easy to follow. Sadly I must return it to the library. I haven't made much progress on the oxygen book but that will come soon.
      I hope you the weather is getting better where you are. The last two days here have been quite nice but I'm indoors trying to make a bunch of headway on little jobs here and there which all add up to a lot of time.

  11. I can see many that I would like to read.

    1. I'm so glad you got some reading ideas here. Happy reading!

  12. Amazing, you are such an avid reader and on so many topics!! My books lately are all different versions of the Bible and books on worship dance for studies I am in now!! I used to read on more topics, but so much changed in my life in recent years since meeting Jesus and just wanted to delve into knowing Him and HIs word..:) Oh, and I read a Challah making book!! When I get back to widening my reading, which I do hope to do so, I know where to come for recommendations!!! ♡

    1. Hello Shayndel, you reminded me that I didn't post my Bible study helps books here. I excluded them because I don't read them from front to back but intermittently as needed. I do know what you mean about going through seasons of not being widely read. That is one of the reasons I set reading goals. It keeps me moving forward and reading more broadly even if I only read a few books a year it helps me to have a target.

  13. My most favorite author is Paul Coelho and a few others whose books were best sellers and movies were made from the book...but I always love the book better because they leave so much out of the book in the movies!

    1. Hi Elizabeth, I've read several books for your favourite author. I think the one I enjoyed best was The Alchemist. You are right about the books generally being better than movies based on books.

  14. Nice book tips. I just loved 'Before we were yours' - highly recommended. I'm reading The Essex Serpent - also a fabulous read.

    1. Thanks Lady Fi! I've checked out both books on line and have added them to my 'want to read' pile. I'm especially interested in The Essex Serpent but both of them sound very interesting.

  15. Nice mix of books - Much Ado About Murder is an interesting title. Sounds like a cozy which is what I like. The animal conservation is really an urgant need; I'll have to check into it too.

    1. Thanks Carol. I think you will enjoy both of those books. The Murder mystery is a cosy one.

  16. Some great titles you have shared with us, thank you!
    That oxygen breathing one I have heard of and it sounds interesting. Thank you for the little video.
    A friend suggested the oxygen healing for my balance disorder,I just may have to look into this.
    I enjoy reading Spiritual Growth books and can be slow at times. It takes me awhile to chew on things. :-)

    Bless you~


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