Friday, September 11, 2009

Purls of Love

Children are important to God.

I love children but I've never had any of my own. I guess this means I have more love to share with children everywhere.

I always thought I'd have children but it was never the right time so it never happened. Recent events and surgeries now make it impossible from a human perspective for me to have children. For awhile it made me sad, but it didn't take too long to realize that this isn't a hardship. I can love the children that God created. There are so many that need our love and care. There are so many needy children in the world who need our love. Many of them are right here in North America, but there are also countless others across the waters, in places like India, Asia & Africa.

God has given me a burden for the children of Africa. He gave me this burden when I was a young child who had yet to see much beyond the backyard. From as long as I can remember I've had a heart for these children and I could only dream of far distant places like Africa. Back then I wanted to be a missionary and after years of the dream lying seemingly dormant, it seems God is now granting me this wish. Perhaps now it is God's timing for the vision to be fulfilled. I am ready to do as He asks.

[Children of Kericho, Kenya]

My specific leading has been a great burden to help orphans and widows in Kericho, Kenya. I'm privileged to be a part of what they are trying to do in a number of small ways, one of which I would like to tell you about now. Before I do that I want to share what a fellow blogger, Tom Davis had to share about why orphans are important to God. He puts it far better than I could ever hope to do.

  1. God calls Himself the Father of the fatherless.
  • Psalm 68:5, “A father of the fatherless and a judge for the widows, is God in His holy habitation.”

  1. God considers spiritual service the purest when His people are taking care of orphans. (and) A religion that does not care for orphans is no religion at all.
  • James 1:27, “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress.”

  1. God’s people are commanded to care for orphans. To see an orphan afflicted, and to turn a deaf ear, is sin, even rebellion.
  • Exodus 22:22, “You shall not afflict any widow or orphan.”
  • Isaiah 1:17, “Learn to do good; seek justice, reprove the ruthless, Defend the orphan, plead for the widow.”
  • Isaiah 1:23, “Your rulers are rebellious, and companions of thieves; everyone loves bribes, and follows after rewards. They do not defend the fatherless.”

  1. We can be the hands and love of Christ Himself by providing practical care.
  • Deuteronomy 10:18, “He executes justice for the orphan and the widow, and shows His love for the alien by giving him food and clothing.”
  • Psalm 10:14, “But You, O God, do see trouble and grief; you consider it to take it in hand. The victim commits himself to You; You are the helper of the fatherless.”
  • Matthew 18:5, “Whoever receives a child in My name, receives Me.”
  • Matthew 25: 45, “Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did it to one of the least of these, you did it unto Me.”

  1. Orphans are to be taken care of with the same honor and provision as a Pastor or Priest.
  • Deuteronomy 14:28-30, “The Levite (priest), because he has not portion or inheritance among you, and the alien, the orphan and the widow who are in your town, shall come and eat and be satisfied, in order that the Lord your God may bless you in all the work of your hand which you do.”

  1. A portion of all that we possess is sacred and belongs to the orphan.
  • Deuteronomy 26:12-14, “You shall say before the Lord your God, ‘I have removed the sacred portion from my house, and also have given it to the Levite and the alien, the orphan and the widow, according to all Your commandments which You have commanded me; I have not transgressed or forgotten any of Your commandments.”

One of my contributions, is to try to raise awareness of the work and the needs in the village. Consequently, I have developed a modest web site and a weblog for the work of Missions of Hope. See the website here and the weblog here

Pastor Jonah of Kericho provides the photos and updates and I do the design, editing and uploading. We would love to have you visit the Missions of Hope and see how you might also be inspired to help. Now let me tell you about an exciting small project I've begun to help the villagers. It is so delightful how this project came together.

It is a small knitting project to make sweaters, hats and scarves for the orphan children & small village of Kericho, Kenya. The children own very little in the way of clothing and bedding. Often they must sleep on the hard floor with no covers. I thought how wonderful if we could provide a small comfort to them to keep them warm and let them know that someone cares.

The other day I put the idea to a friend of mine in Missouri if she would be interested in making some hand knit sweaters for the children. She said "yes"! I offered to purchase some yarn for her and to send what I could by mail. The very next day (yesterday) I found a wonderful bargain on wool so I snapped up a number of skeins.

Here are some lovely pastel colours

Here are some lovely black and gray shades

Here are the ever faithful natural colours

And here are some white skeins for accent pieces.

I am so pleased with what I found. In Kenya in the village, it is best to have darker or neutral colours that won't show dirt so quickly so these colours are just right. I also have some baby blues, pinks and yellows to begin crocheting some small blankets.

Maybe you have some talents and skills you could share with the children and women? Things like quilt making or making small clothes for the children. Perhaps you would like to donate Bibles, or books, or perhaps you are travelling to Kenya and want to donate something directly? If you are feeling inspired or motivated, please let me know.

In closing friends, let me say that I won't be posting for awhile now as I will be travelling and won't have that much time to access the computer. In the meantime, I pray you will pray and consider if you can help. Please drop me a comment or an email if you want to help out and let me know where I can reach you back!

Take care now til we meet again dear reader. Big hugs


Liivia said...

Thank you for your comments in my blog! I'm very glad this Kenya project.
My english is so bad...sorry.

Unknown said...

What a mission! What a story! You're a true pearl Joyful, and you inspire us all who read you here!

I am not a knitter, but I would be glad to help in other ways. Let me know if I can send some music? Or can I just post some warm wooly things to you?

I'll miss your blogging, and encouraging commentary over my way, but I am so glad you're marching along the narrow path of righteousness - we all applaud you.

All my love,

Shell xx

Joyful said...

Liivia, thank you for dropping by. Your English is better than my Finnish :-) God bless xo

Joyful said...

Shell, thank you so much for dropping by and leaving me an encouraging word.

I'm not a knitter either but a crocheter. I am now inspired to take up knitting and to do some small quilting projects as I can sew a little.

Your offer is so touching. I would gladly say send your lovely music but most of the villagers do not have any technology, running water, lights or anything able to let them listen to music, other than perhaps a small radio if they are blessed.

Warm woolies would be delightful. You can post them directly to Kenya as follows:

Pastor Jonah Kipkorir
PO Box 123
East Africa

Love you, Shell xo

Sarah said...

I would love to knit a few things and send them away! I cat knit but im going to learn. Thank you for inspire me. Iv got a few weeks to go before we are joined with a new addition to the family. Sounds like something to keep my anitety away.

Sarah xx

My Castle in Spain said...

Dearest Joyful
what an inspiring and touching post.
i wrote down the address of Pastor Jonah and will be very happy to contribute a few things around Xmas.

i also want to give you a big thank you for all your lovely words of support and sharing your own experience.
Have a safe travel dear friend !
A big hug to you

Joyful said...

Sarah, you're amazing! I'm so glad you will learn to knit and make some woolies. Please, if you are able to finish some before the new baby comes, just send them on to Pastor Jonah at the address in my comment post above. God bless you and I pray for your new bundle of joy to be delivered safely and healthily.

Joyful said...

Lala dear, it was a joy to hear from you on my blog :-) Am so happy to hear you will send something near Christmas. That will be so exciting for the villagers to receive something from Spain and also from my Aussie friends. You gals all have big hearts. Sending you big hugs xxx

the happy sparrow said...

Joyful, it is so wonderful to read about your love for children the world over and especially for those who are orphans. I was only reading tonight a bible bedtime story to Noah about how much Jesus loves children...How precious they are and how they need others to love and care for them. God's blessings to you in your travels, Love Martine

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