Monday, February 7, 2011

Blue Monday: February 7, 2011 ~ The Pigeons Were Talking To Me

Today the pigeons were talking to me. Why they chose today of all days, I don't know but they wanted their message heard so here it is.

First I was out for a walk on a beautiful sunny day here today. I had to get some veggies, fruits and milk but before that I needed some sustenance.

On my way to the local diner, I decided that the pigeons made a pretty sight sitting in various formations on the telephone poles.

I took several photos against the beautiful blue sky.

Snap, snap, snap ...

Each time I took a new photo, the birds had made yet another formation.

They move around so fast.

I'm wondering what they are chirping about up there.

Do they watch us like we watch them?

Do they look for dropped food perhaps?

So they can swoop down and pick up the crumbs?

For all the pigeons I've seen over the years, I realize I know so little about them.

So I read more about them here

I even learned that there is a group called  People for the Preservation of Pigeons who are dedicated to the protection of the oldest domestic bird, the "gentle and loyal pigeon".

I think most people have seen pigeons because they are distributed all over the earth, except in the driest parts of the Sahara, Antarctica and the high Arctic.

This last photo is my favourite one of the day.

What the pigeons seem to want to tell me and you is that they are not so bad. They brighten our days like they did mine today and they are gentle birds. They give a sense of joie de vivre (joy of living) to the cities when you walk about or sit at a sidewalk cafe and enjoy your cafe au lait.  They were even instrumental in transmitting war time messages.

I guess I've always been of two minds about the pigeons myself.   I love to watch them but sometimes I just feel there are too many splattering up the sidewalks and awnings in the apartment buildings.  But they do bring joy to so many people and there are even those who raise and train them. The most high profile one I know of is Mike Tyson, the champion boxer. I've always been fascinated that he would raise pigeons as a hobby.

What are your thoughts on pigeons?

Addendum:  I just thought of something. If I asked instead whether you like doves, would that change your answer? In fact, doves are related to pigeons. I believe they are a smaller form of pigeon and they are mostly white (maybe always white, lol). Most people see the dove as a nice bird representing purity, peace, the Holy Spirit, etc. and have no problem using doves in a wedding setting.  Makes you think about it a little more ;-)

Happy Blue Monday!
Join Smiling Sally and the others here.


SmilingSally said...

Ooo, I cannot STAND pigeons! Thanks for sharing your blue sky pictures.

Happy Blue Monday.

Joyful said...

LOL, you were pretty emphatic Sally. Why do you detest the pigeon so?

Chubskulit Rose said...

Fun post, I love the line "pick up the crumbs" lol.

My Blue Monday Post, please come by anytime.

Joyful said...

Thank you for dropping by chubskulit. I'm glad you enjoyed my post ;-) I'll definitely stop by yours.

Regina said...

They may be doing just that! When I feed our pig out back, they wait above in the trees and swoop down for the grain. They also compete for our outside cat's food on the porch with the other birds! I like you, get irritated by the droppings but feel the same. That is just one sound- the cooing that takes me clear back to my childhood!! These are beautiful captures and what a day!
Hey, thanks for your comment..I tried to be careful and leave good links to formulate the post..but I appreciate that- I was kind of figuring many wouldn't want to respond? At some point, we won't be able to avoid it I think..

Joyful said...

Hey Regina, thanks for stopping by and sharing about your "pigeon experiences". You and I seem to think alike about a number of things. I'm wondering if that is the spirit within us or just that we are two like minded creatures, lol. I tried to be careful in my remarks on your post. I figured people won't want to get into the topic too deeply but I didn't want to leave you hanging out there ;-)

Chubskulit Rose said...

Hi Joy, putting link on the comment is easy through the html code..

Joyful said...

Thanks! I'll try to figure that out.

The Professor's Wife said...

I love pigeons! When my husband used to live in the concrete jungle of Dallas, TX, I came to love them because there was so little wildlife. I always tell my husband that they are "Rock Doves"

Joyful said...

The Professor's Wife, that is such a great comment. When we live in a concrete jungle we learn to appreciate whatever natural beauty that may be around us. I'm glad you love pigeons ;-)

Diane said...

We used to have a pigeon house and the pair we bought just multiplied so fast!!! The problem is they make such a mess. They are fine in small numbers.
I get very cross with the doves. I try to feed our small birds that are struggling to find food in winter, but the doves come by the dozen and just flatten everything in seconds, the starlings do the same if they get there before the doves. I need to find a feeder that the small birds can get into but not the bigger birds!! Diane

Joyful said...

Thanks for sharing your experience Diane. I guess the birds are just like rabbits in terms of multiplying so fast. I wish they really wouldn't but I guess God did it for a reason...just don't know what it is, lol. By the way, what is a "pigeon house"?

affectioknit said...

Lovely birds on a wire!

Joyful said...

Thanks Affectioknit!

Joyful said...

Thanks for the link Diane. My those pigeon houses are expensive!

Jan said...

I don't recall seeing many pigeons, not around here at all.
We have a painting of pigeons Barry's father raced back around 1940 and there has been a lot of angst in his family about who should have the painting, even though one of the pigeons is named "Bonny Barry".

Joyful said...

Oh wow Jan, you have a pigeon racer in the family. I don't know about you but it sounds to me like the painting has Barry's name written all over it ;-)

Joyful said...

I love pigeons! When my husband used to live in the concrete jungle of Dallas, TX, I came to love them because there was so little wildlife. I always tell my husband that they are "Rock Doves"

Joyful said...

Thanks for the link Diane. My those pigeon houses are expensive!

Joyful said...

Take a look at for pigeon House. Diane

Joyful said...

Thanks! I'll try to figure that out.

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