Saturday, June 11, 2011

Meeting Kigen in Eldoret

I want to thank RonJoe Geezer for deciding to follow my blog and to welcome you.

It is so far from Canada to northern Kenya in Pokot country where little Kigen lives. Some of you may remember him. He is the little boy that my friend Jonah and I have been assisting on medical mercy mission. He and his siblings have some kind of hereditary condition which has been affecting their skin, causing open lesions on the head and face, and affecting their eyesight. Kigen himself has been unable to see anything as both of his eyes have been closed tightly and are unable to open on their own.

Signage on the last leg of our trip into Eldoret from Nakuru.

After learning of Kigen's condition after Jonah's food relief effort to the Pokot people, I helped organize costs for transporting the mother, Paulina,  and two of her three children to seek medical treatment at the Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital in El Doret, Kenya. They have now been there for over three months and while the children have been looked after there, we did not feel that the hospital was doing much to get  Kigen the surgery we felt he needed or to discharge him.

After over two months of waiting and no significant improvement with little Kigen we decided we must transport him and his family members home. We made  two unsuccessful attempts to get the children released from hospital and return this family to Pokot country.  On our second attempt we were told the hospital wanted a few more days to consider the boy's treatment.

Ultimately the doctors decided to go ahead with surgery for little Kigen. We were very happy and the mother was extremely excited.  We all had hope that little Kigen would at last get some real help after months of waiting and wondering.  Little Kigen did indeed have his surgery in one eye approximately one and a half weeks ago and he is now healing. We haven't seen him since the day after surgery to see how he is recovering but hope to do so soon and see what we can learn.

I did have the thrill of meeting this small family the day after surgery. Little Kigen was a bit fearful of me initially as he couldn't see who this stranger was that was talking to him, let alone understand her. Before I left however, he was casually leaning over the bed where I was sitting and inclining his head toward me which indicated to me that he was very comfortable.  The mother was very happy for my visit and smiling the entire time. She and I did try to communicate with each other in our respective languages even though neither of us understood one another.  Fortunately, a woman named Judy who was visiting her daughter Stella (see in the photo below) was able to do a bit of translation for us.

Here we are approaching the Moi Hospital in Eldoret.
This is mother Paulina and the two children who are with her at hospital. Kigen is on the far right. The bandaged eye is the one that was operated on. Paulina is holding a Granny Smith apple I brought and her little one is holding a mandarin orange I brought. I thought these two fruits are likely things they do not get a chance to see much of where they are living.

Mama Judy and her daughter Stella who is battling cancer. Please pray for Stella's healing and strength for her mother.

Hotel Comfy where I lodged. The room is great but the food is not so good.
Street scene outside my hotel room in Eldoret.
We do not know when the doctor's might release little Kigen from the hospital. We just pray that he will continue to grow in strength and that his eye will completely heal. Just imagine what a wonderful future he will have if he can see out of a least one eye.  Imagine too the hope that a healed eye and new sight, will bring to his entire family. They endure such hardship where they live and any positive thing can greatly enhance their state of well being.

We thank you for standing with us in prayer for little Kigen's medical needs and for his family in general. We continue to rely on God for the financial assistance to cover the medical costs, the on going travel needs of the over seers here in Kenya, and for transportation costs for the return trip home for this little family. If you can assist in prayer please do.  If you can give financial support for the needs still before us you may do so at the donate button located at the top right of the screen. God bless you!

Scenic Sunday
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OneStonedCrow said...

Great to hear from you again Penny - and also your commendable efforts to ease the suffering of Kigen and his family ... I hope that the operation will have a positive outcome ...

Diane said...

So pleased to hear that Kigen appears to be doing well.  You must be really pleased after putting so much effort into it all. Diane

Jo Hedges said...

Hi Penny, bless you and Jonah for all you're doing for little Kigen and his family. I continue to pray for his healing and also pray for Stekka abd ger mother . Bless you dear heart, Jo

Al said...

My prayers will head their way.

Lonicera said...

I realised as I was reading that you have been back in Kenya!  What good news that Kigen has had the operation on one eye.  Will they operate on the other one too?
You're doing a grand job there Joyful.

Kericho120 said...

 Hello Caroline, as far as I know there are no plans to operate on Kigen's other eye. Before the surgery the doctors had determined that Kigen could see out of one eye (behind the closure) and so they operated on one eye. I guess things could change but that is how things stand at present. Thank you for your encouragement.

Kericho120 said...

Wonderful! Thank you, Al.

Kericho120 said...

Thank you for the encouragement, well wishes and prayers Jo. There are so many in need of healing. God bless. you my friend.

Kericho120 said...

Hi Diane, yes we are pleased that at least Kigen was able to have surgery. Now we wait to hear more about his progress and healing so he can return home.

Kericho120 said...

Amen to that Graham! We too pray for a positive outcome.

Innergybeauty said...

God bless your kind heart. You will have my prayers for them..Kind hearted person like you is very rare. Keep it up! Your reward awaits for you in heaven. God bless your heart's desire in helping the needy..

EG Wow said...

How wonderful that Kigen has been operated on. O bet he can hardly wait for his eye to heal!

OtienoHongo said...

I wish him a quick recovery. Also to let you know that I was able to reach Jonah on the number you provided last month...

Andymichelle Vik said...

Glad to hear they finally operated on Kigen!

Fbrannen2001 said...

I prayed for Kigen today.  And for you and all those whom you are helping in Jesus' name.  As a former missionary & resident of Nairobi we continue to support all efforts to reach the people with the Love of Christ.

Sammy Lishamba said...

Thanks alot for your kindness, God bless u, God bless kigen. said...

hi, I have patenschaft compassion solai girl 12 years old....please write
thank you :-)

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