Thursday, June 28, 2012

Have Slices? Will Bag!

I want to say a big thank you to all of my new followers. You are all appreciated. I hope you will not just pass by once but come again and come often. It would be great too if you leave comments or check out some of my older posts.  If you see any problems like photos that aren't where they should be, let me know so I can "fix" it.

I promise, I'll be by to visit you soon.  If I take the time to read your posts, I will also take the time to comment.


And day by day, attending the temple together and breaking bread in their homes, they received their food with glad and generous hearts.

Acts 2:46

I have a meat slicer which I inherited from my mother last year and I've never used it.  I was wondering if it would do the job of slicing the bread I made on Monday (see post here).

I brought it down from the upper cabinet, washed it up and used it. It took me awhile to remember that you need to hold down two buttons at once and move the bread at the same time. The slicing was no problem, once I got the hang of it.

I'm rather pleased with the results.  The 4 loaves of bread will last all month.

I was able to get 17 slices out of the larger loaves, and 12 slices out of the smaller loaves. I froze the two larger loaves and kept the smaller loaf out for use. The 4th loaf has been sliced with a knife on an as needed basis. I'm guessing that slicing the bread with the slicer makes more slices so the loaf of bread would last longer. But I can't compare the two methods since I didn't count the slices from the loaf I am slicing manually.  In any case, I far prefer the machine slicing method! The loaf at the top of the photo (below) was already in the freezer when I decided it needed a photo opportunity, lol.

The bread crumbs will be dried and added to my bread crumb "bag".

In other news, I haven't been very good about tending to my garden because we are getting enough rain to keep it nicely water.  The garden is giving me pleasure with it's brightly coloured flowers and nice shades of green leaves.  The herbs grow far too fast for me to use them all.  The very tall plant to the lower right of the bird bath is parsley. I didn't know it could grow so tall!

The bird bath needs to be cleaned every now and then as all the blossoms from the tree above it get in the water.  But the little birds love to come and splash on a sunny day. You can see there are a few clouds in the sky but overall the day was bright and hot. It's back to rain on Friday. It saves me from watering the plants.

Submission for SkyWatch Friday. Please check in there and see submissions from around the world.


Diane said...

I have a hand meat and bread slicer it is fantastic, I love it. Diane

noone said...

nice garden, haha with mine instead of herbs grow too fast it's the weeds grow too fast!!

Joanne Noragon said...

Lovely bread slicer. Years and years ago, when I baked bread for the family, I wished I had a "bakery issue" bread slicer. We did have a three sided wooden box with opposing slots about the size of your slices. Put in a loaf, used a bread knife and work down the loaf to slice it all. That was the kid's job. Then, bag the loaf and send it home.

Denise said...

I bet you get alot of use out of that my friend.

Sr Crystal Mary Lindsey said...

There is NOTHING like home made bread. And the slicer has made it perfect. Love your garden... just as the birds do. You are blessed. xxx Crystal

Jo said...

Ah Penny, now I'm really drooling. I'm running out of my brown bread (which I buy in Mwanza) and will HAVE to bake my own soon. I love that you keep the crumbs too, so thrift. And your garden is PRETTY! Well done my friend. Have a great weekend. (((Hugs))) Jo

eileeninmd said...

You have a lovely garden, the must must love your yard. Great shots. Have a happy weekend.

LindyLouMac said...

No sign of rain here!

momto8 said...

your garden looks beautiful! bet it is fun to watch the birds!
and the bread looks soooo yummy!

Unknown said...

Beautiful flowers and delicious bread-what more is there? Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

ashok said...

lovely garden...i wish i had one like that :)

Seraphinas Phantasie said...

The view into the garden is wonderful !

Dianne said...

I always find machine sliced bread gives more slices to the loaf but sometimes its nice to cut off a thick chunk.

Mina Joshi said...

You have been busy with baking and gardening!! We have had so much rain in UK that everything is growing faster than I can manage. I need a Gardner now I think.

thomas said...

nice flowering garden here

The Professor's Wife said...

Your garden is so pretty! I love potted gardens! Glad you found a good way to cut bread- I have never been good at it!

Brenda Green said...

Dear Friend,
The loaf cutter did a great job. I can't believe that you got 17 big slices out of that bread. Good job. It looks like that will be a valuable tool. Your garden is coming along great! Keep up the good work. I'm glad that the rain is doing a lot of the work for you. me

Unknown said...

making bread I've never gotten to:) but a slicer would be really handy! Glad you mentioned the followers, I thought I was one, but I wasn't! So here I'm one now, lol!

Julia Bentley said...

Look at you being crafty!! lol :) Looks good!!

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