Monday, June 25, 2012

Monday Morning Mush

Hello friends,

I've started a new (to me) method of cooking my oatmeal. The night before I soak my rolled oats in a container of water.  In the morning I drain the oats in a seive and rinse the starch.  I add the rolled oats to a small pot with enough water to cover the oats, and perhaps an inch more.  Once the water and oats are brought to a boil, I add nuts, berries (fresh, or dried) or raisins.

This morning I added a handful of goji berries (high in vitamins, minerals and amino acids) and a teaspoon or two of cinnamon (high source of manganese, fibre, calcium and iron and good for arthritis and diabetes).  After the mixture has boiled and has cooked enough for me (I like it before it congeals too much), I add a few tablespoons of ground flaxseeds which are a good source of soluble fibre and Omega 3 fatty acid (good for inflammation, diabetes, cholesterol, etc.).

If the taste is not quite sweet enough I might add a teaspoon or two of brown sugar or some milk. Today I ate it with added sugar but no milk.

It's good!

Let me know how you like your mush. Do you soak your oats first?

I think in Africa they soak the grains because every time I've eaten millet the consistency is a bit like my porridge. Soaking the grains is supposed to reduce the phytic acid in the grain so you can more easily digest it and so that your body can better absorb the nutrients. I'm also going to bake my multi-grain bread today, and for the first time I have soaked the flour first. I will be soaking it overnight and make the bread in the morning.

Some web information says you must add acid (like lemon juice, kefir or yogurt) to the soaking solution and others say just add water. I'm just adding water to my oatmeal (and my multi-grain flour). I must say it has improved the taste and texture of my oatmeal.


EG CameraGirl said...

I love oatmeal in the morning but I have never soaked it first. I add a few raisins - not very many - to sweeten it and also a few walnuts. YUM!

Joyful said...

I have often added raisins or cranberries and nuts (sunflower or almond) to my oats without soaking. Since I've started soaking the oats, I like the test and texture a lot more!

Heidrun Khokhar, KleinsteMotte said...

I like to eat them as they are uncooked and nutty tasting, sometimes with some banana for sweetness or berries if I want it tart or apple for crunch. I eat nuts later in the day for a snack. And we use very little added sugar in things.

Joyful said...

I'm glad you enjoy your oats and nuts! Good for you that you only use a little sugar.

Brenda Green said...

Dear friend,
Very interesting. I have some fresh strawberries, maybe I will try soaking. I do prfer soft oatmeal rather then taste all the different oats. You go girl!!

Susan said...

I make my oatmeal with whole milk. Then I add 1 teaspoon of butter, a sprinkle of cinnamon and 7 whole pecans. Delish!

Thanks so much for your visit to my blog today. Love having you stop by. Susan

Joyful said...

Wonderful Susan. I added a bit of butter this day since I didn't use milk and wasting expecting to get much fat in the diet today.

Joyful said...

Hi my friend, I'm sure you will love having oatmeal after it is soaked. The fresh strawberries will be so delicious with it too.

Denise said...

I have to try this, will be good for my diabetes.

Joyful said...

That's wonderful Denise. I really hope it helps you with your diabetes too.

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