Wednesday, June 6, 2012

My Visit to Chinatown

I had a quick visit to Chinatown today.  I'm afraid I had a number of errands to do there and was trying to hurry myself along so I could get to a movie.

A long view west on Pender Street in Chinatown. You can see the historic old buildings in the foreground and the Millenium Gate in about the middle of the photo (above the red car).
The way the the one tourist is dressed with a winter hat you would think it was cold out today.   I think she was wearing it to protect herself from rains which really turned out to be almost negligible. I found it rather humid today and was too hot in my thin jacket.

The first thing I did when I got to Chinatown was have a wonderful but short session of foot reflexology.  I haven't had one of these for at least 12 years or more. I enjoyed it a lot but it was too short and so I've got to return and get a full treatment. After the session, my feet felt so much better for about half an hour. I may decide to go every so often and treat my feet well since I have more problems with them than most people. Anyway, enough of that.  My main reason in going to Chinatown was to get some medicines and after many stops at different stores, I came away with a month's supply of the main medicine I want and need. The other one, I'm not so sure about, so I only bought one bottle.  Altogether I only spent $10. and that is the best bargain I've had in awhile.

Here is a slightly better view of Millenium Gate. The movie theatre is just past it to the left. I was in so much of a hurry due to being late that I didn't stop to take good photos.

I also wanted some new plastic basins, one for having an epsom salt foot bath now and then, and one for doing dishes or light hand washing. I managed to find them but at a different store from the one I planned to shop at since it is now.  Yet another casualty of the poor economy.

I bought two basins like the green one in this photo. The other one is yellow.

After this purchase I hurried off to walk to the movie theatre about 5 blocks away. Along the way I stopped to buy a wiener bun and egg tart at the Chinese bakery.

I stopped again at a wonderful little shop where I found all kinds of Chinese lanterns and fans and lovely chopstick sets, etc. I quickly selected a few different fans, some for my mother and some for me. I chatted up the store owner and told her what a lovely shop she has. Funny I'd never been in it before but have passed it by many times over the years. Now that I know what a treasure trove it is, I will certainly visit again.  I'd like to get a few colourful, paper lanterns to hang in my home.  This cute little shop sells the paper lanterns at half the price of a store further up the street from where I live.  I'm always looking for a bargain!

I managed to get to the movie,"The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel", but I was a bit late. Missing the first part didn't take away from the enjoyment of the second part. The movie stars Dame Judi Dench, Tom Wilkinson, Maggie Smith and a host of other great actors. It is about a group of British retirees who travel to take up residence at what they believe is a newly restored hotel in India only to find out otherwise. It is quite lovely and charming in unexpected ways. I recommend seeing it if you can although I believe it will appeal to the older set more than to the younger generation.  When I mentioned this movie to my nephew's girlfriend yesterday, she said she thought it would be a good one for her grandparents who are nearly 90 years old!. I'm not nearly that old but I still enjoyed it.

If you'd like to see more of what other were up to on Tuesday, please visit Our World Tuesday. If you missed my post about missions needs please read here.  Thank you for visiting.


Irene said...

oh i remember I have those fans before :)

OneStonedCrow said...

Hehe Penny - the tourist wearing he had is probably from Africa ... I'd probably be all bundled up in warm clothes too - even if you thought it was humid ... :)

... I hope you get to visit Chinatown again and take more pics ...

Kay L. Davies said...

Love the photos, Penny. One of those historic buildings is the old Sun Tower, where I worked in 1965, before we all moved (The Sun, and The Province) to 5th and Granville. Now the "new building" at 5th and Granville is gone, and the newspaper business has managed to shrink to 1/10th of its former size.
I really want to see that movie. My husband will want to wait until it is on TV.

Beth Zimmerman said...

Every time I see an ad for that movie I think I would like it. I'm not nearly my 90s either! I'm sure Chinatown is lovely and interesting but I'm not sure I could stand the crowds!

Denise said...

Enjoyed this post my friend.

Joyful said...

Aren't they great?!

Joyful said...

I'm sure you would be Graham. I know when people are from hot countries, it takes awhile to acclimate. I will be visiting Chinatown again and hopefully have a chance to take some neat photos.

Joyful said...

I know of the old Sun Tower Kay but I didn't know you worked there. I also remember the "new" building at 5th and Granville which is now long gone. I guess the internet has meant huge changes for the newspaper business. I hope your husband doesn't wait for the movie to be on TV. Perhaps he will surprise you ;-)

Joyful said...

Hi Beth, it wasn't terribly busy in Chinatown. It isn't wall to wall people except on hot summer days so you would be fine. These days many people have abandoned Chinatown for a newer Chinatown in the suburbs but I prefer the old one. I hope you get a chance to see the movie and I hope you leg is healing well.

Joyful said...

I'm glad, Denise. Love you. Love Coco too!

Vores have said...

Hello Joyful. Great pictures you show. Wishing you a good Thursday. Hugs Hanne Bente

Sr Crystal Mary Lindsey said...

Sounds like you had a productive visit.. Thats for taking us with you. I love fans and Chinese lanterns. Epsom salts foot bath.. very good for you. Epsom salts is mainly known as magnesium now and I take them every day for good circulation health. xx

Joyful said...

Thank you, Hanne. I hope you are enjoying your week ;-)

Joyful said...

I did have a productive visit. Thanks for joining me. Epsom salt foot bath also makes one's feet feel relief after a good soak. Now that I have a good tub I can have one more often. Have a wonderful weekend.

Heidrun Khokhar, KleinsteMotte said...

China town in Toronto is huge. In fact we have entire mall now, one being Pacific Mall. It amuses me to see huge bus loads of Chinese tourists coming to tour the places. We all seem to have the need to be amongst the familiar. Glad you had a good time.

momto8 said...

fun and interesting to see new places isn't it?! good for you...sounds like a good time!

Carver said...

I enjoyed this look at Chinatown through your camera. Great shots.

alicesg said...

Nice to see photos of chinatown in your country. Thanks for sharing.

Brenda Green said...

Dear Friend,
The pictures are worth a thousand words, the pictures give us your readers a real feel for where you go, the second picture of the millenium gate turned out awesome! Your bowl looks pretty neat with the two handles and the fans are beautiful. thanks for sharing! me

Elisabeth said...

Hi Penny-thanks for sharing all the lovely photos of your beautiful garden and your gorgeous flowers. Love each and every one of them. I am pinning the pansies, and the geranium on Pinterest and linking it back to you!

Your China Town photos is awesome...sad to say, we don't have one here in our area in Palm Beach...not even in Miamai, that I can remember. The last one I've visited was in San Francisco, last November which was amazing!
Thanks for sharing, have a wonderful weekend:D

Joyful said...

Elizabeth, thanks so much for letting me know that you've pinned my flowers. I went back to check and I love your boards. Have a great weekend.

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