Saturday, January 26, 2013

Sky & Yarn

After weeks and weeks of rain, gray skies and even snow, the skies parted and shed a little light and colour. These sky photos were taken several days ago.

It started raining heavily again yesterday.  It was also cold and windy last night on my way home from a spa treatment. Rather than stop for coffee which I often do when I go out, I came directly home preferring to warm up in the comfort of my own home.

Today the temperature was quite warm. I even left my patio doors open for a long time and let in some much needed fresh air. I haven't done that for awhile!  I  remember well how (before) I never could go a day without letting in the fresh air. However, these days I can't handle the chill and mostly keep the doors and windows closed.

After being cooped up so much this month, I managed to make it to my knitting group tonight. It is a group of ladies that get together and chit chat and have tea while they work on knitting and crochet projects. I signed up long ago and finally made it for my first session today.  The ladies were very friendly and I hope to join up with them again soon.

The lime green project in the foreground is mine. I'm making a pair of matching dishcloths.  Since I've been using knitted dishcloths, I would find it hard to go back to using cloth ones. The other women around the table are working on baby blankets, fingerless gloves, a neck wrap/scarf, socks and toques (warm winter hat). If I'm around these ladies for awhile I will no doubt be inspired to create many things besides dishcloths...but I really like knitting dishcloths, lol. It is very relaxing and satisfying since you can see a finished, useful project in a short amount of time.

Tomorrow  I attend my writing group.

I hope you are all having a lovely weekend.

For more sky photos click here and join the fun!


Diane said...

Our skies have been grey and dismal for weeks now. We saw a glimmer of sun yesterday but it did not last very long!

The knitting group sounds like fun. I actually hate knitting but I love crochet.

Enjoy the change in the weather and keep warm Diane

Denise said...

Hello sweet friend, love you.

Pat said...

That sounds like fun---a knitting group! I learned how to knit when I was about 9 or 10, but I never pursued it. It does sound relaxing, both when one is alone or with others. And you're in a writing group, too! You fit lots of activities into your life, which is wonderful. My husband and I are involved in a lot of groups (Gideons, church leadership, the worship team (me - singing and Jerry - playing trombone), seniors group, Good News Club, Men's wood ministry (Jerry), Moonlight Swing Big Band (Jerry),...) and in the evenings he likes me to sit next to him as we watch TV shows he has recorded, so I don't have much extra time. But some day...perhaps I can have some hobbies other than blogging!

Joyful said...

Diane, it seems we are sharing a lot of dreary skies. It seems as if we haven't received as much sunshine this winter as we sometimes do...and that isn't usually much to begin with. The knitting group was fun and the ladies are all very friendly and chatty. It makes an nice outing. It is quite warm here at present so it is a dramatic switch. It's hard to say what weather we will have in a week though. I hope you are keeping warm, P

Joyful said...

Love you too Denise. Have a lovely weekend.

Joyful said...

It was fun, Pat! It sounds like you and Jerry are very, very busy with group activities. I find knitting is a nice, relaxing thing to do when I am sitting in front of the television at night. Have a wonderful weekend. P

Vores have said...

Hello Joyful
Lovely pictures you show. Although being able to relax inside in the heat.
The weather here is by switching from frost - to thaw ....... though!
Wish you a good Sunday :) Hugs Hanne Bente

Anonymous said...

To do something like knitting and truly enjoy it is so beneficial. I wish I could knit.. ha! ha!
Have a good week.

Saucy Siciliana said...

That is so nice to have a knitting group and writing group, good activities for the brain and to socialize. I belong to a literary group here in Sicily but they always meet at 8:30PM, and that's practically my bedtime. Moreover the club is in the center and I would have to take a bus to get there, but buses in Trapani stop running at 8:30! It's been raining here too, yesterday I didn't go out (also because on Sundays buses don't run in Trapani...can you believe that! They used to run on Sunday mornings only, now they even abolished that! Today I didn't go out either because it's so cloudy, cold and rainy.

Margaret said...

Warm weather?
This year in New England has been more typical of our normal Winters.
It is snowing outside again, and the stone walls look very beautiful.

Joyful said...

Yes, it is nice to relax indoors when it is cold outside. I hope you are enjoying your week my friend. Hugs. P

Joyful said...

Hi Pat, I only learned to knit later in life. I was more of a crocheter. Now I do both ;-) It's good to diversify, lol. Have a great week!

Joyful said...

Francesca, it's too bad you don't live here. There are just so many groups that it is hard to keep up with them all. I'm fortunate I have a few in my neighbourhood. If they are far away I don't get there even though we have good bus service. It is horrible not to have bus service on Sundays. I hope you are keeping dry and warm.

Joyful said...

Margaret, I'm glad you are enjoying the snow and I hope you are also keeping warm!

susan's photgraphs said...

Beautiful pictures - I love the soft colors of the sky. Just lovely. I really like the pictures of the knitting group too - with the yarn, teacup and busy hands - you captured so much with these shots.

Merlesworld said...

I must try knitted dishcloths do you use regular cotton.

Joyful said...

Thank you so much for your kind comments!

Susan said...

Ohhhh, glad you got out to your knitting group.Thanks so much for all your visits to my blog! Susan

Joyful said...

Thanks Susan for paying a return visit. I wish all bloggers would do the same. I enjoyed my knitting group and hope to make it again soon. Have a wonderful week!

Joyful said...

Hi Susan, I tried to visit your blog but there doesn't seem to be one :-( Please visit any time. I appreciate your time and comments. Have a wonderful week!

Joyful said...

Yes, do try, Merle and let me know how you make out. I use cotton yarn made by Bernat or Peaches & Creme though you probably have other brands where you live. It isn't the very thin cotton thread that you use to make doilies. Best wishes!

stardust said...

I like the tender color of the sky. As you belong to a writing group, I'm a member of a reading group. I’m recharging myself before my little granddaughter comes back on weekend. Have a nice week ahead.


clairz said...

There is nothing like a knitting group. I have belonged to groups in New Hampshire, eastern New Mexico, and now in Las Cruces. Women's groups are amazing; we share ideas, problems (in life and knitting), and offer support and inspiration. I am sure you will find the same. Since joining this latest group, I have been inspired to start knitting with more expensive (natural fiber) yarns, and to take the plunge to start knitting socks. My latest project involves adding beads to the yarn as I go along. I'll put a photo on my blog when I finish. I am sure you will have a lot of fun and companionship with your knitting group, Penny.

Joyful said...

Hello Yoko san, I love to read so I'm glad to know you love to read too. I hope you have a good rest before your granddaughter visits. Bye for now.

Joyful said...

Hi Clair, this is my first knitting group. Actually my 2nd one but the members of the 1st one seem to have been swallowed up by the 2nd group. I've only been twice altogether and I look forward to going more in future. I think it is a good way to staying motivated to knit and also motivated to try new things. I think when I go through most of my stash I will want to knit with more expensive fibres too. I look forward to trying socks one day!

Tina´s PicStory said...

wonderful piece of heaven! :)

Joyful said...

Thank you, tina ;-)

Anne Elisabeth - Gallery Xpremental said...

Lovely sky and colours. Did you know that knitting is one of the best relaxing and meditation tools we women have had through the centuries? Have a great week!

Joyful said...

I never thought of knitting as a relaxation and meditation tool but you are absolutely right! Thank you for visiting. x

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