Saturday, February 2, 2013

A Busy Week at Home

What I'm working on....

Using up my cotton yarn stash. Lots more to go. These always make great gifts and I go through a lot of them myself.
 What I'm reading.....

Winner of the Booker Prize, this book is an easy read.  Something I call "fluff" reading after the lengthy books I've recently finished and all the dates and details they included, this book is easy on the brain.

I picked this book up last year at a second hand shop. I am decluttering again and that means going through my books to get rid of what I won't read. this was going to go in the pile to give away but I started reading it instead and I'm enjoying it. When I read I try to keep track of new vocabulary in the open book with page marker. I learned to do this from Linda. Visit her blog by clicking the link to "Grandma's Letters" in the African Blog Love widget (sidebar).

What I'm decluttering...

Kitchen stuff in a big wicker basket.

Books!  I've still got a lot of books so I have plenty of reading material.

Bathroom products. These seem to accumulate so easily. It also seems they are a popular item for freecycling.

As you can see, I've been busy and making progress despite limited mobility. I've still got too much of a lot of things. I will get rid of more as I see what needs to go. I have found success in giving things away through my local chapter of Freecycle.

I hope you've all had a busy and productive, or fun week too.


Joanne Noragon said...

I love decluttering. And knitting those ubiquitous square wash cloths!

Sabine Gimm said...

Hi my dear,
a was busy today and cleaned the house and washed many clothes. Hope you have a nice weekend ♥

EG CameraGirl said...

Decluttering is such a great idea! I need to get back to doing that. Where does all that stuff come from?!

Denise said...

Great idea.

Vores have said...

Hello Joyful.
Great to relax with needlework. Wish you a good Sunday :) Hugs Hanne Bente

Joyful said...

Thank you all for your comments. I had a great time getting rid of clutter. Within 24 hours I had all my giveaways gone. That's fast! Good luck to all of you with your decluttering projects. xx

Heidrun Khokhar, KleinsteMotte said...

For me the past few weeks have been a bit of an issue with a sense of feeling unwell. Boh Buddy and I ended up on Biaxin for infections. We are mending but rather slowly!

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