Friday, February 15, 2013

Update ~ One More Day with Little Linet

Dear friends,

Thank you to those of you who sent your prayers and your donations for little Linet and her family. Your continued prayers for this family's needs are very much needed. (For the background story read here and here).

Since Little Linet has passed from this life, her body has been at the morgue in Nakuru. Funds sent to her family have been used to pay for her casket ($100) and for morgue fees ($60). The balance of funds has been used to help the family to defray food costs.

As is the custom they have had to host relatives and friends which also includes feeding them over these past six days.  Since Little Linet is from the Luo tribe she will be returned to Luo territory near Kisumu which is also the custom. But first her family will sit with her for one night at their family home near Nakuru.

This past week has been very hard on Little Linet's mother and father. We have tried to be supportive and bring them practical helps like food to help meet the needs of those that have come to show their last respects.

Please pray for this couple.  There are still many unmet needs and they are scheduled to depart for Kisumu with Little Linet's body on FridayWe are trusting in God with whom all things are possible.

Helping this little one move from this life to the next will be our Valentine's Day gift to her and her family. May God richly bless them and comfort them in this grievous time, and may He give them the joy and the hope that they will one day be reunited with their Little Linet. 

Update ~ Friday, February 15, 2013

Mama Linet and about 20 people left for the long journey to Kisumu. They've had to go by matatu (shared taxis which are the least expensive form of city or inter-city travel). When people in Kenya die they are generally laid to rest in their tribal homeland. Mama Linet and her husband are from the Luo area near Kisumu which is why they are headed there.  See map here.

Once they arrive they will have to build a temporary shelter, feed the mourners and undertake some cultural rites related to the burial. All of this is very costly for such poor people and we ask for your prayers for their every need to be met.

 We have helped them as best before they embarked on the journey.  There is still time to help them if you are moved to do so. We can send the funds by M-Pesa (mobile money transfer). This is an innovative form of transferring money within the country of Kenya, especially to rural places.

The matatu is being loaded for the journey (with Little Linet)  to her final resting place.

(Anyone who wishes to donate may do so by sending a Pay Pal donation to the email on my blog profile). 

Please continue to keep this family in your prayers.


Hayu Maselli said...

Good Morning Penny,

May God bless this couple. My thought and prayer for them.
Hoping that they could find all things are possible.
wishing you a happy Valentine Day and nice week
warmly hug

John's Island said...

Joyful, Your kindness to Little Linet touches my heart on this Valentine's Day. May God give strength to her family. Peace. John

Bossy Betty said...

Prayers going up!

Sr Crystal Mary Lindsey said...

The poor things, how sad and how hard. I will send some money for them. Much love Crystal

Joyful said...

Ayu, thank you for your thoughts and your prayers. I wish you a wonderful peaceful and loving week. Hugs. xx

Joyful said...

Thank you, John. It seems appropriate that we should sow our love for Little Linet and her family on this Valentine's Day. They surely do need our prayers for strength and help at this time. Blessings.

Joyful said...

Thank you so much, Bossy Betty. Prayer helps so much!

Joyful said...

Thank you so much Crystal Mary for your love and support. The family is of the Luo Tribe which has many cultural rituals which even Christians perform as best they can. It takes a lot of money which this family simply doesn't have. Your gift will help them at this most difficult time. God bless you for your kindness. xx

Denise said...

Saying prayers.

Joyful said...

Thank you dear! To God be the glory ;-)

Susan said...

I was so sad to read about little Linet, Joyful. May she rest forever safe and free from sorrow in the arms of our Lord.

You are a kind and loving person to draw attention to the plight of such a poor family.

I hope prayers by the hundreds will help them.

Thank you for all your sweet visits and comments to my blog, too. Susan

Joyful said...

Thank you dear Susan for your kind message. I know the prayers for Little Linet's family will help so much!

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