Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Le Château Frontenac

Quebec City, PQ
Wordless Wednesday here.


Susan Demeter said...

Beautiful historic city and a commanding fortress! Happy WW and thank for stopping by my blog earlier :)

Joy said...

I have a chateau for my Wordless Wednesday post today, too. Yours is bigger!

Joy's Book Blog

Margaret said...

I have been to Quebec many times, and stayed at the Chateau Frontenac. My husband has done historical reenactments on the Plains of Abraham.

affectioknit said...

Beautiful! You make me want to visit!

~Have a lovely day!

Kami Gimenez said...

So beautiful! When we were in language school we lived about 10 minutes from there. Such a gorgeous area! Elisabeth even took the trail from our park to the downtown old quebec area.
I've been praying for you and the transition time. Have a great time sight seeing!

Rosemary said...

You've taken a great picture of this iconic, regal building.

Gattina said...

Beautiful building ! Fortunately I don't have to clean all these windows :) !

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful photo. And, a beautiful city. Thanks for stopping by my blog.

Amanda said...

Lovely! What a great vantage point :)

Pat said...

This looks like it could be a castle in Austria or Germany or France! Lovely! I was in Quebec City in July of 1970, leading an American Youth Hostels bicycle tour. We bicycled from Quebec City about 20 or 30 miles north to a campground where we camped out. It was such a beautiful bicycle ride.

Joyful said...

Wonderful Pat! It's amazing how many foreigners have visited in Quebec City. This was my first visit and I'd love to spend some more time there.

Joyful said...

It's great to know you've visited and lived in my beautiful country, Kami. It is so nice around that area and I'm glad your family enjoyed it so much. I'm keeping you in prayer. Hugs. xx

Joyful said...

Wonderful! By all means, please do pay a visit. I think you will enjoy it very much.

Lynda said...

WOW!!! GORGEOUS & MAJESTIC!!! Thank you for posting it. I had never heard of it before.

Anonymous said...

What a stunning view!

Janice / Dancing with Sunflowers said...

What a wonderful chateau! Of course I knew Quebec was linguistically French, but I didn't realise it was so French in appearance.

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