Thursday, May 1, 2014

May is Here

May is here

May is here

Thank God May is here, lol.

The month of May has arrived and with it the beautiful warm temperatures and lovely skies.


I was supposed to go on brief holiday early next week but had to cancel.

If the lovely weather keeps up at least I won't feel deprived.

I hope you are all having a gorgeous start to your May.

Joining up with Skywatch Friday


Saucy Siciliana said...

Too bad you couldn-t go on your holiday Joyful. Enjoy the nice weather. Here in Sicily it is still a bit chilly although the sun is beginning to shine.

Diane said...

Sorry about the holiday but you can look forward to the next one :) May arrived here in very wet fashion but it looks like next week will be much better. Take care Diane

Joanne Noragon said...

And a happy May Day to you, too. Please send some warm weather in exchange for our rain.

Meredith said...

So glad your day was bright and sunny.

Joy said...

Happy May Day to you too Joyful and although I am most happy that you are having beautiful weather at last, I am sorry you had to miss out on your holiday! Keep smiling, blessings, Joy xo

Unknown said...

I am so happy for may, although we still have it pretty cold.

Roan said...

I'm sorry you will be missing your holidy, but hope the weather hold sout for you. Beautiful skies!

Grandma Barb's This and That said...

Don't you just love May and the whispy clouds in the blue sky after the long winter. Sorry you will have to miss your holiday.
Thanks for stopping by and your nice comment.

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

Beautiful photographs. said...

Loving your pictures of this past week,your baby sweater is going to be so pretty.I was doing the same thing with putting winter clothes away,trying to rid myself of clothes I don`t wear...well,I gave it up for now,have a beautiful weekend,Phyllis

Spare Parts and Pics said...

Beautiful snaps!

Arija said...

I wish . . . here we freeze with a temperature of 5C, rain and wind. Our autumn has so far been more like spring and suddenly it is winter and so much work to do outside.
Happy you are enjoying a lovely spring.

Cynthia said...

What beautiful blue skies! We had snow last Thursday and rain all week. That makes seeing the sun yesterday and today even more wonderful. Happy May!

eileeninmd said...

Happy May! Your skies are beautiful, lovely series!

Linda said...

Beautiful skies! Our spring has been very mixed.

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