Friday, November 21, 2014

Skywatching on Wednesday

Hi friends,

It's been busy around these parts. I'm sure you've all been very busy too, especially those of you preparing for Thanksgiving (USA) and Christmas (world).

This Christmas and in about a month's time, I will have a guest come and stay for a few days. I'm feeling the need to get cleaning and get organized though I probably won't really do much to get ready until the month begins. That is when I hope to put up the tree.  There have just been so many other things to do and the time has been flying by! I seem to say that time is "flying by" more and more. I wish it would slow down a bit.

Location: 5th Avenue & Burrard Street

This past month has been busy with lots of routine medical visits. Some are quarterly and some are annual but for some reason they all seemed to come along in the last month.  It's also a good time to try and plan ahead for extra medical costs like medical and dental and re-examine insurance plans to see how these help with the cost. That kind of thing. It takes time to do it all. One thing I haven't got to in ages is a dental visit. I haven't got a dentist anymore and keep putting off finding one. It is hard to find a good one who will work within the standard fees that are usually covered by the insurance company.  Also, my doctor reminded me last week that have two annual medical tests that I haven't done yet. I will have to find time for those.

It is not good to put things off and usually I don't but this year I just can't seem to squeeze enough hours out of a day.  We all have the same number of hours to work with. I'm always amazed at what some people manage to get done!  You have to have good time management skills and good health in order to get a lot done in the time you have.

You can see the beautiful blue in the sky in this photo.

Each week or alternate week, I manage to get together with at least one friend.  I have one friend who is especially good about scheduling regular get togethers so we get out often for a coffee and a chat or a to see a movie. This past week we went to see a movie about Professor Stephen Hawking called "The Theory of Everything".  It was based on a book written by his first wife. The movie was quite good as showed what a good sense of humour Professor Hawking has and it was also touching and inspiring at the same time. The movie is also about his first wife and what she had to deal with in taking care of her husband when they could not afford in home care giving help.  She was a woman of faith and I'm sure that helped her to carry on though that isn't the focus of the movie.  If you have a chance, go out and see the movie. It isn't about God as such but about Professor Hawking disease and how he managed a brilliant career in spite of it. One of the professor's quotes is, "While there is life, there is hope". That's a wonderful view of life for anyone.

On my way to the movie, I took a few moments to capture the sky in photos spread throughout this post. You can see we had a lovely day.  Even though it is the middle of November there are still leaves with glorious Fall colour on some trees. That day (Wednesday) the temperature had warmed up a lot and by 6 p.m., the usual Fall and Winter rains had started once again.

Enjoy the photos.

If you haven't already read my post about gearing up for Christmas in Kenya, you can read it here

I'd love to hear from you. 

I'm joining in with Skywatch Friday this week and Our World Tuesday
Have a wonderful week!


  1. Your trees still have handsome leaves.

  2. Hi Joyful, The movie sounds quite interesting. I did watch the trailer. If you enjoyed it, I probably will as well. Thanks for the recommendation. I enjoyed your tree photos ... the last one is especially nice ... looking up to the sky. Thank you for sharing your blog. Wishing you a wonderful weekend, John

  3. Yes time is flying by so fast! Fabulous photos of the trees and sky, so beautiful. I would like to see the film. My head feels so full at the moment and I'm recovering from a lingering flu which makes everything harder! Getting more done in the time we have always seems very elusive at the moment! Feeling weary and ready for a few weeks off work over Christmas! Glad your medical appointments are just routine ones. Keep well. Xx

  4. It is a crazy time of year and we could all use more time int the day. Glad you were able to get your appoints in and see that movie.
    Hugs to you,

  5. Thanks for visiting my sky. Love the colors in those trees. Glad you're getting out and taking time to visit with friends. That's important to do and we so often end up not doing it because we're all "so" busy! LOL! Enjoy the rest of the week.

  6. What a lovely tree!

  7. The movie sounds good. Great pics for the day :)

  8. Love the pretty trees.. It is good to get together with your friends..It is a busy time of the year. The movie sounds good, I like the quote.. Have a happy week!

  9. "Snap That" has been included in our Sites To See #416. Be assured that we hope this helps to point many new visitors in your direction.

  10. Greetings from Dubai! Really enjoyed going through your blog. Have a great week ahead! Will be back soon...


  11. I always have the feeling that time goes faster and faster toward the end of the year, but I try to slow down not to miss something important. The blue sky seen through the folds of orange laces is beautiful. I’d like to see “The theory of everything” when it is released in Japan. Thanks for the introduction and the trailer. Catch your breath and have a nice December.



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