Sunday, November 2, 2014

Nostalgia & Gratitude

Hi friends, It is Sunday night and I'm feeling a bit nostalgic. I was looking at old videos I had made. They are rather amateur but I would like to share some in the next few weeks.

This first video is probably the best video I made and also one of my first ones. The sound quality seems to be much better than some of the later ones I uploaded.

I hope you enjoy.  There is soothing music to go along with it the photos.  It is raining here today and far from the beautiful bright days you see in the video. Nonetheless I had a good day because I was able to sleep in, rest, catch up on computer work, connect by text with a number of friends, connect with my mom and help her out by prayer and advocacy.  I also got to make plans to meet two friends,  later this week; one who is from out of town.  I'm looking forward to seeing both of  them.  I also have a busy week of appointments, errands, phone calls and will be grateful to make it through the week intact and not too tired.

Graphic credit: 30 Days of Gratitude

Whenever I have a lot to do I try to plan out my days carefully. I plan out the time so that I can accomplish what is in my calendar at a steady pace rather than a hectic pace. It usually works out well.  I also try to work in rest periods, coffee or lunch stops and time to read a bit of whatever book I'm reading. This week I must return books and need to try and finish one of them which I started long ago. It's called Currency Wars by James Rickards. Very interesting but I can only digest a few pages at a time.  I recommend you catch the author on youtube if you don't want to read the book.

Much love to you all and thank you for stopping by to visit.  I send you all loving thoughts for a beautiful week ahead.


  1. Hectic does not work for me; slow and steady takes the day.

  2. Beautiful video! It is rainy and cool here today

  3. The video was beautiful, both images and music. Those are some interesting facts about some of the positive effects of gratitude. Maybe I didn't need that flu shot I got today -- just fifteen minutes of concentration on gratitude a day should do the job!

  4. Hi Joyful, I’ve just been sitting here for a few minutes thinking about what to say in my comments after watching your video. You have an uncanny ability to make the ordinary seem extraordinary. I don’t say that lightly and I don’t mean to be effusive either. I feel lucky to have found your blog because on a number of occasions I am touched by your sincere expressions of the joy to be found in life via the awareness and appreciation of the simple things. I love the music and the way it accompanies the beautiful shots of the flowering trees. An impressive post indeed. I will look forward to more of your videos. John

  5. Beautiful video, Penny! I also love the music, as well! We should all be grateful every day of our life! There are more positive things to focus on, than negative. We are blessed in so many ways that sometime we don't even realize it! Thanks for sharing...have a wonderful Sunday!

  6. Good Morning Joyful, Hope your weekend is going well. The past few days we have had a lot of wind and rain down here in the Emerald City. I am getting together a few more pictures of the trees changing color to post for you soon. I have watched your video several times ... it is so relaxing! How are you feeling? I hope you're getting out on some walks and taking some photos for us. Best wishes for the days ahead, John.

  7. If you see my video, you'd ssys yours is professional :)
    It's beautiful and the music is soothing to the soul. Watching those blossoms reminded me of China where I used to live few years ago. You've infected me with nostalgia I guess :)
    I also like the gratitude findings poster.


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