Saturday, February 6, 2016

Wildlife in the Rockies

These photos are taken from a trip through the Rocky Mountain range between the provinces of British Columbia and Alberta.

The purple line on the map below gives you some idea of the route taken.

I have been through the Rocky Mountains several times but this was the first time through the mountains using the town of Rocky Mountain House as the way to get there. (I usually go through Jasper and Banff).

If memory serves me correctly we were travelling in the month was May.  We ran into snow in a few parts of the mountains. We also saw a bit of wildlife. 

Joining in with Eileen at Saturday's Critters.

If you missed my Skywatch post you can see it by clicking here.
Thank you for visiting and have a lovely weekend. xx


  1. We went to the Rocky Mountains years ago, it is such a beautiful place !

  2. Travelling through the Rocky Mountains is something of a dream for me. One of these days...

    Nicely composed photos.

  3. Hello, gorgeous views of the Rocky Mountains and I love the mountain goats? Beautiful photos. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Have a happy weekend!

  4. I agree with Gattina. It's a beautiful place and I love "traveling with you" along this route to your mom. Hope you're having a wonderful day. Blessings Jo

  5. Very pretty - I love driving in the mountains.

  6. VERY beautiful country, Penny! I've never been to that part of the world and seeing photos like this makes me want to go right now! What a trip!

  7. what a beautiful area, thanks for sharing.

  8. Now you're in big trouble. You went through Red Deer and didn't stop for coffee!!!The David Thompson Highway is a very scenic road. You can almost bet money that you will see sheep in that area. Right behind them is Whirl Pool POint Ridge which I've been up many times.

  9. Great to see the map Penny. Would love to explore. Thanks for sharing your trip.

  10. Oh how gorgeous! Really love seeing the goats on the side of the road.

  11. Stunning!! I feel like I'm on the road and I'm seeing these gorgeous vistas, panaromas! Wonderful nature!
    Best regards in february!

  12. I would love to drive along this road its awe inspiring x

  13. Hi Joyful, Wondering what year? Beautiful photos. A trip I want to do one of these days! BC **really is** Beautiful!

    1. Hi John, thank you for your kind comment. This trip was about 2 1/2 years ago on a visit to my uncle. I do agree that BC is beautiful but these scenes are actually in Alberta ;-)


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