Monday, April 11, 2016

Warmer Weather

I'm still under the weather. 
 We've been having such marvellous weather this past week.
 I've missed most of it because of being indoors but I did manage to get this shot on Friday.

 On Friday I passed by the same street where I took (click highlighted words to see) these photos in March.

 This time the trees were in bloom again but with different blossoms.
How can that be? 
It's a mystery.
But I'm pretty certain there are not two varieties of trees all up and down the street which are blooming at different times.  If I get a chance, I'll try to get back there and take photos before the blossoms are gone.

When warmer weather arrives it is nice to enjoy these delicious salads.


I'm not sure how much I will be blogging in the immediate future or how much time I will have to visit your blogs.
 I will surely try but  I'm so far behind in things.
 I need to focus on getting  well.  Then I need to focus on the things I haven't had time for while convalescing.
Don't be surprised though if you see me pop in to this blog or yours now and then.

Joining in with Our World Tuesday this week.
Thank you for your kind visit.
Have a fabulous week! 

I returned to the street where I took photos last month of all the blossoms. 
The trees are entirely bare. The whole street!
The 2nd blooms didn't last long at all.
Fortunately there are still some blossoms on other trees but they've lost the vibrant colour they had last week and look like they won't be lasting much long.
Not to worry. The leaves on all the deciduous trees are now coming out.
Soon everything will be green.


  1. Your salad looks delicious and I am always happy to see your beautiful photos. Here in Montreal we got snow today...yes, and it is white on the grass. Still pretty chilly here, too.

  2. I do hope you feel better soon and are able to get out and enjoy the springtime...

    ~Have a lovely day!

  3. Hope you feel better soon Penny. Loving that blossom and your salad looks delicious.

  4. Hi Penny lovely photos again, and sorry you still not better. Take the time you need to get better with rest, you will catch up on things then xx

  5. Those blossoms are magnificent, Penny! Surely a tonic to the not-so-well blues! You take care -- health is most important. (That salad should help!)

  6. I certainly hope your health takes an upturn soon. Being sick stinks. I wonder if your trees began bloom in that early spring we had, lost the blossoms and began all over again.

    1. thanks Joanne. Yes, that is exactly what happened with the tree blossoms. That's why I said they were in bloom again. I've never seen that before. In addition, they were different (bigger) blossoms altogether. Again that doesn't make any sense. The wonders and mysteries of nature. I'm not complaining though because the other blossoms happened so early in the season and I missed them.

  7. I am behind too. Hoping you feel better soon - that even puts you more behind. Our magnolias are about to bloom, but there has been some cold now that it is getting warmer again - I hope they still decide to open up.

  8. I hope you have a speedy recovery.

  9. THose blooms are lovely. Feel better soon!

  10. Hello, I hope you feel better soon. I love the pretty blossoms and your salad looks delicious. Take care and have a happy week!

  11. That salad looks delicious! Take good care of yourself and get lots of rest. Don't worry about the blogosphere!

  12. How are you today? It takes more time to recover from the sickness as we get older. Take enough rest. Such a fresh salad will lift up your spirit. I’m almost always behind as I put priority on my families. It’s almost impossible for me to do blogging and periodical babysitting at the same time. Sometimes I can’t catch up, but anyway I’ve posted slow but steady, and visited blog friends as well.


  13. Heisann... enjoy the blossom, the meals and Spring - hopefully the sun will shine the coming days ;:OD)

  14. Take all the time you need, your health is your first priority. Hugs to you,

  15. Spring is so welcome.....beautiful salad!

  16. That looks very yummy. Fantastic blossoms.
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