Tuesday, April 12, 2016

WARNING: This May Be Disturbing: Prayers Requested

In my last post I said I wouldn't be blogging for awhile.
But this photo was sent to me later in the day along with 
a request for prayers.

The village family and community are trying to raise funds to go to Nairobi hospital to have the tumour removed from this young man's neck..
The fundraising target is 150,000 Kenyan Shillings (approximately $1500 US; $1920 Canadian; $1300 Euros).

They request prayers to help them achieve the goal.
Once they have the funds they will head to Nairobi or try to get the assistance of the government
to send this young man abroad.  Going abroad for treatment is common in Kenya if one can raise the funds. 
The country of Kenya is sorely lacking in cancer treatment options and equipment.

Thank you for reading and offering your prayers.


  1. Prayers will be offered up. :(

  2. Replies
    1. It is, Anni. Very. This young man is an orphan. The amount is a lot for villagers. More than a year's salary.

  3. Of course. How frightening for them.

  4. It's so sad that he has to wait to have that treated. Praying - keep us updated please?

  5. Replies
    1. Thank you so much, Meredith. xx

    2. I'm thankful the Lord led me to your blog after you came to visit with me as I've been slow visiting. I will certainly go before the Lord on behalf of this man. It will be a privilege to hold him and others up in prayer.
      Our God can do great things.
      Thank you for sharing this with us, and God bless you for your love and concern on behalf of others in need.

      Much love~~ Debbie

    3. I'm thankful the Lord led me to your blog after you came to visit with me as I've been slow visiting. I will certainly go before the Lord on behalf of this man. It will be a privilege to hold him and others up in prayer.
      Our God can do great things.
      Thank you for sharing this with us, and God bless you for your love and concern on behalf of others in need.

      Much love~~ Debbie


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