Monday, January 15, 2018

What's Happening This Week?

While I've been convalescing I have been very busy with my hands. I've already shared some photos in this post but have added to my work.

Another crocheted afghan. This is another lap cover for when one is watching television on a chilly night. I've spread it across an armchair so you can see the colour and the pattern.

This is Toffee Brickle in Caron Big Cakes yarn.

It took awhile for these colours to grow on me but now I really like the blend because the brightness "lifts" the grey, cloudy days when there is little to no sunshine outside. I enjoy this pattern once past the first 2-3 rows and have already purchased yarn in Mint Fudge colour to make a 3rd and final afghan for the year. I haven't started making it yet.

I also made several knitted dishcloths. I seem to go through quite a lot of these.

It's probably because I like to hand wash all the dishes rather than put them through the dishwasher. I also use a bit of bleach in the wash water. It's something my mother did and I now do.  The bleach is rinsed off with very hot water after the dishes are washed.  When I was a young teenager in Home Ec. class I never forget the teacher telling us that "many" people got sick from germs on the dishes. I don't know where she got that information but it makes sense. I don't recall the teacher using any bleach but I do remember her being very focussed on germs and the need for sanitation and sanitary conditions in the kitchen.

Once I have a bit of a rest, I plan to make a few simple tops and pants for myself in linen, rayon and cotton. These are obviously for the warmer temperatures ahead *smile. I've started cutting out the pants but didn't feel much like working on the clothing over the past few days.

In the meantime, I finished reading this "cosy" mystery. I was correct in my assessment of "who dunnit" but the book kept the mystery quite well until the end.

The next book I'm reading is called Refuge about a daughter and father relationship written from the point of view of the daughter who escaped Iran and  made a new life first in America, then in the Netherlands.  I've started reading it and I already like the author's style of writing so I'm looking forward to getting into it further.

This is a description from Amazon
An Iranian girl escapes to America as a child, but her father stays behind. Over twenty years, as she transforms from confused immigrant to overachieving Westerner to sophisticated European transplant, daughter and father know each other only from their visits: four crucial visits over two decades, each in a different international city. The longer they are apart, the more their lives diverge, but also the more each comes to need the other's wisdom and, ultimately, rescue. Meanwhile, refugees of all nationalities are flowing into Europe under troubling conditions. Wanting to help, but also looking for a lost sense of home, our grown-up transplant finds herself quickly entranced by a world that is at once everything she has missed and nothing that she has ever known. Will her immersion in the lives of these new refugees allow her the grace to save her father?

On my reading list for later in the week.

What about you dear reader?
What has been keeping you busy?
I'd love to hear from you in the comments box.

For those reading Sally's story, I will post the next installment soon.
Part 1 can be found by clicking here.
Thank you for your interest. 

Joining with Our World Tuesday.


Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

The afghan you made is very pretty, and I'm sure it's nice and warm. The books sound interesting--I'm always collecting new titles for my library list and hopefully I'll find them.' Glad you are recuperating well!

Lady Fi said...

Love that yarn throw in the first shot.

D.Nambiar said...

Lovely work, Joyful.
The bright colours on the crocheted throw is sure to lift one's sprits. And the dishcloth look so cute. :)
I can imagine the joy it brings to see them completed. You sure are joyful. ;)

Peggy said...

Such beautiful, loving heart and busy hands! Love your work and heart! Hoping you are feeling better! As you convalesce, I can’t believe how much you accomplish, but I know where your strength comes from and He has healing in His wings too for you! Much health and stay warm in those beautiful afghans! blessings

carol l mckenna said...

Beautiful afghan and lovely needlework ~ do feel better soon! You are being so productive and creative!

Happy Week to you,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

Annie said...

The afghan colors are bright and cheery. Nice job! I love handmade dishcloths and I know a lot of people used to put a couple tablespoons of bleach in dishwater to sanitize the dishes. They do say it helps prevent food poisoning.
I wish they still taught home ec but it's rare in schools now. We had it from 7 -12. Loved it a lot.
I am organizing my little house. My bedroom closet is one of those very old ones, like 3 ft wide by 2 feet deep if that lol. I have one little shelf that holds my sweatshirts but thinking I could find a better way to store them as when I take one down they all come crashing down!

Al said...

Very nice - I don't have skills with my hands.

Mari said...

What a pretty afghan! I like knitted dishcloths too. I'd like to crochet some hot pads. I have some I really like, but they are getting old!

Anonymous said...

You have done a very good job. Afghan looks beautiful in bright colors. I don't have this talent. Good work:)

Diane said...

Love that afghan it is gorgeous. We cannot use bleach here as we have a septic tank and it in one thing which stops the whole system from working which is no fun!! No dish washer in this house, I wash and Nigel dries :-)
Hope you are feeling better Diane

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