Friday, February 2, 2018

Fresh Snow

Happy February everyone!
 I hope this new month finds you well.
I think I am finally over the bug I've had but am still trying to take it easy.

Last weekend we had another dusting of snow on the mountains.

 I thought it looked very pretty despite the heavy cloud cover.  
We've had a  lot of rain over this winter and it seems few sunny days but if we can have at least a break in the rain and one or two days of sunshine every few weeks I can handle it.
That is part of the price of living on the beautiful west coast and in these days of unpredictable weather you never know what you are going to get.

I love the mountains when they are outlined in snow. I also don't mind the high rise to the right I think it helps me that there are green trees planted at the top. Can you see the bird flying high in the air (you might need to click the photo to enlarge) ?

If you will notice my header doesn't feature the high rise. That's because the header was made 2 years ago and the high rise has gone up over the last year or so. The building development isn't quite finished but it is in the last stages and work is progressing rapidly.
When I first discovered a high rise was going to be on my horizon I wasn't very happy but I'm glad to see my view is still very good. I thank God and I hope it remains this way for awhile now.

I spent some time watching the flock of birds flying and swooping back and forth across the great expanse of sky.
They fly so fast that it is hard to get clear photos.

Very soon the weather will be much warmer and the sun will shine far more often.
In fact on Tuesday this week I felt the change in the air.

Avid gardeners will start preparing their gardens.  I tend not to do much until the month of May no matter my fantasy.  I just can't seem to get things all organized before then.

I'm keeping busy in other ways. I'm ahead in my reading and crochet goals for the year as a result of not being well enough to go out as often. 
Right now I'm taking a break from crochet work.  My eyes have been too dry and strained.
 If interested in what I've made so far you can check out my January posts
here  and here.

Currently I am reading these books but I've slowed down as to how much I read each day due to the eye issues once again.

I read "The Girl on Train". I thought this one was equally good.
Beautiful pictorials. I drool over each one.

About a woman I never heard about until this book. Very interesting.

A very impactful book. It touched my spirit so much.

A classic. It is estimated to take 34 hours to read.

I went to the eye doctor for my last visit today. The eyes have healed well and completely.
Now I need to work on the dryness. I notice my eyes only respond to drops with lipid based eye drops.
I wore contacts for so many years and in some ways they protected my eyes but in other ways they helped to dry out my eyes.
Before I returned home, I went to buy some Systane Balance and will be using them 4x daily until my eyes are back to health.


I had a head start on grocery shopping this month.
It helps me start the month off well and manage the budget.
I will be doing some meal (2 weeks at a time) planning this month.

Has anyone out there seen the movie, The Shape of Water? What did you think of it?
Is anyone out there waiting to see The Black Panther?

I hope you are coping well with winter or summer wherever you live in the world.

Linking up with



Toni said...

Such beautiful photos!! It must be wonderful seeing mountains like that every day. I see the Catskill mountains every day where I live across the Hudson River in upstate NY. But they are like hills compared to your mountains. Thanks for sharing such wonderful photos. Glad to hear your eyes are healing. Have a day of blessings my friend.

Jo said...

Oh Penny,your skyline is beautiful. I love the trees atop the high rise building. I had to enlarge that photo to see the bird! I'm impressed that you're going to read War and Peace! Have a blessed day. Jo

Dianna said...

I enjoyed your gorgeous photography and I did check out your links for your crocheting projects that you've completed. Your work is beautiful! I crochet also and am currently working on a baby afghan done in the ripple stitch. I bought some varigated yarn a while back and am using that for the entire afghan rather than switching colors. It has been fun to "meet" you.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

It’s time to start greening buildings totally, not just putting a few trees on the top at elevations above the landscape that is totally unnatural. I agree that is preferable to no greenery at all, but we now have the technology to do much better. It is already being done in other parts of the world.

Joyful said...

Hi Toni, I feel blessed every day by my view. It's awesome and I appreciate the open space out my window even when I can't see the mountains due to heavy cloud cover.

Jeanie said...

First of all, I'm so glad to hear that your eyes have healed. Back to normal. You use them for so many things I know that had to be a frustrating time and I'm glad it's over.

Your mountains are simply beautiful. That's my idea of a perfect place for snow -- mountaintops and not the top of my car or roof of my house! That high rise could be much worse but I like the church better.

I saw the Shape of Water last night. I was mesmerized and on the edge of my seat. To me it captured the sense of those who are alone and the connection when they discover someone who loves them for who they are. It felt like a combination political thriller and love story to me and left me with much to contemplate. The performances were magnificent and that feeling of the power of connection -- between the mute Eliza, and her two friends, the scientist and the creature were all those of caring and love. I would see it again.

Joyful said...

Thank you Jo. I'm glad you enlarged the photo and found the bird. Yes, War and Peace has been on my list for some time. I started it but only got through all the forward notes etc. I am just about to begin reading the actual novel. Since I have several books I'm reading at the same time and two more waiting for pick up, it might take awhile!

Joyful said...

Hi Dianna, thank so much for your kind words and for going to see my crochet projects. It's crochet fun? I too used variegated yarn for the afghans so it goes much faster than having to switch colours. Enjoy making your afghan.

Joyful said...

Hi David, I agree we have to do much better with greening buildings but I don't think we can assume the building going up on the horizon is not green. I'm sure it probably is since the city has a Green Plan in place for many years already. In fact I checked the city's green plan and see the kilograms of CO2e per square metre in new builds has been reduced by 43% in the last decade. I think that is excellent progress and look forward to more progress. When I made the comment about tree at the top of the building I was speaking of it from a purely aesthetic point of view. I happen to like looking at trees no matter where I find them. It may be unnatural but so are green gardens on rooftops. All the greenery is good for the air and makes use of otherwise unusable space.

Joyful said...

Thank you Jeanie. I've been fortunate that my eyes underwent the surgery with no issues to speak of other than fast growing tissue which has been removed and likely won't return. I do have the dry eye now and I am hopeful I can bring it under control. I know other people suffer much from this condition.

I agree that my idea of the perfect snow is when it is far from me on the top of the mountain and where I can gaze at it's beauty.

I'm glad you enjoy the movie. I saw it with a friend on Monday and we were both talking about it. Much food for thought. I think Sally Hawkins is a fabulous actress but the others were also terrific.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

I was not talking about green in terms of building efficiency, although that is certainly not inconsequential. There are places in the world, Singapore for example, where they are now vegetating the entire exterior surface of the structure, thereby providing habitat for an entire suite of organisms, many of which were displaced by the construction of the building. We simply cannot continue to take away habitat from wildlife at the rate we are doing and have any semblance of biodiversity left. The biggest problem, of course, is the exponential and uncontrolled growth of human populations. Make no mistake, if there is a plague on this earth it is us.

Joanne Noragon said...

I love to see hand knitted anything on toddlers. It means their mother made it, or is thrilled to have it from a friend or relative for their child. The size of anything barely gets through the season, thought my daughter made an Aran once that I saw on three of her four kids.

Annie said...

Lovely, lovely photos. I also use Systane balance and it works so well.My eyes got a bit upset from computer work. Too much staring at the screen I think.
It's cool how they put trees on the top.But I would love to see an end to high rise buildings. Too much and they spoil the view sometimes I think. There are gardens on rooftops in Manhattan as well and they have made old train routes that they call the "el" for elevated, into huge garden walkways.
The Black Panther movie holds no interest for me. I am not into the Marvel comic character movies at all.
I find movies like the Shape of Water to be disturbing and toublesome for other reasons.

Melanie said...

The snow on the mountains is just beautiful! The other day as I was driving I could see some of the Smokies with some snow still on top. Lovely!

Rhodesia said...

I agree with David time the builders put more thought into buildings and making them green. We loved Girl on the Train so I have put In to the water on our wish list. Thanks for the tip. Love your photos and those white mountains are beautiful. Glad you are feeling better. I feel better but I am still coughing badly, it will not go away!! Have a good weekend Diane

Nonnie said...

I'm glad your eyes are better. I wore contacts for many years and had to stop because of corneal abrasion. I had lasik surgery and then developed cataracts. So now I too am experiencing dry eyes and it's hard to read for long periods of time. Your pictures are gorgeous and I would also be upset if they ruined that view. Glorious! I tried, but couldn't see the bird flying. I think I have the Girl on the Train on my wish list to read. A couple of others look interesting.

Joyful said...

Hi Annie, thank so much for stopping by. I'm glad you use Systane Balance and that it works for you. Right now I'm being very generous with it as my eyes are so dry. I wasn't going to see The Black Panther but my brother would like to see it and he and I see the comic or sci-fi movies together. I have to say I did enjoy certain aspects of The Shape of Water but both my friend and I would not see it again due to some of those 'other reasons'.

Joyful said...

I see what you are getting at now. But given that there was no green space in that location before, what they are doing now is likely an improvement. I have seen the kinds of buildings you are talking about and in some cases, just walls in buildings. I'm under no illusions. I believe man has done a lot of damage and it is going to cause a great ending to things as we know it.

Joyful said...

I agree Joanne, I like seeing knitted things on little ones too.

Joyful said...

Hi Melanie, I'm glad you enjoyed our mountains and our snow.

Joyful said...

Hi Diane, I do hope you enjoy the book. I'm so sorry your cough is still with you. I hope you will get better soon.

Joyful said...

Hi Nonnie, thankfully I had no problems with corneal abrasion but I think wearing the contacts for so many years and wearing them for much of the night and day probably affected the oxygen to the eye. Now that I wear no contacts I am noticing the dryness and also sensitivity to cutting onions which I didn't experience before. If you click on the photo in question, it will enlarge and you can then see the bird. I can see the bird without enlarging but is probably because I know it's there, lol.

Red said...

Dull rainy weather can give a person the blues. I hope you get some sun to liven things up.

Joyful said...

That's true. Many people suffer from seasonal affective disorder (SAD). That's what I like about snowy areas. The sun is generally shining.

A Casa Madeira said...

Belas fotos.

Carol @Comfort Spring Station said...

Wonderful sky photos - thanks for sharing your view!

Breathing In Grace said...

I have problems with dry eyes and Fish Oil helps me a lot! I'm going to head over to see your crochet projects.... I love to crochet, too.... It's therapy for me! Thanks for sharing your fotos today. Hope you have a great weekend!!

Joyful said...

Hi Debbie, I'm glad the fish oil works for you because my doctor also told me to take it in addition to the eye drops. I hope you enjoy the crochet :-) Have a great weekend. xx

Joyful said...

Ola Janice. Muchas gracias.

Joyful said...

Thanks for stopping by Carol!

Mari said...

Your view is beautiful! I love the photos you shared. I'm so glad you are feeling better!

diane b said...

You have a beautiful view from your window although I think the high rise is a a shame.

Joyful said...

Thank you Mari!

Joyful said...

I agree Diane but I'm grateful it's not many high rises.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

What a gorgeous view you have from your place and it is wonderfulto watch the bird antics. Well i see you are going t have your head in a book for a LONG time if you are going to read all of those. Glad to hear your eyes are good so I hope the rtness get sorted soon. Have a super weekend.

eileeninmd said...

Hello Penny, your view is just stunning. Gorgeous mountain scene. It is neat to see the trees growing on the roof of the building. I guess it will be a rooftop deck. Pretty captures of the flock of birds, maybe doves? I have dry eyes too, I wonder if using my ipad for the ebooks can make it worse. I am ahead in reading goal, thanks to our cold icky weather. I just borrowed a book called the Lilac Girls. Are you on Goodreads, I usually read the reviews and find new books there too. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your day and weekend!

Jan said...

Beautiful skies. I love the photos especially the ones with the birds. Glad you are healing from the bug and your eyes too. Did you have an eye operation? I'm sorry if I missed this. I've been away from blogs for quite long periods thought I was keeping up by popping in every so often but clearly not. Hope the dryness improves and you find something to relieve it.

Tom said...

...Hi there, I love snow, but at this point it has lost a bit of its appeal. Thanks for visiting my blog, enjoy your upcoming week.

Aritha V. said...

Prachtig! Beautiful pics. Love the pictures the photos with the birds.

JoAnn ( Scene Through My Eyes) said...

Great photos, love that you have the header photo before the building went up. I agree, we've had an awful lot of rain this winter - I'm ready for spring - my daffodils are beginning to sprout - hurray. I understand about the dry eyes - and swear by the Systane eye drops. Have a great weekend.

carol l mckenna said...

Great capture of the birds in flight!

Happy Weekend to you,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

Joyful said...

Ha, ha...yes, Margaret. My nose will be in the books for quite some time.

Joyful said...

Thanks Eileen. I'm glad you enjoyed the view. I am on Goodreads and I will check out Lilac Girls. I understand that aging and heavy use of technology do contribute to dry eye.

Joyful said...

Thanks Jan! Yes I had eye operations and just finished my follow up eye visits. It sounds like Systane Balance and Omega 3 fish oil will be very helpful to combatting the dryness

Joyful said...

Ha, ha. I get it Tom and I hope Spring is right around the corner Have a great week!

Joyful said...

Thanks for stopping by Arita. Enjoy your week.

Joyful said...

Hi JoAnn, yes it's great to compare before and after photos isn't it? I have so many over the years. I'm so glad to hear you had great results from Systane eye drops.

Joyful said...

Thanks Carol! Happy weekend to you too :-)

A Colorful World said...

Glad you are feeling better! Beautiful photos.

Elisabeth said...

Hi Penny, I've been trying unsuccessfully to either leave comment on my blog to reply, or leave a comment on your blog since I started to blog again from a long absence, but neither worked. I went on Google+ to promote your beautiful bread, but you are not active on there, although you are a member through blogger! Finally, I tried the Internet Explorer to see if it accepts my comment...Chrome, does not! Your photos are absolutely beautiful, and the books you recommended are great, will check them out on Amazon! So happy to be able to connect back with you again! Hugs

Joyful said...

Thanks so much!

Joyful said...

Elizabeth, I'm thrilled that you've paid my blog a visit. I am so sorry that you had such a time trying to leave me a comment. I really appreciate your efforts. I'm hoping you are back to blogging now for the foreseeable future and I hope to read more of you soon. xx

shayndel said...

Beautiful view and sky!! Good that you still have a wide expanse of sky to see even with the building! We have had that over the years with a huge building going up, so I know that feeling at first when it happens... thankfully there`s way more sky than there is building development!!! Looks so peaceful to see the flocks of birds, your view is very special!! Just today I noticed snow covered mountains in a view when I was on my bicycle, it really surprised me because even though we can see mountains from our city, they always seem `distant` but today, they just seemed so close, and with the snow so clear, like in your photo!! Blessings and a lovely week to you!!

NatureFootstep said...

nice to see the mountains :)

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