Monday, September 16, 2019

Eunice Needs Medical Help

*Awaiting Access to Go Fund Me page to update. 
Thank you.*

Please share widely

One of my faithful readers asked me privately about a month ago if I have considered a Go Fund Me Campaign for Eunice.  I had not due to being so busy with other things but now I've had a moment to do so.

Eunice is the women in the center of the photo and she has been in hospital for months because she cannot afford the proper treatment for her medical issues. 

I need everyone's help in sharing and spreading this campaign page.  I'm not sure if this is the right fundraising platform to start a campaign but with your help in sharing we can do something to help Eunice.
Here is the link for copying and pasting

You can also get to the campaign page to copy and page by clicking on the photo caption.

I will update the page as I get more information.

Thank you for your help.

Note:  Since I posted this item it's come to my attention that blogger is preventing some people from leaving a comment. I know that happens from time to time as it has happened to me on other blogs too. I hope it won't deter you from sharing or from donating as you are able. Thank you on behalf of Eunice and her family.
In retrospect it probably doesn't make sense to keep comments open. I will try to figure out how to disable ethe comment feature. It doesn't seem so straightforward as before.  I would rather people took a few moments to share this need within their social networks rather than leave a comment here.

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