Wednesday, October 30, 2019

A Little of This and That

Hi friends,

I hope all is well with you. I'm basically okay but have been feeling more tired than usual and fighting against a cold.  I did go and get my flu shot.  I usually like to get it as early as possible but was a few weeks late this year. There isn't a lot of excitement going on right now but there are a lot of small things to be done.  It is a time of taking stock, getting appointments out of the way, completing little odd jobs here and there and thinking ahead to Christmas.
I seem to have enough energy for doing only very basic things like every day meal preparation, hand washing of dishes, doing the laundry, reading the Bible and praying for the needs of others, keeping abreast of the Kenyans I am helping (see side bar top right), only the necessity shopping and buying or making Christmas gifts and deciding what to do over the holiday. I've also been on You Tube a lot as I'm over subscribed to various channels.  When one doesn't feel like doing their own work, you can watch others do theirs, lol. Actually I learn a lot by watching and hearing other people from all around the world.

One of the things I don't like about living where I live is that when it comes around to Christmas season it is very difficult to get in to see or participate in the Christmas program of your choice. People really plan ahead here and by this time in the season it is very difficult to get into the venue of your choice.

I thought I was early in thinking about which Christmas concert, play or event to attend. Christmas is almost 2 months away but already seats are limited on choice dates and venues. After some back and forth over options, a friend and I decided to try and get tickets for this event:

The choir, soloists and chamber ensemble
will perform J.S. Bach’s joyous cantata for
Christmas, Herz und Mund und Tat und
Leben, which features Bach’s famous Jesu
Joy chorale. The choir will also perform
shorter seasonal works for Christmas, plus
carol singing with the audience.

Here is a You Tube video of some of what will be in the program (different performers).


We are looking forward to the concert. We will have a quiet Christmas again this year. I'm trying to get to the point of a very quiet, relaxing Christmas with days to enjoy music, warm lights and the joy and hope of the season.  Consequently, I don't have big plans for Christmas but have already put together most of my gifts for a few family member and friends (yet to be wrapped of course). There are still a few gift items to think about. I tend to keep gift gifts small and (hopefully) meaningful.  I've also discussed with my nephew the idea of taking an overnight trip after Christmas to visit his sister. It is always nice to make this trip if weather permits.  We can enjoy the season in a visit with loved ones but also see the season decked in snow.

In my NT Bible reading I am now halfway through the Book of Romans. I've also completed the following books since my last post and I can recommend both of them depending on your interests.  I've noticed a  French theme runs through my reading in 2019.  It wasn't planned that way but likely stems from my trip to Paris earlier this year.

Written by an American widow who moved to Paris after losing her husband.

Written by a Canadian journalist who immigrated from Africa.
Currently in my reading pile.
Written by a well known, sometimes controversial, Canadian psychologist.

Written by 2 American housewives who made a career teaching about healthy living.

Now I leave you with a beautiful sunset as I'm participating in Skywatch Friday.
You can click each photo for a larger view.

See you soon in Blogland.


Red said...

Christmas comes up in a hurry.

Jeanie said...

I know what you mean on Christmas. I don't think it's that busy around here but I am liking a quiet Christmas more and more. In recent years, we've done things with the kids the week prior and I actually like it, now that I'm used to it, because Christmas can be just kind of mellow and after a season of partying, playing and wrapping, that's kind of nice.

Did you enjoy Cรฉst la vie? I did. Although I'm not sure she is the typical ex-pat! At least not budget-wise!

Joyful said...

Yes it sure does!

Joyful said...

Hi Jeanie, my desire for a quiet, less hectic Christmas grows each year. I guess it comes after a lifetime of being super busy, which I enjoyed. But now I am in a different season. Enjoy your lead up to Christmas.

I did enjoy C'est La Vie and was saddened to discover the author passed a few years after having made the move to France.

eileeninmd said...

Hello, Penny! I just love your header photo. I enjoy a quiet Christmas. I do think you will love the Christmas concert. I will check and see if my library has C'est La Vie. Your sunset scenes and photos are gorgeous. Take care! Happy Thursday, enjoy your day.

Joyful said...

Hi Eileen, I do think we will enjoy the Christmas concert too. I really love chorale music especially the Christmas selections. I'm glad you like the header photo. It was taken many years ago at Lake Nakuru. The first time I was there was glorious as there were so many birds one hardly knew where to look. I didn't make it to the lake in my last safari. Maybe next time. Enjoy your week end ahead.

affectioknit said...

Hi Penny,
...I do love Bach...listening now...and your sunsets are beautiful...
~Have a lovely day!

Billie Jo said...

I love the thoughts you have on Christmas.
I also like to try for a quiet, more focused Christmas season. : )

Joyful said...

Bach is great. I'm so glad we have all the wonderful classics from great composers of old to enjoy.

Joyful said...

HI Billie Jo, I love the Christmas season. I'll bet you and your family do too :-)

Mari said...

Wow! Those photos are just gorgeous!
Hope you are feeling better soon.
The concert sounds like a good one!

Pamela M. Steiner said...

What a gorgeous sunset! Amazing, God's Glory!! The Christmas concert you hope to attend sounds wonderful! I've not been to anything of that caliber in many years...(if ever!) I will be singing in our church Christmas cantata again...that will be the only Christmas musical I will get to this year. Hope you are feeling better and that you can enjoy the holidays. We still have Thanksgiving to look forward to first...Then the Christmas season gets in full swing. I guess I need to get busy...Thank you for reminding me! :) Have a blessed weekend.

Spare Parts and Pics said...

Wow, beautiful sunset photos! I really like the second one, with the silhouette of the couple sitting and enjoying the view. Have a nice weekend!

Jocelyn said...

Beautiful sunset!

Annie said...

Oh,those golden photos! So so beautiful. I hope you enjoy the concert. It sounds wonderful. The nicest one I ever attended was at the Tabernacle in Salt Lake to here the Messiah. It was great.

Nancy Chan said...

Beautiful sunsets. We usually spend Christmas going to church on the eve of Christmas and spend a quiet Christmas at home.

Lowcarb team member said...

Such beautiful sunsets.
Yes, Christmas is getting so near now :)
Take care.

All the best Jan

jabbott said...

Hi Penny hope you feel a lot better soon, I too feel a bit lack lustre I think its the change in season. Christmas is coming to quickly I wish I was more prepared x

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