Sunday, October 13, 2019

Thanksgiving 2019

Hi friends,

It's Thanksgiving weekend here in Canada so I'm popping in to wish my Canadian readers a wonderful and Happy Thanksgiving weekend.

It is a quiet and more relaxing weekend for me though I am making the traditional turkey dinner. It is always sad to me when I meet many newcomers to Canada or immigrants who have come in the last few decades but they do not ever partake in a traditional turkey dinner at Thanksgiving or even at Christmas. Even vegans in Canada do celebrate thanksgiving with substituted dishes of course.  Whenever I am up to it I do try to invite people to my home for a traditional meal but the past two years I haven't felt up to it.

Even right now I am feeling tired and a bit run down. For some reason the Fall season doesn't agree with me physically.  It is a pity because I absolutely love the cooler (not cold) weather and the gorgeous colours in the leaves.

I hope you are all enjoying a beautiful weekend wherever you are in the world.  I hope you will also find something for which you are thankful even if you are not celebrating an official Thanksgiving like I am.

I've been away from this space a bit longer than I intended.  These days I am trying to get as much rest as possible and it takes a lot to deal with people with serious health or another needs who live half way across the globe.  But I will be back to more regular blogging soon.

Despite not feeling up to par, I want to close with a list of things I am thankful for at this time.  The list is always long but I will try to keep it a bit shorter for you *smile.

* Better health for a long time friend who was given very bad news by his cardiologist about 2 weeks ago.  He was told he would die imminently as the medicine he has been on hadn't been successful in restoring heart function which was now only 33%. Today he was called by his General Practitioner who said he had "great news".  Another test (I forget the name but it involves dye) given just last week indicates his heart is now at 55%. That is a real miracle and we give thanks.

*  I'm thankful I live in a country where there is freedom to vote for the leadership of your choice and that we can vote on election day without worrying about our safety (our national election is on October 21 for our Prime Minister and our federal ministers). We cannot take these freedoms for granted as things are getting more difficult in free countries each year.

*  I'm thankful that the Lord provides my daily bread and that I can choose (or not choose) to study his Word.

*  I'm thankful for young friends that feel free to discuss their spiritual walk and challenges with me and that they readily thank me for listening. Not only do I help them but they help me understand that I am in God's will concerning being a mentor for them.

*  I'm thankful that after several weeks of almost non-stop rain we've had a few weeks of mostly sunny days and blue skies.

* A friend in Kenya needs a Police Certificate called "Certificate of Good Conduct". They need such a document in Kenya for all kinds of purposes. He thought it would take a month but when he went to apply it only took 3 days and he didn't even have to go to Nairobi to do it!

* Another friend in Kenya has been studying for his English language test as part of his applications for graduate school in Canada. Praise God he has written several tests this week and we pray for great results.

* A friend from Tanzania has successfully defended his thesis at the University of British Columbia and can now call himself doctor.  I was invited to witness the event.

*  Another friend in Kenya has written and successfully passed his licensing examination for medical practise. He will graduate on November 10, 2019.

* Ernest in Kenya still has a leg plaster but his health is improving greatly due to a dear friend who contributed food money so he can eat nutritiously.

*  My friend Eunice has been in hospital for over 8 months now. We have a Go Fund Me campaign for her medical care, nutritious food needs and family needs as they don't live in the city where she is hospitalized. Though we haven't raised much of the funding needed, I thank God we have managed so far and that her health has improved. We are now awaiting results of tests to show how effective the medicine has been and what further course of action is needed. In meantime we continue to pray for the support needed. Check/click here if you are interested in the background.

There is so much more I can list but I will end it here. I hope you enjoyed reading and would love to hear what is on your gratitude list.

Until next time I wish you joy.


  1. Hello,
    Happy Thanksgiving to you! You are such a beautiful and generous person. I am sure your friends are grateful for your friendship. I am sorry you are not feeling well, besides taking care of your friends I hope you take good care of yourself. Sending prayers and good wishes for you and your friends. Have a happy day and a great new week ahead!

  2. I'm sorry you haven't been feeling well, Penny, and I know filled with great concern for friends as well. I hope things will ease for you soon. I loved your gratitude list. It's really spot on and so lovely.

  3. Happy Thanksgiving!
    I will be praying that you soon feel better.

  4. Hope your feeling better!!
    Happy Thanksgiving.

  5. Have a great Thanksgiving and I hope to see you back soon. A blog is a fairly big commitment.

  6. Praying you are feeling better by now, and that you have had a wonderful Thanksgiving day. Here in the states we do not have Thanksgiving until late November, so it is interesting to think that you are already having yours. In some ways I wish we did have it earlier because then it wouldn't be such a rush to get ready for Christmas afterwards. Praying for you and your friends around the world. So wonderful that you are able to be in touch with so many and that God has blessed them through you. You are a blessing to us here as well. God bless you, and take care of yourself!!

  7. Happy Thanksgiving Penny, I am thankful for our friendship xc

  8. Happy Thanksgiving Penny, I am thankful for our friendship xx

  9. Belated Happy Thanksgiving Wishes.

    I do hope you feel better soon, saying a prayer for you.

    All the best Jan

  10. Happy Thanksgiving...I can't wait for the American Version...
    ~Have a lovely day!

  11. Happy Thanksgiving, Joyful!!
    You are so kind and caring to all your friends around the world and have such a loving heart of thanks!! Prayers for your health and to enjoy the season with new strength and renewal !!! Abundant Blessings and Love!♡


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