Thursday, June 17, 2021

A Peek at the Garden

To date the spring season has been quite cool and a lot of rain. I haven't had to do much in the garden as a result and I find it isn't growing as fast as usual. The seeds I sowed directly must have drowned because they are not coming up. 

In the next few days the weather is expected to get much warmer and I'm sure the garden will suddenly sprout. In the meantime I went out to capture a few raindrops on leaves. One of my absolute favourite things to do in the garden believe or not. I captured these photos in the very early morning hours and just used my phone camera.

  Hosta leaves #1
Hosta leaves #2

Solomon's Seal #1

Solomon's Seal #2

The herb container

Trying to capture the rain as it drops in the bird bath.

When it dried out a little I captured a few more photos. 

I like to capture and compare garden photos from year to year. I can see that last year my garden was more mature in May than it is this year in June.  I think it's due to the cool weather and abundant rain. I'm hoping it means the garden will remain fresh for longer this summer if the very hot weather is delayed. July is typically our hottest month.

I'm almost finished reading a murder mystery called Moonflower Murders. It is the 2nd book in a series but I didn't realize it when I picked it up on a whim at the library. I am enjoying it quite a lot.


I have a friend who has been under a lot of stress because he was very close to becoming homeless. Right now he is living in a hotel room. Fortunately he found a place and so the stress is relieved.  He will need to purchase or gather a lot of items to begin in the new apartment so I'm now putting together some items that I want to declutter and which will be useful (bowls, plates, cutlery, draining pads, dishcloths,dishtowels, dutch oven, baking pans, possibly hangers. bedding and shower curtain, etc.).

In other news I was able to get my 2nd Covid vaccine.  I got the Pfizer vaccine and was told that after one week it is 95% effective in protecting me.

 How is your garden growing?


  1. Hi Penny,
    ...everything looks so lush and green...
    ~Have a lovely day!

  2. Our garden is slow this year as well. First too much rain, then it was too hot in the high 30sC, Tuesday we went up to 40C. Last night we had a shower of rain and I have just been out to see everything has really perked up. We have another few days of rain if the forecast is right then we go back to 30+C again!!

    Take care and I hope your friend manages to stay where he is with your help.

    1. Your weather really went from one extreme to the other. I hope it settles down for the rest o your summer though 30+ C is quite hot.

      I didn't do anything to help my friend find housing. He worked with various agencies. I'm only acting as his support shoulder and to find things he can use in his new place.

  3. I'm so glad you have your second vaccine! I love the raindrop hosta photos and I'm sure that with warmer weather the garden will come into full force soon. Do read "The Magpie Murders," the first of that Horowitz series. It's very clever and being made into a mini-series.

    1. I'm so glad to get the 2nd shot over with. My appointment was on Wednesday at 6:45 p.m. and there were long lines up. It looked quite chaotic to me but I managed to get in more or less on time. When I went in there were still many in line. When I came out there was no one. I didn't read The Magpie Murders". I like to read a book before I see the series so we will see. Do you know if the mini-series will be on television, Netflix or Amazon?

  4. I love raindrops on leaves too. We have hosta and Solomon's seal in our yard too.
    Your Garden is looking good!

    1. Aw, we share a few things concerning the garden :-)

  5. I'm happy with my flowers this year, too. You garden will make you more and more happy.

    1. Glad to hear you are also happy with your garden. I am always happy if I see colourful blossoms.

  6. Great photos of the water droplets on leaves. the leaves must be a little waxy or oily.

  7. Love the raindrop shots. Rain makes the garden sing. Glad you are vaccinated. we are still waiting.

    1. True Diane. I do hope you can get your vaccines soon.

  8. Hello, Penny
    Beautiful shot of the leaves and droplets. Your garden looks wonderful.
    I may have read the book, I have to check my list. Have a happy day and great weekend!

    1. Thank Eileen. I know you would enjoy the book if you haven't already read it. Have a great weekend!

  9. I don't have much of a garden...but my azalea plants are growing and also my blueberry bushes that we planted earlier in the spring. We had to cut them back after they were done producing berries, and now they are coming back with new leaves. Hopefully next year they will yield a good crop of berries. So I guess I do have a little garden after all. It's too hot here to do much outside. We've had some good rains this week, but still need more. But our rainy season is just starting. I'm sure we will have enough as the days go by. So happy you can help out your friend who needs items for his new apartment. Praying it will be a better living arrangement for him than before. He is blessed to have you as a friend. have a blessed weekend!

    1. Hi Pamela, you have such a wonderful pond area to occupy you when you sit outside so that more than makes up for lack of a garden. I hope you get the rain you need. I hope my friend can manage to be happy in his new abode. It is a temporary situation while he waits for a longer term apartment.

  10. Beautiful green lush leaves and I can see how joyful to take the photos of the rain on them!! Happy spring/summer/rainy season!! Love and blessings to you and yours!!❤️

    1. Thank you my friend. Love and blessings to you as well. ❤️


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