Friday, August 20, 2021

Beautiful Light This Week

 Hi friends,

Popping in to the blog after a time away because I captured a beautiful sky today and a yesterday.  Now that the heat is not quite as intense, I find the light very beautiful. I get out bit more now that Covid restrictions have largely lifted. I still take precautions as most people do and all places have protocols in place as a condition of re-opening.

The very intense weather we've had this summer has been very hard on the garden. I've also had a real problem with sow bugs this year and they have chewed up most plants with leaves and thus the plants haven't thrived at all. I'm grateful that some things survived despite the challenges.


In other news, I've been off line a lot during the past few weeks.  I wanted a break to try and enjoy what's left of the summer and restore my equilibrium.  I've found it a pretty stressful time this summer. In addition to dealing with Covid like everywhere else, my province has also been dealing with intense heat for several weeks.  We are dealing with a large number of wildfires across the province and the destruction of several villages and towns and many people are now homeless.  I'm not directly impacted by the fires but I know people who are and of course, I just feel for the people who have lost everything since I don't think they are getting the help they need from our elected officials.

I wanted my niece to visit late summer but the wildfires mean that this has had to be put on hold indefinitely because of where she lives. We are just waiting to see what happens from day to day and maybe we will manage to get a visit in before the warm weather has come and gone. 

In the meantime I've been dealing with other things like small house projects and organization. I've been slow to get things done due to the heat. I'm still hoping to get a lot done before the cold weather sets in.

One of my favourite things to do is read and I have been doing a bit of that.  The books below have been completed recently and I would recommend all of them. The first two books are works of historical fiction based during the time of the Last Empress of China, Empress Dowager Cixi. These books have different perspectives on Empress Cixi but both are very interesting. The third book is a biography of American Bob Gersony, consultant to the US government, who lived a very interesting life working and reporting on the major conflicts of the world.

The next book is one I came across  when scouring the internet. I came across someone who had recently read the book and though she didn't say much about it she seemed to enjoy it. I'm always open to following up on books I hear about and it happened to be at my local library. I didn't much enjoy the opening chapters.  I became annoyed with the constant references to water and watery things  but it is a major theme of the story. I'm about a third of the way through the book now and I enjoy it much more.  If the title intrigues you, have a look at this review which is far better done than what I could say in a couple of words.  This book definitely has it's fans. As for me I'll reserve my final verdict until I'm finished reading the entire book.

Last but not least, I've been dealing with many needs in Kenya amongst the people that I  know or the people that they know.  I've been trying to deal with them without any outside help and I've been feeling a bit overwhelmed. When you are dealing with life and death situations and with people who are in desperate situations, it can be very, very difficult to turn away from them.  It is a lot for one person to deal with at any given time. I'm still praying for regular and consistent helpers but that is all in God's hands.  In the meantime, I continue doing what I can.  

Livingstone in Kenya is still in plaster and has returned to the doctor for another x-ray and follow up. I'm not quite sure how long he will remain in a cast but it generally takes 3 months minimum for healing and I'm guessing in his case it will take longer due to lack of nutrition and health as his starting point. I mentioned last time that the mature pregnant woman named Rose had to be rushed back to hospital after being released for Covid treatment. She was in great pain and bleeding. I'm happy to report that she stabilized and went home again. I'm praying she will be okay until she delivers her child. We purchased all the school books for 3 other of her children and they returned to school several weeks ago. It's very challenging for parents to ensure their children can go to school. Even though primary school was made free several years ago, there are a host of other costs involved. Most students are boarded out at school and so the parents must pay for everything involved in that and if students are in day school there are still costs involved like school books, uniforms and so on.  Thank you to those of you who prayed over these needs, especially for Rose and her unborn child. We give thanks that Rose has recovered from Covid. There have been other people who need help with food, air time and other essential needs. It always amazes me how some people are able to get by when really pushed to the wall. This is a huge reason why many of the people in the villages do not plan for tomorrow. One can only deal with each day as it comes when you don't know if you have the funds to deal with all the basic needs. Education is a constant concern for parents as they struggle to keep the children in school but medical needs are always overwhelming. The costs are simply too great.

I'm hoping in the next few weeks to make some progress on various small projects around the house.  The projects are small but they tend to take me a lot of time and there are a lot of projects. Whatever doesn't get done today will get done another day. Even so it would be good to get things done.

Joining in with Skywatch Friday today.


Jim said...

Quite sunny.

Light and Voices said...

Greetings and Salutations! It is Hot and Humid here in Illinois, U.S.A. I am enjoying an iced tea and realize that Kenya has many of the same issues such as: fires, flooding, relying on money from paycheck to paycheck to meet basic needs of roof over head and food on the table for families. I too enjoy reading have small house projects. I am grateful for what I have and for the people who have helped me intentionally or not. Be safe.

eileeninmd said...

It is nice to see an update from you. It does feel good to have things return to somewhat of a normalcy again. My prayers go out to all the wildfire victims, I hope the firefighters and your friends stay safe. Take care, enjoy your weekend!

Joyful said...

Thanks Jim. It was sunny and the temperature was perfect.

Joyful said...

Hello, I appreciate you stopping by and leaving a comment. I just wanted to clarify that the people I help do not live paycheck to paycheck. They generally don't have jobs because there are none unless they create one for themselves and it becomes a small steady income. There are also basically no social supports of any kind. In North America we have many poor and homeless but they are generally still able to get health care, food from food banks or food stamps, free education and so on. We really do need to be grateful for what we have in Canada and the USA. I hope the weather doesn't stay humid too long for you. Humidity really saps a person's energy. Stay safe too.

Joyful said...

Thank you Eileen. It really did feel good to see so many people out and about. Today the sky has clouded over and we are expecting a few days of much needed rain. I hope that it will travel north where they really need it. Have a wonderful weekend and thanks always for your support.

Spare Parts and Pics said...

Pretty skies, and thanks for the book reviews. I always have an eye out for a good read!

Joyful said...

Thanks so much! I hope you enjoy one or more of the books :-)

Joanne Noragon said...

A beautiful sky for sure, and beautiful flower colors.

klara said...

nice skies indeed.

Nancy Chan said...

I like your blog header. Glad that some of your plants survived the summer. The Last Empress sounds like an interesting book.

Joyful said...

Thank you.

Joyful said...

Thank you.

Joyful said...

Thank you. It's my summer blog header. If you read the book, please let me know how you like it.

affectioknit said...

Hi Penny,
...the flowers are beautiful...I hope it cools off there soon...
~Have a lovely day!

Jeanie said...

Is that your garden? It's beautiful! And what good books! I love Edward Rutherfurd. I didn't know he'd written on China. I have his "New York"on my pile for 2021.

Joyful said...

Hi, thanks for stopping by. This week has really cooled off. I'm not sure what the next few weeks will bring. Have a great week.

Joyful said...

Yes, it's my garden. 😊 I think New York was the first Rutherfurd book I read and I enjoyed it so much. Have an awesome week.

Skywatch Friday - February 21, 2025

Hello friends and fellow bloggers, Thank you for joining my submission to this week's Skywatch Friday .  We've returned to rain whic...