Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Quick Changes in the Weather & Short Kenyan Update

I'm easing into 2022. Most people seem to jump right into their activities, plans and goals once the New Year arrives. I tend to slide into the year and take things slowly.  

The main priority in the very early part of the new year is putting all the Christmas decorations away and catching up on any housework that may need doing after making two big holiday dinners (Christmas Day and New Year's Day) within a 7 day period.  This year we had turkey dinner for Christmas and glazed, roasted ham for New Year's dinner. It was all good and appreciated by family but it takes me days to catch up with all the washing up afterwards.

I mentioned the new planner I ordered but it won't arrive for another 10 days or so. In the meantime, I'm just using a wall calendar to keep things organized. I've got several appointments this month but due to inclement weather I'm postponing an appointment here and there.

This is what the sky looked like on January 3, 2022.  I really liked the colour in the sky.

The next photos show how it looked when the snow started falling again. It snowed for a few hours and stopped in early evening.  We're supposed to get another wallop of snow on Wednesday night.  How quickly the days change. 

You can see in the bottom photo that the snow is coming down very thick and fast.  In fact the snow sounded a bit like rain.  I guess that means the snow was filled with water and it was raining 'icicles'.  At least it is considerably warmer than it was a few days ago when I was having trouble keeping warm enough indoors.

I'm thinking I should try to clean the bird bath and the feeders for the birds but until the snow eases it's a bit pointless.

How is the weather where you are?

Do you do anything special for our feathered friends?


Late breaking Kenyan Missions of Hope update:

Some of you may remember Rose, the mature, pregnant woman in Kenya. She has had a difficult pregnancy and almost lost the baby once or twice. She is now in the hospital in Kericho, Kenya awaiting delivery. The doctor will do a C-section and Rose will remain in hospital for about 5 days. Health insurance will cover approximately one third of the cost (or 30,000 Kenyan shillings of the total 100,000 shilling cost). We need to raise the rest of the funds. 

Please keep Rose, the unborn child, her health care team and the financial needs in prayer.


Mari said...

We have a birdfeeder and also have one at work. However, at work, the deer have come and emptied it out several times!
The weather here is awful, blizzard weather! I was sent home from work early as there were white out conditions. Took me an hour instead of 30 minutes to make it home. Now they say we may end up with 20 inches...

affectioknit said...

Hi Penny,
...we've finally had a shift to some wintry weather here...and a little bit of snow...but because it had been so warm of course none of it 'stuck'...haha
~Have a lovely day!

Red said...

You did a lot of cooking over the holidays. I'm surprised to see some blue sky in some of your photos. I thought you had mostly snow! Or at least that is what my son is complaining about.

Jeanie said...

My birds are eating me out of house and home these days, and we don't really have a fraction of the snow that you do. But it will come -- the west side of Michigan is getting pummeled today and yesterday. Yesterday I made a huge kettle of soup -- I'll probably freeze some. And biscuits and palmiers. Cooking feels good in January when it's cold. (I ease in, too. Why rush -- especially when no one apart from Rick is in my house these days!)

eileeninmd said...

I had to stop feeding the birds, first due to a bird flu in the area and then I had critter problems. I do have a pond, the birds like to drink and splash in the pond water. We had some snow overnight and it is very cold here too. Pretty sky images. Take care, have a great day and a happy weekend!

Skywatch Friday - February 21, 2025

Hello friends and fellow bloggers, Thank you for joining my submission to this week's Skywatch Friday .  We've returned to rain whic...