Monday, December 23, 2024

Christmas Lights & Short Break


Every year the Christmas light displays bring me a lot of seasonal cheer. I'm sharing a few of them from this year for you. Usually I also take in the Van Dusen Botanical Garden Christmas Light display but I opted to forgo it this year and just relax and take in a slower Christmas with fewer activities and obligations.

I'll be taking a short break to enjoy the season. Thank you for stopping by. I hope your Christmas is blessed and special no matter how you may celebrate it.🎄🎄🎄


  1. Take care, enjoy your day! Merry Christmas to you and your family!

  2. that town is really dressed up for Christmas. Enjoy your break. Have a good Christmas.

  3. Merry Christmas and be blessed!

  4. Thanks for sharing your Christmas lights, not much goes on in our small hamlet here! All the very best for 2025, cheers Diane

  5. Have a Happy and Healthy New Year. Love the lights.

  6. Always nice to see the Christmas lights.
    Enjoy the season and my good wishes for the coming New Year.

    All the best Jan


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