Showing posts with label Christmas 2024. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Christmas 2024. Show all posts

Monday, December 23, 2024

Christmas Lights & Short Break


Every year the Christmas light displays bring me a lot of seasonal cheer. I'm sharing a few of them from this year for you. Usually I also take in the Van Dusen Botanical Garden Christmas Light display but I opted to forgo it this year and just relax and take in a slower Christmas with fewer activities and obligations.

I'll be taking a short break to enjoy the season. Thank you for stopping by. I hope your Christmas is blessed and special no matter how you may celebrate it.๐ŸŽ„๐ŸŽ„๐ŸŽ„

Monday, December 16, 2024

Holiday Thoughts ~ Tuesday

Welcome once again to Tuesday 4, hosted by Annie of Cottage by the Sea. 

It's frigid across Canada and America and winter is early this year. There are only a few days left until are you spending this time? 

1.What are you up to in preparation for the holidays?  There isn't a lot to prepare these days. I no longer travel at Christmas and I no longer have a large family to think about

The decorating was done several weeks ago and I spent some time shopping for a few new items such as a new Christmas tree, a Christmas wreath and a garland.  I only have a few people for whom to prepare gifts. I've done most of that though I still have to wrap them. I have 2 more gifts to buy but it won't take much time. I have one gift to send in the mail but the postal service has been on strike for a month. Service will resume in a few days but it will take time to clear the backlog and things will not reach their destinations by Christmas.

The Christmas stockings have been hung and partially filled.  I have a few small items to add. 

Other than these things. I just have to buy a few items for Christmas dinner and clean and freshen the home for the holiday period. 

 2. What is your absolute favorite holiday movie? 

It's A Wonderful Life with Jimmy Stewart and Donna Reed. I watch this movie almost every year though I think I missed it last year for some reason. This movie gives me the warm, sentimental feelings.

 3. What are your hopes for this coming season? 

This year my hope and plan is to have a quiet, restful holiday with no extra responsibilities. It's been a dreary and tiring year of decluttering, patio rebuilding and master bedroom restoration.  I'm feeling in need of a rest so plan to take it easy though I'm not being a complete hermit.

I've had one Christmas luncheon at my home with a friend. 

I hope to host two others for dinner if their schedules permit.  I've given them some optional dates. If it comes together, it comes together. If it doesn't, I've tried my best. I hope to also at least touch bases with two or three others by phone or in person.

Unexpectedly, I have a relative who came from far for a hospital stay so I've also visited with her and her daughter. It can be lonely being in hospital at any time but especially when you're in hospital and so far from home at Christmas. 

4. Tell us your view on the great tea/coffee/hot chocolate debate and do you want it with fruitcake or cookies? Come on own up!! 

Fruitcake isn't my favourite. I do like nut and raisin cake but never make it myself so it will have to be cookies. Almost any cookie will do, lol. I'll have it with coffee, thanks!

Thank you to Annie for continuing to host this meme and thank you to all the people who read these posts and especially to those who take time to leave a comment. I appreciate you all. 

Take care and have a very Merry Christmas. ๐ŸŽ„๐ŸŽ„๐ŸŽ„

Monday, December 9, 2024

Countdown to Christmas ~ Tuesday 4

Hello and welcome once again to Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4 where 4 questions hopefully help us to blog, meet people and think about things in general.   

Sometimes the simplest questions can be a bit difficult to answer. 

Christmas is celebrated all over the world. 

Today's topic is the countdown to Christmas.

1. What was the countdown to the holidays like for you as a child?  Special projects at school.. at home.. with friends?  Do you use an advent calendar?

The lead up to Christmas was always a special time. Every year our schools and our churches would prepare by rehearsing a play about the birth of Christ and also rehearse for the singing of Christmas carols.  I was in our small church choir and always enjoyed the singing but I was never into acting. I remember having to play an angel once and I was so nervous for weeks on end and on the day of the performance. I didn't have the same issue in the choir because I didn't sing solo. 

At home we kids didn't have much to do but we were so excited with the anticipation of eating all the wonderful baking our dear mom would make each year. In fact, when she wasn't home I'd sneak into the crock pots and try to help myself without it being noticed. Many years later mom and I had a good laugh about it as she admitted knowing what was going on, lol!  

No one that I knew ever used an advent calendar and in fact I never even heard of one until well into adulthood. Now I usually send one to my niece in advance of Christmas. This year I didn't get a chance to send her an advent calendar due to our mail strike.

2. As a kid did  your family stay home on the holidays or go visiting around ... what do you do now?

We always stayed home at the holidays. My mother was known for her wonderful cooking and every major holiday, including Christmas she would make so much food and people would drop by all day and into the night to eat and to visit.  She loved being of service in this way.

These days I stay home because now I make the dinner. Sometimes I host people, either family members or friends for dinner. I'd like to host moreo often but my energy levels simply aren't there when it comes to holidays.

3. What foods did Mom and Grandma make for those  days?   What snacks were out?   What is the food situation in your home today?

In those days the usual menu for Christmas was the traditional bread stuffed turkey and all the fixings like mashed potatoes, green beans, corn niblets, tomato and lettuce salad, coleslaw with raisins, Hawaiian salad, gravy and a variety of canapรฉs (sausages, crackers, cheeses, pickles) and snacks (nuts, chips, dips etc. Desserts were plentiful too with jellies, cakes, puddings, dessert bars, pies and ice cream. Growing up I always felt that we prepared way too much food because there was always a lot left over though people ate a lot too. 

I resolved to make far less food once I started cooking myself especially since I don't have an 'open' house. I strive to make plenty of food so people can eat their fill plus have a bit left over for later.

4.  What is Christmas dinner for you and yours? Goose? Turkey? English Roast Beef?

Christmas dinner is usually stuffed turkey because I'm very traditional that way. However I will often make something different, like ham for New Year's Dinner especially if we had turkey for Thanksgiving and Christmas and we are feeling 'turkied out', lol.

As the years go by, I'm wonder how long I'll be making a larger holiday meal. I keep saying, I'll make a chicken instead of turkey.  But last Christmas and again for the most recent Thanksgiving, we had a smaller turkey instead. That way I got to stuff it because a turkey doesn't seem complete to me without stuffing. If I can find a small turkey for Christmas dinner we will have that again this year. We also have mashed potatoes, baked Brussels sprouts, sweet potatoes, various types of salads, pickles, cranberry sauce, gravy and some kind of dessert. Snacks usually consist of a variety of cheeses, crackers, pickles and cruditรฉs.

Tuesday, November 26, 2024

Racing to December

Hi friends and fellow bloggers,

How are you all doing?

How is the weather where you live?

These are a few photos of the weather over the past week or so.

This kind of weather calls for stick to your ribs foods and 'warming' foods so there's been plenty of that.

My health has been up and down as it usually is at this time of year. Whenever I'm fighting a cold I don't have much energy except for watching something on television or Netflix or one of the other streaming services. Sometimes I also start a project. I started making a few dishcloths but ran out of yarn. Maybe I'll get back to Michael's soon. I'm only buying small skeins of cotton yarn since Michael's no longer sells the large skeins of cotton. At least not the branches I visit.

I've slowed down on the big declutter project though this week I managed to sort a few papers and declutter a 4 foot Christmas tree and some Christmas ornaments.  

Even though I've decluttered quite a bit I've decided the 4 foot tree is too wide in circumference and I've opted for a taller and skinnier tree. They're called Pencil Trees because they are very thin.  This kind of tree will fit much better into my small living space.  The other tree which I purchased a few years ago has been given to a friend of mine who said he was going to go shopping for Christmas decorations and a tree.  I delivered the tree and baubles to him on Tuesday night since he lives within walking distance.  I'm happy he will be able to make good use of it.

What is keeping you busy in your neck of the woods or your part of the world?  Are you ready for Christmas.  

I guess in the USA they will soon enjoy Thanksgiving first but we in Canada celebrated in October. I'm always grateful for a longer period of time between Thanksgiving and Christmas. It gives us more time to savour each holiday and to prepare for the next.

Thanks for dropping by and sharing your thoughts on weather and your activities. Until next time, please take care. ๐ŸŽ„๐ŸŽ„๐ŸŽ„

Home Sweet Home ~ Tuesday 4

Hello!  Welcome back to Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4 where each week we are asked to consider 4 questions on various subjects.    The goal i...