Showing posts with label November 2024. Show all posts
Showing posts with label November 2024. Show all posts

Thursday, November 28, 2024

A Few Scenes from the Week

Hi friends and fellow bloggers,

Here are a couple of snapshots to end the month.  Wishing you a fabulous end of November. See you in the month of December.

The end of the month is a perfect time to reflect on the blessings and challenges we've encountered. Here's to a new month filled with opportunities and growth. Happy month end!

Joining in with Skywatch Friday.

Tuesday, November 26, 2024

Racing to December

Hi friends and fellow bloggers,

How are you all doing?

How is the weather where you live?

These are a few photos of the weather over the past week or so.

This kind of weather calls for stick to your ribs foods and 'warming' foods so there's been plenty of that.

My health has been up and down as it usually is at this time of year. Whenever I'm fighting a cold I don't have much energy except for watching something on television or Netflix or one of the other streaming services. Sometimes I also start a project. I started making a few dishcloths but ran out of yarn. Maybe I'll get back to Michael's soon. I'm only buying small skeins of cotton yarn since Michael's no longer sells the large skeins of cotton. At least not the branches I visit.

I've slowed down on the big declutter project though this week I managed to sort a few papers and declutter a 4 foot Christmas tree and some Christmas ornaments.  

Even though I've decluttered quite a bit I've decided the 4 foot tree is too wide in circumference and I've opted for a taller and skinnier tree. They're called Pencil Trees because they are very thin.  This kind of tree will fit much better into my small living space.  The other tree which I purchased a few years ago has been given to a friend of mine who said he was going to go shopping for Christmas decorations and a tree.  I delivered the tree and baubles to him on Tuesday night since he lives within walking distance.  I'm happy he will be able to make good use of it.

What is keeping you busy in your neck of the woods or your part of the world?  Are you ready for Christmas.  

I guess in the USA they will soon enjoy Thanksgiving first but we in Canada celebrated in October. I'm always grateful for a longer period of time between Thanksgiving and Christmas. It gives us more time to savour each holiday and to prepare for the next.

Thanks for dropping by and sharing your thoughts on weather and your activities. Until next time, please take care. 🎄🎄🎄

The End of 2024 in the Sky

Hello dear friends and fellow bloggers, Happy New Year to each and every one of you. I hope that 2025 is your best year yet.  May the year b...