Showing posts with label Kazan blossoms. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kazan blossoms. Show all posts

Friday, April 24, 2020

Kazan Blossoms

Time unfolds and marches on quickly and often in ways you don't expect. 
One of the things I did not expect this year was an inability to make time for taking photos of the beautiful cherry blossoms.

I missed out on the opportunity to photograph the Somei Yoshino (Yoshino Cherry) tree blossoms in late March and during the month of April I stayed inside more than ever.  So I was pleasantly surprised to capture these beautiful Kazan blossoms on a late night shopping expedition (between 7-8 p.m.).
I had to lighten them a bit because the sun had already set.  They aren't as clear as I'd like but they bring me joy nonetheless.

The Kazan blossoms are very beautiful especially on a clear sunny day because of the double, showy blossoms.  Apparently this tree can grow to heights of 30 feet and can also spread for 30 feet. They are definitely beautiful to look at but the leaves and blossoms are poisonous to dogs.  They contain Cyanogenic glycosides, which is a toxin that prevents oxygen from being properly absorbed and transported by the cells.

The forecast is for pouring rain all weekend. In fact I felt a few drops Friday night. 
If the weather clears I will see if I can get any photos of Kazan blossoms next week with my camera as opposed to the phone camera.

Have a wonderful weekend.
Stay safe

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