Showing posts with label Thanksgiving 2013. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Thanksgiving 2013. Show all posts

Monday, October 14, 2013

Thanksgiving Weekend

In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you. 
1 Thessalonians 5:18

Hello everyone! It is Thanksgiving weekend here in Canada and it has been a busy week so I haven't had a chance to post for a few days.

First up in the week I received a very nice package in the mail from my blogging friend Caroline at Lonicera's World  (please take a peek at her blog).  She wanted to do something nice for my mother who is dealing with the challenges of transitioning to a new care facility.  Thank you Caroline.  You are a sweetheart.

This delightful package contains truffles and shortbread biscuits. Mom will be so pleased when I am able to deliver them soon.

Right now I am investigating a new home group and Church body and I very much enjoyed getting to know people at the new places. They seem like a fine bunch. I even met some Africans from Uganda, Zimbabwe and Ghana which was a nice surprise.  Those of you who know me, know I have a heart for missions in Kenya and Africa in general.  Finding some "real" Africans at the worship service yesterday was unexpected and very welcome. There were more people from Africa who have recently come to Vancouver and are attending the Church.  Of course I only managed to meet a few of them but if I decide to make this my Church body then I will likely meet more of them.

The pastor was a very down to earth and welcoming guy.  I sense a pastor who is really working to accept people as they are and teach his congregants the same.  In other words, one is working toward building a body that loves without condition and judgement.  His communion message yesterday resonated with me as well.  It was about how Christ's message of eating and drinking in remembrance of him is really about breaking bread and eating with "family" as equals.  As members of the body we are all equal members of that family and we should be working toward seeing one another as human beings.  Not looking at one another where we see the colour of one another's eyes or skin. When we do that, there are still barriers between us.  We then had communion where each of us served one another.  We then had an opportunity to pray for one another as needed.  I am not doing justice to the message but it was a beautiful one.

One of the women I had met at Bible study a few days previously was seated behind me during the service.  She invited myself and several other congregants to lunch at her home.  Though I couldn't make it for the spontaneous invitation,  I was very touched. This has never happened anywhere, at any church I've ever gone to before. People these days seem to have a hard time showing hospitality to anyone.  I remember when I first came to this city, people were always inviting one another for lunch or dinner.  These days people still want to do that but most are too pressured for time.  But in this Church, I noticed the pastor was very much focussed on the message that we (the Church family) need to gather around tables (not just once or twice but on a regular basis) and eat and fellowship with one another.  Much of the family gathering will be done in individual homes and groups because the Church body is too large to enjoy eating all together every Sunday.

Other than that I have been busy making a few more pieces of my crocheted afghan. I didn't do so much this week but I did make some progress.  I also finally started sewing mom's quilt sandwich together. I am having some challenges with that one. Despite being very careful to smooth the backing fabric it keeps bunching up even while using a walking foot. I have had to redo a few little pieces here and there. I really will have to look into quilting spray glue.  I used it in the very first quilt I made and it made a world of difference.

I'm having people for buffet turkey dinner tonight.  So for now I've had to roll up the quilt and put the sewing machines away.   

My turkey is soaking in a bit of cool water because the core is a bit frozen.

The stuffing is ready to be put in the bird. I make it more moist than some people do. When it comes out of the bird it is very moist and tasty. These days everyone says don't cook the stuffing in the bird but I've never had any problems and neither did my mother when she used to cook the turkey.
Several hours later this is the cooked bird. I took the cover off the roasting pan for the last 20-30 minutes. It looks like I got it just in time.

I haven't had a chance to take any Fall foliage photos this year except for this one. I hope to go out early this week and get more if the weather cooperates.

I'm grateful for a number of things this year:  family, a mother who is still with us though I don't get to see her often, friends and the ability to make new ones, an opportunity to connect in a good church and home group, shelter, food, sunshine (because we often get rain), good books and good projects, and news that my friend's mother in Africa is doing better physically.  There are so many other things for which to be grateful.

If you are celebrating Thanksgiving this weekend, I wish you a wonderful time.
If you are not celebrating Thanksgiving, I hope you will have some time to reflect on your many blessings.  Even if things are not going well in our lives, there is always someone who is struggling with even worse things. It doesn't make our pain any less but it can help us to keep perspective and to be grateful for the things that we do have.

I am still trying to help Elvis in Kenya get enough funds to finish the medical studies he is currently enrolled in. Not a lot of support has been raised but whatever happens, I trust the Lord will somehow meet the needs. If you can pray or give that would be awesome. You can find out more to the top right of my blog.

Be well until next time.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Success & Gratitude

If you wish to succeed in life, make perseverance your bosom friend, experience your wise counselor, caution your elder brother, and hope your guardian genius.
~ Joseph Addison

Sometimes I view success in life as just having strength to get through the days.  

Don't you?

Then there are other times, when, success in life means some great achievements you've been working toward.

I've been fighting illness for some time with the coming change of weather. It wouldn't be so bad but for the fact I've been having great difficulty sleeping, I'm working long hours on multiple projects, doing a lot of reading, keeping up with the day to day household needs and missions.  Last but not least, I've got a lot to do concerning looking after my mother's urgent care needs. 

I just started to feel good about things and then something happens to take the wind out of my sails and cause me stress.

Soon things have to change but I keep putting one foot in front of the other in the meantime and ask God to help me because the hill often seems too hard to climb.

Mombasa sunset.
It is also at times like this that it is important to take time to reflect and consider the blessings in our lives despite the difficult patches, trials and challenges.

Very soon it will be Thanksgiving here in Canada.
I have much to be thankful for and I am very grateful for all the many blessings which I do have.

A new friend asked me what I was doing for Thanksgiving.

He was having a last dinner with his aunt who is transitioning to a life of retirement and soon for him a lot of what he has come to know and rely on as his annual holiday rituals will change. He is missing it before it has disappeared.

Life often brings changes for us. While we have certain people in our lives that we love to spend time with, it is important to appreciate them and let them know how much we love them.

I am having a dinner this Thanksgiving with a small group of loved ones.  Amongst other things I have to do this week (like crocheting, sewing, working on a community project, sending Christmas cards to my sponsored kids, following up on care needs of my mom and touching bases with friends), I will be getting things organized for the dinner.

What about you dear reader?

Do you have Thanksgiving plans?
What ever you do, I hope you enjoy and appreciate those you spend time with.

"He is a wise man who does not grieve for the things 
which he has not, but rejoices for those which he has."
 ~ Epictetus

A Gorgeous Day

Hello friends and fellow bloggers, Here in my part of the world we will soon transition to Spring and planting season or growing season.  Wh...