Showing posts with label VSO. Show all posts
Showing posts with label VSO. Show all posts

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Fauré's Requiem

I went to the Vancouver Symphony Orchestra tonight.

The VSO website described tonight's offering as follows:

Maestro Bramwell Tovey presents a performance of  Fauré’s luminous and profoundly beautiful Requiem. Stravinsky’s deeply moving Symphony of Psalms and Haydn’s rich and aristocratic Military Symphony set the stage for Fauré’s choral masterpiece.
  • Conductor / Performers

    Bramwell Tovey conductor
    Nathalie Paulin soprano*
    David John Pike baritone*
    Phoenix Chamber Choir *
    UBC University Singers *
    Graeme Langager chorus director

  • Repertoire

    Symphony of Psalms*
    Symphony No. 100 in G Major, Military

    Just before the choral masterpiece the Maestro gave a few touching words about the loss of innocent lives in Paris and other parts of the world earlier in the week. He also encouraged concert goers to give a few moments of silence after the choral requiem. 

    I apologize for the quality of the photos which were taken with my cell phone. I was fumbling and inadvertently had the flash on. I wasn't quick enough to adjust things before all the final bows were finished.

     Afterwards I walked to my bus stop to make my way home. I passed by this building which is obviously light up in honour of France like many buildings around the world.

Sunday, October 4, 2015

A Night of Music

On Saturday evening I attended a concert of the Vancouver Symphony Orchestra.

There were two guest artists, Tianwa Yang, a brilliant, young violinist from Germany.

Photo Credit: VSO website

 The other was the dashing and expressive conductor Carlos Miguel Prieto of Mexico.

Photo Credit: VSO website

The repertoire consisted of :

Passacaglia & Fugue in C minor
Violin Concerto No. 2 in B minor*
Symphony No. 8 in F Major

I opted to get to the concert early so I could hear a presentation.  The speaker gave an overview of the concert pieces and a little history on each of the composers who wrote them.

Pre-concert presentation and explanation of the night's program.

 People relax in the lobby before the concert.

Small audience at the pre-concert presentation.
   I personally found it quite chilly in the venue.  I am recovering from a chest and ear infection so the slight breeze coming in through the open entrances to the outdoors, was enough to make me shiver.  Concert doors (to the outdoors) in the city are usually kept open until just before the concerts are about to begin.  I guess this helps make the flow of people into the building go much faster.

I only had a thin sweater over an equally thin top as I'd forgotten to take a wrap with me in my haste to get to the presentation on time.

I bought a coffee to warm up but finished that before the 20 minutes presentation was finished. I was still getting chilled from the breeze so  purchased a glass of wine.  I was surprised to learn that the venue now permits drinks in the concert theater (thank God for that).  The only stipulation is that the beverages cannot be in a glass container.
It took the entire concert to finish the small glass of wine.  It did in fact help to keep me warm. Each time I felt a chill taking hold, I had a small sip of wine. These small sips were plenty for me as it had been hours since eating a  late lunch.
Some of the VSO members practicing.

 Beautiful architectural details of the Orpheum Theater

The performance was very well attended.

 I was very pleased to attend this concert especially since I received a complimentary ticket.
I  enjoyed the concert so much and I'm now thinking I might attend the New Year's Day program.

What about you dear reader?
Do you attend the symphony or do you prefer other forms of music and the arts?

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