Sunday, November 22, 2015

Fauré's Requiem

I went to the Vancouver Symphony Orchestra tonight.

The VSO website described tonight's offering as follows:

Maestro Bramwell Tovey presents a performance of  Fauré’s luminous and profoundly beautiful Requiem. Stravinsky’s deeply moving Symphony of Psalms and Haydn’s rich and aristocratic Military Symphony set the stage for Fauré’s choral masterpiece.
  • Conductor / Performers

    Bramwell Tovey conductor
    Nathalie Paulin soprano*
    David John Pike baritone*
    Phoenix Chamber Choir *
    UBC University Singers *
    Graeme Langager chorus director

  • Repertoire

    Symphony of Psalms*
    Symphony No. 100 in G Major, Military

    Just before the choral masterpiece the Maestro gave a few touching words about the loss of innocent lives in Paris and other parts of the world earlier in the week. He also encouraged concert goers to give a few moments of silence after the choral requiem. 

    I apologize for the quality of the photos which were taken with my cell phone. I was fumbling and inadvertently had the flash on. I wasn't quick enough to adjust things before all the final bows were finished.

     Afterwards I walked to my bus stop to make my way home. I passed by this building which is obviously light up in honour of France like many buildings around the world.


  1. It must have been a beautiful night at the Orchestra. Our hearts are with the people in Paris.

  2. How thrilling!!! I would have enjoyed this immensely!!!

  3. It sounds like a wonderful evening.

  4. Wonderful! I love symphony orchestras!

  5. Symphony conductors seem to have a good feel for things in the world. He chose a very appropriate time to have the moment of silence.

  6. I love concerts of symphony orchestras !!

  7. Looks and sounds like a great evening you had.

  8. Hi Joyful, What an excellent experience attending the Symphony. While you were enjoying the music I was watching something on TV that I thought you would want to see. It was on CBS 60 Minutes ... A story about Kenya's unique money system! They are global leaders in this. Here is a link to the story and I hope you can watch it online

    1. Hi John, yes, it is really fascinating about how the Kenyan's use m-pesa. It has now been operational for many years. It is a great way to send money to people across Kenya and especially where there are no nearby banks. Many people in rural areas and in poor areas do not have a bank account and this way they can have money in an mpesa wallet and send funds to vendors and others through the phone. It is very revolutionary.

  9. I love Faure's requiem -- one of my favorite pieces -- and attending the symphony is a special joy for us. I know it was a remarkable experience for you.


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