Thursday, November 5, 2015

First November Skywatch

Some of you will recognize this church steeple. I usually show a long shot of it.

I thought it would be fun to show a different angle today.


  1. Hi Joyful, Good morning to you in beautiful Vancouver. Yes, I have often enjoyed your photos of the steeple. Is it St. Patrick's Catholic Church? Is that the one with the lighted cross on top? Excellent photos! Wishing you a fine weekend ahead!

  2. Nice steeple, I also like their metal roof.

  3. It is such a handsome steeple!

  4. Yes.. I agree with you to see the things from different angle.

  5. Hello, pretty view of the sky and church steeple. Lovely photos. Happy Skywatching, enjoy your weekend!

  6. Oh I love pictures of church steeples with a cross on top!!! Thanks bunches for linking up..HOPE you have an awesome weekend!

  7. Lovely photo with the steeple juxtaposed against the blue sky ~ it looks joyful!

    Happy Weekend to you,
    artmusedog and carol


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