Thursday, November 19, 2015

Sky Over Vancouver, November 19, 2015

Beautiful Day November 19, 2015

This was the day and sky today after heavy duty rain and wind storms earlier in the week.

The sky was nice and bright blue.

How is the day where you are?

Joining in with Skywatch Friday


  1. looks so beautiful ! today after a lot of sunny days it's very stormy with much rain here - happy weekend :-)

  2. It is always so nice and clear after a good rain. Beautiful photo. We are due for rain next week but currently we have warm days (80 F) and very cool nights (in the 40's F)...for Southern California at least.
    blessings, jill

  3. It looks like a crystal clear day! Beautiful blue sky !

  4. Gorgeous.....I love how the rain clears the air. HOPE you have a great weekend!

  5. Beautiful there and here in Michigan, too! Although that is supposed to change this weekend! Snow!

  6. Beautiful scenery and sky! Have a lovely weekend!

  7. That sky is magical. Its very cold here in Nottingham we are getting a little snow.How are you feeling are you any better? You have snail mail coming to you soon x

  8. You've got a beautiful sky out there. Here has been grey and snowy lately.

  9. pretty...I love photos with steeples in them...

    ~Have a lovely day!

  10. Gorgeous! Trying to figure out where about you were when you captured this shot.

  11. That view makes it look like a small town. - Margy

  12. Wow, what a beautiful sky and a lovely view! Have a happy Sunday!


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