Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Movember & El Nino Calling

Hi friends,

I decided to post once again about Movember and the Movember campaign by the Kenyan Boys Choir.  Movember is a campaign to raise money for it in support of the fight against several men's diseases.  Am not asking for your help in this post. If you do want to find out more you can click here.

How many of you have heard of Movember?

It is a global charitable cause set up to raise funds for prostate cancer, testicular cancer and men's mental health. The idea is that men grow mustaches in the month of November and try to raise funds for the fight against these diseases.

If you have ever had prostate cancer, testicular cancer or mental issues or, you have a loved one who has, you may be touched by the efforts to fund raise.

My friends in the Kenyan Boys Choir  have been moved to grow mustaches and do their part to  raise funds for the cause.  In Kenya where they live the treatment options and care available for anyone with cancer is very minimal and there is a lot of suffering involved if you have cancer and no treatment options at all.

The photo I've used is not mine but a professional photo of the Kenyan Boys Choir.

 Those members of the Kenyan Boys Choir who are touring in 2015 are in this photo.  Other choir members are back in Kenya.

In Kenya the country is facing the ravages of El Nino.

The following photos are taken by Kenya news agencies over the past several days.

Near Lake Baringo.
The mom (along with her baby and the missionary escort) helped with surgery recently has had to delay getting home.  The highway to her home looks like this.

The highway from Kapenguria to Turkana.

Men, women and children have been stranded in an unsafe area for 3 days without help.  Even if you have funds there is no where to buy anything.

At least the Pokot mom made it back to her relatives in Kapenguria where she should be safe.

People stranded in West Pokot area of the Northern Rift Valley.

My friend Jonah and a pastor friend of his have also been caught up and stranded away from home in the rain.
They have been stranded at Lake Baringo for 2 days. All the budget hotels were quickly taken due to a huge conference happening in the area and all the other stranded travellers. they are staying at Soi Lodge which you might remember from some of my earlier posts.

This is his photo showing the impassable roads near Lake Baringo.

Meanwhile, here at home we are having a coastal storm today.
  The ferries to the island have been cancelled and 3000 homes are currently without power.
There is a snowfall in the mountains so I will have to monitor the situation to see whether travel plans this weekend have to be adjusted.

This is a photo of BC place.  It holds 50,000 people & was renovated a few years ago.  It has a retractable roof that turns different colours at night.
My cloudy sky picture was taken a week ago.

Joining in with Skywatch Friday
Friday Foto Friends


  1. They look like a lovely group of people! Wonderful smiles!

  2. They look like happy people !!

  3. Hello, great cause, I hope the campaign is a success. The photo is awesome. Happy Thursday, enjoy your day!

  4. Beautiful Movember! Have a lovely day!

  5. Wonderful initiative by these people.

  6. Hi, I'm glad to see your blog again (too:) Sorry for the ling absence, it's just that things really happen in an intensive manner (here).

    I've heard about Movember before. The choir must be a great one.

    So that's what happens during El Nino? I hope those roads get fixed soon so the stranded ones can get going.

  7. a wonderful initiative!
    i wish you a beautiful weekend :-)

  8. A novel cause!
    Great action packed pics.

  9. Love that shot of the boys' choir.

  10. Lots of water and flooding.
    However, people are happy when I look at them.
    Beautiful and interesting report.

  11. I'm glad to learn about Movember, I've never heard of it until now. I enjoyed you post and the picture of the Boy'sChoir was super good. Stopping by from Breathing In Grace. Have a great day. Blessings

  12. I've heard of no shave November....but not Movember. We have a friend who just returned from a mission trip to Kenya. Love that picture of the boys choir. Thanks so much for linking up today.HOPE you have a great weekend.

  13. Sorry to see so much flooding...and we think *our* roads are bad!! Prayers for those in Kenya.

    Sorry to hear of the storms in your area as well. Being out of power is no fun, as I know from personal experience when we've had winter ice storms here. Once it was out for 3-4 days, and we had quite the time trying to stay warm, especially since with the power off all the ice cream in our freezer was melting, and we had to eat that to keep it from going bad. Eating ice cream while freezing is an interesting experience. Thankfully, we now have a generator, so hopefully we'll never have to go through that again.

  14. That's really bad flooding - I hope things improve. The last time we had an El Nino this strong, we had a 3-foot overnight snowfall early in the winter!

  15. Loving post and great sky shot for SWF ~

    Happy Weekend to you,
    artmusedog and carol

  16. Hi Joyful, I had not heard of Movember so thank you for bringing me this information. As I am writing this Friday evening the state of the world seems especially in turmoil. Terrorist attacks in Paris have killed more than 100 persons. As your post points out there is hardship related to the weather in Kenya. It is hard to find anything positive to say about all this. I will continue to pray for better conditions for the people in Kenya and for those harmed by terrorism all over the world.

  17. A wonderful initiative indeed.
    Happy weekend!

  18. You've given us a first hand look at the world we live in and makes us stop and think and be thankful for what we have and the good life we always take for granted. Inspiring, tho filled with turmoil...I can't help but see some smiles on these faces....makes me feel so small when I complain of not having certain petty am I!!

    Thank you for this. Hope that El Nino soon departs and better days are ahead.

  19. I had never heard of Movember and now I know what it is. Sorry about all the rain and hardship.


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