Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Great News ~ Update on Baby Fidelis

Hello everyone,

Some of you will remember from earlier posts that I was trying to assist a child named Baby Fidelis and her family, to raise funds for medical help.  The funds were needed to travel from Kenya to Canada so that the baby could undergo reconstructive surgery. Medical costs were to be donated to the family but the family had to get to Canada and have funds to live on as well as funds for after care once they return home.

After a tumultuous start to their journey, the baby and her mother arrived in Toronto, Canada in August, 2015.  It's been awhile since there has been any news but thanks to a news agency in Kenya, there is now a public update. I'm sharing the photo and story below. Credit goes to The Star, Kenya.

Baby Fidelis underwent successful surgery last week in Toronto. There aren't any new  photos of how the baby looks since she is barely a week out of surgery. But I will update the photos of the baby if, and when, they do become available.

Thank you to those who  prayed for this mother and her child and  contributed to helping them financially.


Baby Fidelis Muthoni in Canada before surgery. Photo/COURTESY BY ALICE WAITHERA

Baby Fidelis Muthoni has successfully undergone a corrective surgery in Canada to remove a growth on her face.

The one-and-a-half-year-old baby has been suffering from frontal bone defect since birth, which disfigured her face.

According to her father Kenneth Kinuthia, the baby underwent a surgery that took the better part of Tuesday and is now recuperating in the intensive care unit.

Kinuthia said his wife called him on Wednesday evening to tell him Muthoni was even able to speak, hours after she was out of the theatre.

“Muthoni has finally had the operation and we are now hoping she will get better and live a normal life,” he said.

on Thusrday, Kinuthia told the Star on the phone Muthoni’s doctors are confident the baby will recuperate soon and may leave Canada sooner than expected.

Muthoni has been undergoing tests in the country for two months prior to her surgery and was expected to live there until February as the doctors monitored her progress.

In August, a relative conned the family out of Sh2.8 million that had been raised by Kenyans for Muthoni and her mother's flight to Canada for the surgery.

President Uhuru Kenyatta contributed Sh500 for their air tickets while Murang'a Governor Mwangi Wairia gave out Sh300,000 for accommodation.


  1. Good for the persevarance and the outcome.

  2. Bless you for your commitment to this little child. Your heart must be so filled with love this Thanksgiving. I'm sure the Lord has seen all you have done and will reward you as well as help the baby. Bless you both. Susan

  3. Oh Penny, what wonderful news about this little girl. Bless you for all you have done to help little Baby Fidelis. You deserve a wonderful and Happy Thanksgiving. Blessings Jo

  4. Wonderful Thanksgiving blessings.

  5. Good news for sure! She has such a sweet smile. May God continue to bless her.

  6. wonderful thanksgiving news :-)

  7. Hi Joyful, What wonderful news! I am so happy to hear this and it's a perfect treat for my (USA) Thanksgiving Day! Tuesday was my day in the NICU and, yes, I even thought about Baby ... maybe it was mental telepathy? :-) I will pray for a full recovery and return to Kenya soon. Thank you for sharing this post.

  8. Dearest Penny, what wonderful and precious news! Our God is so good and His love and grace is never-ending :) Hugs and blessings to you!


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