I've fallen behind in my reading goals for the year so have been trying to make up for it.
I've just finished reading
London which is well over 1000 pages. This was my third
book and perhaps the longest book by Edward Rutherfurd. Maybe it only seems like the longest
because it took me much longer to read it than the other two books (
New York and
London didn't
quite meet my expectations. It started out strong and finished with a
whimper. The book spans 2000 years and I admire a writer who tries to
take on such a project even if the effort was not entirely successful.
McCall-Smith is a prolific writer and has written several different
series of books; each of which are vastly different. I've read many books from
his No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency, all of which are set in Botswana, Africa.
These are my favourite books from this author. I have also read a few books from a
few of his other series. I like them a little less but they are a
decent read on a quiet afternoon. None of his books take much time to read and they add to the sense of accomplishment toward one's reading goals *wink.

don't tend to read diet books but I like to learn about tips and
tools to help engender a true lifestyle change. This book is a good addition to the
knowledge base and is so easy to read. In addition to the 20 "skinny rules" there are plenty of
menus and recipes all of which fall within the parameters of the author's
rules. I borrowed this book from the library and would need to purchase a copy if I hope to use the recipes in future. However the author has another book which is made solely of recipes that fit within the "skinny rules". That book might be more useful.

My current read is this biography of the great writer Charles Dickens. I
don't know about you but I haven't read as many of Mr. Dickens' books as
I would like. I grew up watching old black and white movies based on
many of his books. Great classics such as: "A Christmas Carol","David Copperfield", "Great
Expectations" and "A Tale of Two Cities". One of my favourite books of his is "The Old Curiosity Shop" but I don't recall seeing a movie based on it.
Before I finish the biography I will get started on the next two books (below). I came across them during a recent foray into a book shop. I was there to check out Harper Lee's newly released novel "Go Set a Watchman".
I don't purchase too many books these days but I wanted to check the
price of Harper Lee's newly released book "Go Set a Watchman". Since my visit to the book store I've placed a hold on it at my local library. There are several hundred people on the hold list so it will be at least 6
months before the book finds it's way to me.
It''s okay because I've
got so many books that I already own that I can read in the meantime. I am constantly adding books to my "to read" list. Many of these don't take so long to get once I place them on hold. I also pick up interesting looking books off the shelves whenever I make a trip to the library. So you see, I am never without reading material.

Other than reading, I've been busy trying to revive my pansies which are mostly now on their last legs due to the heat wave we've been having all summer. I'm not sure if my efforts will work but they've given me a lot of pleasure over the summer with their beautiful colours. The geraniums are still doing well as are the petunias. The gladioli did bloom but didn't do as well as I expected. Its the first time I've grown them. I think next year I will have to put stakes up to support them because they kept falling over the taller they go. Next year I want to grow sunflowers too and those grow even higher. My cherry tomatoes are now really starting to ripen in enough quantity to use in salads. Yum!
Last night there was a beautiful sky to the north of me so ran to get my camera. Normally we don't get nice colour in the skies to the north of me. We do get some beautiful sunsets here but in order to capture them I would have to be somewhere other than my home to get the right view of the western horizon.
I want to update that little Baby Fidelis had to undergo a medical assessment (Monday) in Nairobi, Kenya. This is required as a step toward getting the visa to travel to Canada for surgery. Please continue to pray for this dear one and her advocate and her mother who are still hoping to be in Canada by middle August for the scheduled surgery.
Photo Credit: Hope Foundation for Orphans: Baby Fidelis & mother Martha |
I also want to let you know that my friend's mom, Eunice, has been battling with typhoid fever. While she seemed to be recovering from typhoid fever she continued to experience mental confusion and heavy nose bleeds. After being placed on different medications, she finally ended up in the missions hospital again. This means going to the hospital a few hours away since the local hospital is incapable of diagnosing medical tests and they were perplexed by the issues. I had a sense that Eunice might be suffering from a secondary infection and needed help urgently. The American doctor at the missions hospital indeed found that Eunice had a bladder infection and said it was good she was brought in before sepsis set in. It has taken a bit longer to get control of the nose bleeds caused by high blood pressure. I just had word this morning that Eunice is much improved. Please pray for complete recovery and ability to pay the hospital bills.
Wishing each of you a wonderful week ahead.