I have learned, in whatsoever state I am,
therewith to be content.
Phillipians 4: 11
1. Nurses attending at my mother's home to cleanse her leg wound and the scheduling of a doctor appointment to evaluate the nature of the wound. The nurses suspect it is now cancerous. My friends and I are praying that it is not. Her doctor appointment is on June 22, 2009.
2. Pastor Jonah's safe journey to and from Hekspoort, South Africa to attend the Amahoro Gathering. Read more here about his journey.
3. My student friend and little brother Enock, in Kericho, Kenya. He was to leave Bible college to the village to find more money for his tuition. But praise God, he received a phone call and his father is sending him funds. He won't have to travel back to the village after all. God is looking after his schooling needs.
4. My friend Bornest, in Kericho, Kenya died a few days ago. I am thankful that arrangements are well underway for her funeral and going home party which will be held today, Wednesday, June 17, 2009.
5. I am thankful for my brother who is handling fire insurance matters and other business. He is saving me a lot of time and energy.
7. I am thankful for bloggers, Shell in Australia and some of her friends who blog about beautiful things and have creative gifts to lift the spirits of others.
8. I am grateful for a cleaning woman who cleans my bathroom daily while I am at the hotel.
9. I am grateful that I can soak my feet in "salts" and relax.
10. I am grateful for beautiful flowers.