Showing posts with label frugal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label frugal. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Hobbies & Entertainment ~ Part 1

Hello friends, 

Many of you have followed me for some time and though I describe my blog as living frugally, much of what I post about is implied frugality rather that statements about how I action frugality. 

I thought today it would be interesting to write about some of the ways I relax and enjoy myself without breaking the bank.

Like many of you, I have limited free time but I do have a few activities up my sleeve to keep me busy when I have some free moments here and there. 


One of the things I love to do and which costs me next to nothing is reading.  You may find it hard to believe, but when I started this blog back in 2007, I couldn't read an entire page. My concentration had taken a nose dive due to illness.  I also suffered a lot of fatigue and could hardly do anything which required more than a minute or so of sustained action or concentration. Though I have come a long way since then, chronic fatigue and a few other ailments still hamper what I can do and the consistency with which I can do it.  The good news is that I've been setting reading goals each year for about 15 years. In the beginning I had to force myself to read more than a page and whatever I read I didn't remember but I kept going. Today I regularly set reading goals which vary from year to year. I often say I'm going to read less and end up reading far more than I intended. It's actually a good strategy for me as it puts less pressure on me to 'perform'.

This year my reading goal was 50 books. I have reached that goal and have read 52 books to date.  My new goal is 20,000 pages which will likely be another 3 books (I'm currently at 19,120 pages) which I'll easily do before the end of the year. I got the idea of setting a page goal from my blogging friend, Jeanie at The Marmalade Gypsy.  I think it's a fantastic idea and I've used it as my target in previous years whenever I felt I could devote more time to reading. 

How I make it frugal

In times gone by I bought a lot of books and magazines to the point where the books completely filled 2 large bookcases, several drawers, covered a few flat surfaces and were stacked on the floor in parts of my home.  Obviously I had far too many books for my home and these have now been reduced during my ongoing decluttering and downsizing project.  I still have a lot more to declutter but the next bits will be harder because they are reference materials as opposed to reading novels. These days I borrow most of the novels I read through my local library.  From time to time, I purchase books from the thrift store if I really want it or it is a good price. Even the thrift store prices are getting far too high around here.  

In a bid to keep down the clutter, I also now donate the books through my local Freecycle website or donate them back to a local charity shop for resale. This works for me to ensure I don't add even more clutter as I work to downsize. I only like to read current issues of magazines I like so I don't borrow or reach them at the library. I browse the occasional magazine at the supermarket and pharmacy and buy one from time to time if I like what I see when I browse. Usually a spring or fall edition suits me.


I taught myself to crochet from a little book that my mother owned. She didn't crochet herself but she had every intention so she had the right supplies for the day when she might make time to learn. I think The first thing I made from a pattern in the book was a doily.  I had no idea that it wasn't a beginner's project, lol.  I remember the day very well. I wasn't feeling that well and was staying home from school.  I was up by myself very early in the morning.  I sat under the dining table with the pattern book and supplies.  A blanket was draped over the dining table to make a sort of 'tent' that my younger siblings had been playing under.  We had seen this tent idea on the Mr. Dressup show, a Canadian children's show hosted by the late Ernie Coombs. My siblings and I used to love Mr. Dressup. Anyway, I was under that table trying to be as quiet as a mouse and concentrating on figuring out how to read the pattern whilst using tiny little thread, looping it with a tiny little hook. I was also being quiet so as not to wake anyone. It was painstaking work for unaccustomed fingers so my tension was tighter than it needed to be but after that project, I fell in love with crochet. I like making doilies best, but sadly most people don't really use doilies anymore. I love it when I travel to Kenya and I see that a lot of women (and men)  there that still love crocheted items. 

Here is the latest doily I've made.  I think I'll send it to a friend in England because she also loves crochet. 

I also love to crochet afghans and have made a lot of them over the past several years. All of them have been given away as gifts to family and friends.

This is a sample of one of my favourite afghans to crochet.

Here is another blanket called African Flower Hexagon

How I make it frugal

The cotton thread used for doilies has gotten quite expensive but you can often buy several rolls at a time in the thrift stores.  I use both new thread and thread I've purchased at the thrift store. For the afghans and blankets I've only used new yarns. Please read the frugal tips under the section on knitting below.


I inherited a lot of knitting needles from my mom and I purchased a lot of my own from discount stores. Most of mom's knitting needs are metal or plastic and I prefer to work with bamboo needles now.  The metal ones are far too slippery and my work is always falling off the needles.  The plastic ones just don't have a good feeling when using them. I don't knit a lot except to make dishcloths. I can also knit slippers but I prefer not to since I find them very slippery on tiled floors. Eventually I will knit socks and sweaters. At least that is the plan and I've also stored up some yarn for sock making and for making more afghans and blankets.

Dishcloths all made with Walmart jumbo balls of cotton yarn

How I make it frugal

The cost of yarn has gotten quite expensive over the years so I wait for 40% off coupons from Michael's or for sales on yarn at Michael's.  The sales occur frequently enough for my needs. I also buy at Wal-mart from time to time. There aren't that many options where I live to purchase new yarns at affordable prices. If you are willing to spend more or want top quality yarns there are a few other retailers you can approach.

Other frugal options include buying yarns at the thrift store but you'll likely be limited in terms of quantity, colour, quality and thickness. Some knitters purchase knitted sweaters and unravel them to use the yarn for their own projects. I've never done this myself.  You can also get free yarns on Freecycle from time to time but again you may be limited in terms of quality, quantity and colour.  I've given away a lot of yarns through the local Freecycle website because I had a stash which was far too large for my needs. These days I buy only what I intend to use for a particular project and I do have a fair size stash for projects I know I will make as opposed to what I'd like to make. 


I was never a good sewer in high school. I had fumble fingers and my machine stitching was never that neat. It didn't help that one of my best friends had near perfection in sewing class.  In fact, she had top grades in virtually every class but it was her sewing skills that amazed me most because she was just so naturally able to sew well.  Despite not measuring up to my friend, whatever I learned in sewing class  stayed with me throughout the years and helps me to this day. I am grateful to have had at least a bit of instruction since my late mom never had any instruction.  Mother was also a gifted seamstress through sheer determination and natural ability.  Somehow she just figured everything out on her own and I marvelled at her sewing ability. I would say she was as good as my classmate. My mom was my inspiration to keep at it though I can't say she really encouraged me with her words. She never said anything much about my sewing except to critique what wasn't quite right (she was a perfectionist after all). But I think she was quietly proud of me many years later because I had to begin making most of her clothing and she really liked whatever I made for her.   I took great care to try to make simple dresses, tops and skirts in colours and fabrics that I knew she would like.  She loved clothing, dressing up, looking good and getting compliments.  She got a ton of compliments on her outfits at the care home where she lived in her later years.

These days I don't sew that much but I'm planning to do more in future. I just don't quite know when I will begin.  I made a small start this year by making this summer top with a fabric called double gauze. It actually is a bit hard to work with due to it's fraying nature. Since I don't own a serger it means twice the sewing time to finished the seams. But I was pleased to discover that the top was really nice for wearing on a hot summer day so I went and purchased more of the fabric to make something else, possibly a dress.

A summer top for me
Pillowcases for my niece

How I make it frugal

There are many ways to make sewing more frugal.  Otherwise it can be an expensive hobby. Firstly, one needs a sewing machine which can be an expensive outlay. I have my own expensive machine and also 2 other machines, one which I purchased and one which I inherited. I do not own a serger and I'm not likely going to buy one.

I know people who want to learn to sew or they are beginners and don't own a machine. They put feelers out in the community for a donated sewing machine or they buy an inexpensive one at the second hand store or even at big box stores like Wal-Mart.

Fabric can also be expensive. I purchased a fair bit of fabric over the years and most of it on sale. I go to the main fabric store in town where they have a variety of price points.  I still have a lot of fabric on hand and most of it will be used for quilting projects.  You can also get fabric from time to time on sites like Freecycle (so the fabric is free but you have no choice of what kind or what colour). You can also buy clothing second hand and cut it up into fabric pieces. Unless you have a long skirt or a dress your fabric output will be on the smaller side. You can also buy second hand clothing and remake them into something you like better. This is called upcycling. If you are like me, you probably prefer to buy new fabric at reduced pricing, to make sure you get the colours and amounts you need.

V-neck top and skirt for mom

Round neck top and skirt for mom

I made mother's clothing by adapting various dresses and skirts I owned and making them larger for her comfort in a wheelchair and her size.

Simple dress made for mom


Quilting is something I'd been wanting to do for some time. I finally took a one day class to make my first quilt. I wanted to make it in time for my mother's first days in the long-term care home. I really enjoyed the experience and made a few more quilts after that.

Crazy quilt (in center of photo) made for my mom (my first quilt).

Wizard of Oz quilt made for my niece

I thought working with a panel to make this Wizard of Oz quilt would be easy but it turned out to be trickier than I expected.

Quilt made from mom's fabric scraps. She used it for a lap quilt.

I wasn't free to make the patterns the way I really wanted due to lack of adequate fabrics.

A made up quilt pattern for my nephew using scraps of mom's fabric.

Another quilt made for mom. I love the sunflower fabric.

How I make it frugal

Honestly, quilting is an expensive hobby. I tried making it more frugal by attempting to use up a lot of mom's fabric stash. What I discovered is the fabrics weren't the right quality, the right weight, the right colour or the right amounts. In the bottom quilt, I really wanted the sunflower print fabric to be more prominent but the store ran out of the fabric and I couldn't get more elsewhere though I really tried. I ended up buying cheaper priced fabric and it ended up also being cheap quality so it wrinkled and warped a lot. Of course, it may have done so even if I spent a lot of on fabrics because the long-term care home uses scalding hot water to wash everything.

If you want to make crazy quilts where there really isn't a pattern you can use second hand clothing. I know people make quilts out of ties, denim, t-shirts and so on. Alternately you can keep your eyes open for discounts on fabrics though it is tricky if you want large quantities of the same fabric as in my case. You can also keep your eyes open for giveaways. There are often people on Freecycle websites trying to give away large bags of fabrics and if you don't mind picking it up and sorting through it, you may find some gems.

Well that's all I will share in this post. It got to be a rather long post so there will be a part 2 at some future point.

Thanks for reading. I'd love to know about your hobbies and entertainment and how you keep it frugal.

Thursday, February 10, 2022

Thursday - Errand Day

Thursday is usually errand day for me and I often run several errands on this day.  However, today I only ran one and that was to do some grocery shopping.  I don't want to be running major errands this weekend unless it's to the library.

I really didn't want to go out today but I finally did and I closed out the store because I went out so late.  It means I didn't shop as carefully as I normally would but at least it's all done! Go me 👍🎉🎈. I intended to buy a few items needed to make taco soup. Would you believe I completely missed out on buying 2 of the items I need? I can probably get by without buying sour cream because I have plain Greek yogurt. I may need to go out and buy taco seasoning and cream cheese but there is a possibility I have both in my cupboards and refrigerator. I'll have to check more closely before buying more.

I guess I'm getting ahead of myself. I didn't mention that Friday and Saturday's menu consists of roasted chicken with red potatoes and veggies/salad. Another night is taco soup topped with avocado, shredded cheese and a dollop of cream. 

Once I got to the store I saw that a 2 pack of whole chickens, a "family pack" of steak and roast beef were on sale. I picked them up and also picked up a round of Kolbassa sausage. Though I haven't exactly planned the week's menu I have certain basic things that I do with the meat and fowl and I have been experimenting of late just to keep things interesting.  I find the cost of beef, pork and chicken have gone through the roof.  For awhile the store wasn't selling the 2 pack of chicken which had always been a staple of mine. I'm craving chicken souvlaki with rice pilaf and lemon-garlic potatoes. Maybe now I can make some.  I would buy more chickens but I have no available freezer space. (Please click on all photos to enlarge).

I got a good selection of vegetables, herbs and greens.

I don't often buy beef steaks or roasts anymore.

2 pack chicken, fruits, choc bars and other treats.

If you're like me you like to see how much other people pay for their groceries. I know that some places like England and parts of the USA, do not pay the same high prices we pay in Canada. Within Canada too the prices vary a lot.  It is much cheaper to buy groceries in places like Edmonton, Alberta or Toronto, Ontario, than it is in Vancouver, BC.  For what reason, I do not know and I find it rather annoying.

Today's haul cost me just over $100 (see receipt) and I paid for the pack of chicken with points, not cash. This food will last about 10 -14 days, perhaps longer if we have meatless days.  But I will need to supplement the haul with other things like more veggies, milk, eggs,yogurt and possibly bread/baked goods; all as needed. Considering prices here, I think the overall total was a good deal.

I haven't mentioned Kenya for awhile and I wanted to let people know that I'm still looking for a helper for Janet, the lady who started a hair business after being chased from her family home. My assistance will come to an end in March and I would like to find someone who could help her and her 4 daughters for a few months. It would mean $40 - 60 Canadian per month.  This is just enough to pay rent and a few food items. It would help her get a surer footing. If you cannot afford that but want to help her, please send any amount.

Rose, the mature woman who recently had a baby by C-Section is now in the town of Kericho with her friend. She has developed a bit of an infection in her wound and the doctor wanted her to visit the hospital more than once this week so she could be treated. She returns Friday (it's already Friday in Kenya) then hopefully she will be released to home. It costs approximately $35 - $40. Canadian for each visit. Almost two thirds of this amount is for private transport since Rose cannot ride the crowded vans they call matatu with her baby.  It isn't safe, especially during this time of Covid and it also isn't good for her wound. This past week was more expensive than $35 - $40 because the baby's umbilical cord area also required a bit of medical attention and Rose's wound needed treatment. 

In Kenya you can either pay the hospital to provide all medicines or you can buy it yourself at a less expensive pharmacy. In all cases we do what we can to save costs and buy medical supplies and even medicines at the pharmacy.  One needs to shop around to find the best pharmacy prices because costs vary a lot. Then the doctors will administer the medicine or use the supplies on your behalf when y\uou visit at the hospital or in their office. This is quite acceptable in Kenya but would never "fly" in Canada or in most western nations. 

By the way, Rose named her baby boy Kipkoech. I hope I am spelling it properly. It means 'new beginnings' or 'blessings of a new day' and is given to boy children who are born in the morning.  I thought the name was very fitting.

Anyway friends, if you are able to help either Janet and her 4 daughters or Rose and her baby boy please be in touch. You can find the Pay Pal link on the right hand side of this blog. Thank you for your consideration.


Valentine's Day is coming soon.  Whether you do anything special or are with loved ones or by yourself, please be kind to yourself and enjoy the day.  Thank you so much for your visit.


Thursday, October 4, 2018

Saving Pennies

Hi friends,

In my last post I wrote that I would be sharing about ways I've recently been saving money.  I need to save money because the cost of living has only increased year after year and I want to continue giving to missions in Kenya, Uganda and Ethiopia. Savings in my own needs helps me to continue giving.

I am not denying my own needs though I often put them off and try to save something first. This is good common sense which should be done in any event.

Television and Internet

I have been wanting a smart TV and so I finally took the plunge and bought one just over a week ago (Sony Android 55 inch). It was $200 off the original price.

 I'm just getting used to learning how to use it and have only watched a few You Tube videos on it. It will take some getting used to as I had my other TV for so long that using the controls became second nature to me. But my old TV while still working started showing signs of malfunction a few years ago already. I'm surprised it lasted so long and I think I will keep it as a bedroom television. So you might be wondering how this saves me money. It is only through shopping the sales.  I've already been looking for one for years and recently got the best price through online shopping at Costco. My American and Canadian readers will know that store. In addition to getting a sale I got some points toward a reward program I use.

It took 3 tries to get the right TV. The first time they sent the wrong model. The second time the TV had 2 scratches. The 3rd time it was the right model and it came scratch free. (A little funny story. Yesterday I was at my computer when a delivery man came to my door. He was delivering the 2nd TV back to me. Of course this was an error. For whatever reason someone put an X through the return label and left my name and address on the box. I sent it back).

I purchased through Costco on good advice. They don't put you through a hassle when it comes to returns. I was also advised by my family member to purchase a warranty because the TV is now a computer and I will require some technical support along the way.

The second way I saved money on TV and internet is by calling my local telecommunications provider. I've been wanting to do this for long and put it off for reasons that I won't get into right now for sake of brevity. I was very pleased to deal with two representatives who in the end gave me a very good package and shaved about $60 dollars off my monthly bill for a bundle of services: home telephone, TV and internet. It helped that I was willing to enter a 2 year contract. I don't like such contracts but I know from research that I cannot beat this pricing and I've been with this company for 25 years straight. I'm not likely to walk away from them in the next 2 years unless I give up watching TV altogether and I do consider it from time to time.  One time savings for the TV is $200.  The annual savings for the telecommunications package is $720.


When I was last paying my credit balances I discovered I had overpaid one company by a significant amount (almost $700).  I've only ever overpaid my utilities before which I do deliberately but in this case I must have accidentally hit the wrong "payee" button when online banking.  The refund just arrived (I had to ask for it) and  along with $200 I'm expecting from a portion of reimbursement for glasses and a refund from the tax man, my television costs and warranty costs are more than  covered.

I don't recommend over payments to credit card companies but I guess it is better than not paying one's bill. Also it was a pleasant surprise to have my cash ready there to be used when I made a decision about purchasing a big ticket  item.


In general I've learned over the years not to sign up for extended warranties. However in this day and age of appliances, televisions and so on being computerized I think it makes sense to sign up for warranties. This makes it cheaper in the long run if you have issues.

Earlier in 2018, I  purchased a washer and dryer with steam functions (among other things). You might remember I had an issue within a few weeks of purchase when the steam mechanism was dripping water after one use.  The original warranty was still in effect so someone came out to investigate, order a new part and returned to replace it. The fact that I could get two visits by the repairman, a part ordered and replaced, made me feel extra confident about having the additional years of warranty which I purchased. Now if anything else should go wrong I will be covered.

Same thing for the new Smart TV. I feel secure knowing that if I should have a problem someone will help me at no additional cost.


As of now I've read 50 books this year and I'm still reading with no target goal in mind. I borrow the books from the library though from time to time I do purchase books. I can't help myself but these days I do very much limit myself because I want to off load stuff not collect more stuff.

Just think if I purchased 50 books at $10 each that would be $500. Most books cost more than $10. They are more like $20 each so that is a possible spending (and saving) of $1000 Canadian dollars. Some years I only read 35 books or so and that is still a savings of anywhere from $350 to $700 Canadian dollars. I've never really calculated the savings involved in my reading but it is interesting to do so and see that it all adds up. Approximate savings is $1000. since I am still reading books for another 3 months.

Yarn & Christmas Gifts

I've already been thinking about Christmas gifts. Some of my long term readers know that I am not real big on giving gifts or expensive gifts to all and Sundry but I like to surprise family and friends from time to time with what I think will appeal to them.

The afghans I made and wrote about here have been well received and so I decided I am going to make one for another friend who turns 70 this coming year. I know she often falls asleep on her sofa and I thought it will be nice to have a cosy blanket to cover up with when she is relaxing. I just asked her the other day about the colours in her living room.

I purchased some of the yarn I need before I spoke with her and it turns out I purchased the right colours (the one at the top of the pile in the above photo). How cool is that?

The yarn was on sale for a few dollars off. I went armed to Michael's with my 40% off coupon but couldn't use it because the yarn was already reduced. So if I did the math right I saved not quite 20% which is still a good savings. I should be able to save 40% off the next two balls of yarn as I'll only buy them one at a time so I don't have extra yarn cluttering up the room. (I went back on Tuesday and the manager gave me 40 % off the 2nd ball of yarn I need even though I think the item was still on a discounted price).

I've also ordered several items and have several other (online) discounted on my 'to order' list for Christmas gift. These are all lovely items such as mugs (like the ones below), book marks and trinket holders.

I still have to think about those things I will want to give to my family members who are always a bit more challenging to buy for. Since I drafted this post I found an awesome 1000 piece puzzle for only $3.99.  I think this must be old stock at a local supermarket and I have no idea what the regular price was. My niece loves puzzles so now I've got a start on her Christmas gift. Total savings approximately $10 to date (more savings expected before year end).


I'm signed up on several sites so I get notices when there are sales events. I purchased some lighter winter jackets, as well as a few clothing items (blouse, pants and nightgown). These were all 40% off and this time I got smart and purchased 2 of everything in different sizes. This way I can try on and return what doesn't work and not wonder whether another size might do the trick. It costs more for the initial outlay but the shipping and returns are free. Also when you return the items of course you get your money back. I've done some other shopping this year at 40% off but am only counting this one purchase. Total savings approximately $95.00 once 


Food shopping is always done based on flyer sales. But a few months ago I wrote here about menu planning and batch cooking. Since I've started doing that I no longer purchase so much food. I do not batch cook each and every week but what I have done really helps to keep the costs lower, keeps me thinking about using what is on hand and so far I would say my food costs and frivolous spending on food and snack items has been reduced by almost 50% or in real dollars by about $250 Canadian give or take $50. I think that is pretty substantial. I am still buying almond and coconut milks for cereal, meat and fowl and lots of fruits and veggies. Total savings approximately $250 monthly x 12 is $3000.


I've been using Dr. Bronner's liquid soap for some time now. I look for it on sale and I've also tried using the substitutes sold at my local environmentally friendly stores.  I found them a little too watery in consistency so have been looking for alternatives that are easy to find in my neighbourhood. Recently I tried the brand called 3-in-1  liquid soap (shampoo, body wash and face wash). I like it because it has a nice gel like consistency. Recently I found the soap for a very good sale price and purchased 2 large ones.  This will last me for a very long time because I still have just over half left in the original jug I purchased. I don't use it sparingly. I want to feel clean when I bathe and I like lather. Anyway this savings was about  $3. for each jug. I also found Tom's toothpaste for a few dollars off the tube. Instead of $6.99 or $5.99 I paid $4.99.  Finally, I purchased 3 different Garnier and Biore products, all at $4.-$7. off each, and one came with an additional $5. off coupon.  All these savings do add up because next to food drugstore products are one of my big ticket items. I've done a lot of this kind of shopping over the year but am only counting these purchases. Total one time saving is approximately $27.00.


I only go to the hairdresser about 3-4 times a year at most and do my own hair in between. Some years I've only gone to the hair dresser once. My hairdresser charges about half the price of most hairdressers for root touch up, highlights and cut and dry.  Even so my hairdressers prices have gone up $10 - $20 for each visit and I feel a bit choked about it even though I know the cost of living has gone up for everyone. I started going to her because she was the only one who would apply henna that I premixed and she did it very reasonably along with wash and blow dry.  I saved $110 on my recent hair service. I'll count this savings once.

A new beauty salon opened up near by and I was able to get a main-pedi for half price. The cost was $39. and so my one time savings was $39. The promotion is now over but I was  pleased with the service. I haven't had any mani-pedi for long because the last place I went to I wasn't happy with the results and my fingernails were damaged. It took several months for me to want to try again. Normally I do mani-pedi over the summer but  this year I did none over the summer. I'll probably get one or two over the winter months.


I've never been one to pay for a credit card just to collect points but last year I decided to try it and I liked what I was accumulating so I paid again this year. Not all my purchases are being done on this major credit card because sometimes I prefer to pay cash or use another card.  Also not every retailer accepts all credit cards, especially Amex due to their high service fees. Despite not being able to use Amex at many places I'm pleased to report that I've still collected enough points or cash back to fund a return air ticket to somewhere of my choosing. Now I must do some research and planning about the trip.

I also accumulate savings and rewards all year long by purchasing items at a local drug store. I mainly purchase sale items but I don't keep track of annual savings for discounted items. I also accumulate anywhere from $400-$500 cash back over the course of a year. I use this money to purchase items I need at the same drug store. Truthfully I've slowed down my shopping a lot at this drug store as there is only so much you can buy at a drug store.


These examples of savings are how I try to save money on an ongoing basis. Some of these I've been doing for years and other things are newer to me like the points Amex card. I am not an extremely frugal person or there are numerous ways I could save even more money. 

Altogether I calculate my savings at approximately $5201 in this current year (savings by purchasing items on sale and savings from not purchasing items at all).

If I count the washer-dryer I purchased a few months ago, that is an additional $300 savings.

I also have a cash back reward of approximately $1600 which I haven't used yet (and a few smaller cash back rewards which I am not counting here because the amounts are very small).

Overall  savings  $7101 (seven thousand one hundred and one dollars) Canadian. I am pleased with these results. I am all about maximizing my purchasing power and I make some smaller efforts at gaining cash back. I suppose if I move to using one credit card it would be easier to maximize cash back rewards. In order to really take advantage of this I would have to switch credit cards and I may do in future.  In future I may also think about being more extreme with my savings through non spending or reduced spending.

I'd love to hear about how you go about savings money on a day to day basis. Feel free to let me know in the comments section.
Have an awesome day! 

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Looking Ahead

Hi friends,

I've been sleeping more than usual. I feel I am fighting a cold but then again, it might be side effects from one of my newer medications. I've had 5-6 colds since the start of 2016 and that doesn't seem plausible though I do have friends who have had such a high number of colds.  It is just that I don't generally get colds.  I've also recently learned that one of my medications can cause upper respiratory tract infections. I will have to check into this in more detail with the doctor soon.

The colder weather is on the way I've been on the hunt for some stylish hats and vests that are a bit on the dressier side. I've heard that we can expect a  colder than usual winter season and I want to make sure I have the right attire that can also be worn for nights out to the symphony or concert.  I managed to find two hats and a nice cosy vest which I think will work nicely.

I got this cosy hat in gray faux fur to go with my black car coat.  I also got one in chocolate brown to go with my long faux beaver fur coat for those extra chilly days. I could not get a good photo of the faux fur vest I purchased in black but it is lovely and even better, it has pockets.

I've also purchased a comforter set, and sheets on clearance.  This will help keep me warm over the cold winter nights.  In my last frugal post, I mentioned that I'd purchased a comforter set and a set of sheets for a birthday gift.  The prices were so good that I decided to purchase some for myself.  The comforter was $43 and tax (marked down from $190 and tax).  I got the sheet set from a different designer line because I got a better prices that way.  Though the colour isn't exactly a match, it will do fine and coordinate with other comforters and blankets I already have.  The sheet set is 400 TC and  was $28.00 and tax (marked down from $120.00 and tax).

The weather has been sunny all week but the rain returned today.  Hopefully we get more sunshine in another few days. In the meantime I decided to delay my trip for laboratory tests due to the inclement weather.

View to the East

Once I made that decision, it freed me to gather together some unwanted or unused clothing, books and DVDs and a few kitchen items (coffee pot, bread machine and pots and pans). I've posted most of it for giveway and have had some good interest.  I was able to get rid of a lot of clothing and DVDs today and tomorrow others are coming for other things.  My decluttering is part of the Kon Marie process of tidying up even though I'm not exactly following her order of things. I am not following her order because at the moment, I'm trying to get rid of some of the more obvious stuff that needs to go. It will take me longer to sort through everything and that will still happen for later giveaways.

Truth be told, I haven't been very good about progressing on the Kon Marie method  since I began the effort a few months ago.  I've just been too busy with the garden, the summer guests, the task and errands and then my mother's hospitalization.. But little efforts here and there add up to larger efforts. Eventually it will all come together. I'm hoping this Fall and early Winter season I can make good progress in this area.  I certainly have enough projects to keep me busy.  I mentioned several of them in my last post but forgot to mention the "Kon Marie Project".

Since the sky is gloomy I've added a few flower photos here. These are from my archives.

Over the past few days I caught up to my reading goals and am now on the home stretch to finish the books for the year. I hope I can meet my reading goals and still manage the other projects.

Where I live the media from around the globe have descended.  The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and their two children are in beautiful British Columbia for a quick royal visit. You may see some photos in the news where you live.

Photo credit:  The Mirror (UK, September 22, 2016)

Joining with Skywatch Friday

Take care and have a wonderful weekend.

Monday, March 7, 2016

Frugal Actions Add Up

Hi everyone,

I hope you are all well and that you had a lovely weekend. I have been quite busy running a lot of errands that had accumulated during my time of convalescence with a cold and just generally trying to catch up to everything I fell behind in.  I am not completely well and haven't caught up yet but I have made very good progress and I've almost gotten rid of my cough.

Photo from my archives. I need colour to counterbalance a gray day :-)

It has been awhile since I did a frugal post and I wanted to review and share with you some of my recent frugal finds because it astonishes me just how much savings can be had if one is diligent.

As always it gives me great pleasure when I can spend less money on something and stretch my dollars as far as they will go.  It not only gives me a sense of accomplishment but it provides me with a little breathing room to help me meet my many obligations. Two friends in Kenya have been so ill and require lots of medical help.  Kenyan university students need help with school activity fees and my sponsored children and their families need gifts to help offset food and other costs.  Things can get a little tight especially when things like medical and school costs are not always predictable.  I just have to do the best I can as the people truly do need the help.  Anyway, without further ado, the following is a detailed account of some of the larger savings I've realized recently.

First up with savings this week was saving money at the grocery market. In Canada we do not get the deeply discounted groceries that our American neighbours to the south and our friends in Great Britain and even in Africa can get.  I read with a bit of envy the prices one can get for food elsewhere. I've shopped at my local IGA for many years.  However it has been sold to Save-On Foods.  When I went shopping on Friday the store shelves were getting rather bare. I didn't need a lot of things because I had done some shopping the previous week.  But one of my neighbours stopped me on the street on Thursday night and and told me there were 25% off bargains to be had.  So the next day I went to the store where I discovered that the discounted items were not as many as I expected.  But I did pick up some items I need and saved $31.81.The store will make the transition to the new ownership in about another week or so.

Earlier in the week I also saved money at the local pharmacy where I have built up significant points (about $270 worth). I built these points over a few months through careful shopping on sales and during points promotions.  I wanted some books and magazines this week but I don't normally purchase them outright anymore.  I decided to use points since I had so many of them.

I purchased 2 health books and 3 magazines (two decor and DIY magazines and one financial magazine).  The total cost was $60 and I still have a balance of $210 in points.. I generally use these points to purchase things I may not otherwise buy.  Things like health supplements, electric toothbrushes or replacement brushes or other more expensive items. Whatever I do purchase I try to get it when it is on sale and stretch my points further. For example, the two health books I purchased were discounted at 25% each.  Here is a snapshot of the current rewards balance after buying the books and magazines.

Long ago I made a decision not to purchase books and magazines due to the high cost and the resulting clutter. However from  time to time I do break down and buy new books and magazines though it is a rare occasion.  Mainly I borrow books from the library so they can be returned and not added to my shelves.  When I do buy books it is usually from the thrift store and sometimes the used book store. My preference is the thrift store as the books are cheaper. Once I'm done with the books I give them back to the thrift store for resale or to someone who wants them.

This week was an exception to the rule as I purchased two books on Friday during on line sales. I debated about whether to purchase the electronic books or the paper versions.  In the end I opted for the electronic books so I could have instant access to them.  Also, one of the books is rather heavy and difficult to carry around. If I have the electronic book it is more likely to go with me when I leave the house.

The first book entitled  How to Get Dressed  ($10.49 on sale, regular Kindle price $14.99, paperback price $19.99) appealed to me partly because of all the positive reviews it received.  I was also interested in it because it is supposed to have a lot of tips about clothing and dressing. As you will read later in this post, I've been putting together a new wardrobe and doing so at clearance prices and so this book might help with a few issues in terms of pulling the wardrobe together. I haven't started reading it yet.

The next book is by Amy Tan, one of my favourite authors.  If you'd like to read a summary of her book you can find it here.   I borrowed the audio CDs for this book from the library last year but I simply couldn't sit and listen that long and I never got too far into the story.  The kindle edition is $4.99 while the hardcover price is $34.99. I purchased the electronic book and it is working very well for me. I've already gotten well into the story.  In general  I do prefer reading from a paper book but from time to time I like having electronic access to a book.

It seems to be my week for buying books because the very next day I purchased another 5 of them from the thrift store.  These are the titles.

  • Comfort Me With Apples by Ruth Reichl  $1.00 ($10.50 new) 
  • Fly Away Home by Jennifer Weiner  $1.00 ($4.99 new)
  • The Ivory Trail by T. V. Bulpin  $1.00 (This is a rare book that costs $78 on Amazon Canada)
  • Secret Daughter by Shilpi Somaya Gowda $1.00 ($19.99 new) , and
  • A Guide to Navajo Weavings (Reference) $5.00 ($36.34 new)
One these books are read they will go back to the thrift store for resale with the exception of the rare book and the reference book on Navajo rugs.

When I am out and about and doing errand, I sometimes have to stop and have a snack or a meal.  Sometimes I stop at McDonald's fast food restaurant.  I've often noticed that there is a survey notice on the back of the receipt but I've never completed one until now. After I completed the survey I was given access to the coupon in the photo below.  It amounts to an approximate value of $5.50  value and is a time limited offer which must be used by March 22, 2016. I may get a chance to use it and I may not but it is free so I've printed it and put it in my wallet just in case. I very seldom drink their soft drinks so I hope they will substitute a coffee or a water.

I mentioned earlier that I've been putting together a new wardrobe and a lot of it is for warmer weather though not exclusively. The Clark's sandals in the photo were discounted from $130 down to to $34 and came in a multitude of colours. I found them on another site for $10 less at the regular price but the marked down price was only $66.

The colour I selected was pewter (or shimmery silver). I wanted to buy the sandals in red but pewter will go with more of the clothing and is a little more interesting than black or navy.

Amongst the new items of clothing I've bought recently are maxi dresses (all the rage) and some light cardigans.  I'm afraid I don't have any photos but the key thing is that they were all heavily discounted.  The dresses were originally priced at $89.99 and discounted to 29.99.  The sweaters were discounted from $49.99 each to $19.99. I actually got an additional 30% off of the discounted prices because I mainly shop flash sales where additional discounts are offered for a short period of time.

Right now my biggest issue is not the cost of the clothes because I've been getting rock bottom prices.  The difficulty is knowing what size or sizes to buy since I'm purchasing on line and sizing is not always consistent which can be frustrating. I've been losing inches (not weight) and some of the clothing I bought last Winter and Spring are already ill fitting in some areas.  Now I'm ordering smaller sizes most of which fit.  But anything so heavily discounted cannot be returned so I have to be very careful what to purchase so funds are not wasted on non-returnable items.

Last but not least, I purchased a bracelet and a black onyx pendant in the thrift store. The bracelet was only $1. and the pendant was $5. I've seen comparable pendants on line for at least $50 or more. I don't like to spend much on jewellery except for a few quality pieces.  The rest I spend little on because I don't change my jewellery too often so it would be a waste of money.

When I'm out and about running errands I do try to eat healthy and don't  just stop at McDonald's. 
On Saturday I stopped for Japanese food.  I had another dish of deep fried shrimp (breaded in panko crumbs) not pictured here, but I didn't like those so much.
I thoroughly enjoyed the snacks you see in the  photo below.  
Even my snacks were 40%  during happy hour though I would eat at this place even without the discounted prices.

Snacks from left to right.
Miso soup, Sushi (tamago, salmon, tuna), Seaweed salad

In summary I think you can see that with diligence many bargains can be had when shopping for food, clothing, books.  One can also find sales on many other things or good deals at thrift stores or even things for free on sites like Freecycle or Craigslist.  It really depends what you are looking for but it pays to spend time to find the deals.
I know my efforts are not the very best and lowest prices around. I know people who will spend far less than I do and only purchase second hand clothing or get them free through clothing swaps and that kind of thing.

However I am pleased with my results.  Personally I prefer to purchase new clothes that haven't been worn by anyone else except me. That is just my quirk. That means I have to find them at sale prices. The same goes for shoes. I don't mind buying 2nd hand when it comes to kitchen items, certain linens, furnishings or books. I always find it fun to shop around and see what kind of deal I can get.

 I'm leaving you with some beautiful scenes of the waterfront taken last month.

Thanks for stopping by. 
Enjoy your week!
(March 8, 2016)
Joining in with Lady Fi at Our World Tuesday

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Saving Money

It has been awhile since I did a post on how I save funds and s-t-r-e-t-c-h my income. I've been working very hard since last Fall to save funds as I'm planning a trip which I've been looking forward to for awhile and which has been delayed on several occasions already (more about the trip later). The trip has been delayed by factors other than monetary but the careful spending I've been doing really helps me stretch funds and gives me less anxiety over spending on my trip. It bears repeating that frugal living and frugal spending is now a way of life for me. I can give more freely to charitable causes and my work in Africa when I watch my own purse strings at home.

One way I save funds is to always shop the sales.


In that vein I've managed to buy a lot of things that I will need on my travels.

  • 2 pair of twill capris at 40% off
  • 2 cotton t-shirts at 40%
Not only did I get 40% off of these items but I also received an extra $10 off. This particular store often gives a $10 off card to get people to shop it's sales. (Savings $60.)

I live in a rainy climate and yet have never owned a proper rain jacket. Now I have two! I purchased the first one last Fall for about 35% off. It is a quality rain jacket but I need to hem the sleeves and haven't done it yet. It is supposed to be breathable but I wore it once (with sleeves rolled up).  I found I was very hot running my errands throughout the day but I intend to use this heavier rain jacket i the dead of winter.  The other day my brother asked me if I wanted or needed a rain jacket, a packable light one for travel. I didn't really want one but he needed one.  In in order to get a discount he needed to buy 2 rain jackets.  So I went with him to check out the jackets and see what I could find. Both of us were able to find packable jackets in our sizes. They are made of smoother material than my first one and pack up to hardly anything. I also find it very comfortable to wear and it has a hood and deep pockets.  It will work great for my travels and only cost $15 marked down from $59. (savings $43.01)

Other things I purchased several months ago: 7 maxi dresses (4 with small cap sleeves and 3 sleeveless). Two of the dresses are the exact same pattern but one is a smaller size. I purchased these on line at clearance prices. The best savings were the 4 dresses that cost $79.99 reduced to $19.66 (savings $60.33 x 4 = $241.32).  The other dresses actually came with coordinating scarves and bangles (a total outfit) and were considerably reduced.  I don't remember the original price but think they were $89.99 I paid $19.99 (Savings $210.00). I've actually worn all the dresses but 1 already and have gotten a lot of use out of them. They are a lot more comfortable than wearing pants and capris on a hot day and look a far sight better. Everywhere I go I get admiring glances and outright compliments. I feel so well dressed when I walk down the street and see women and girls in their short dresses and short shorts.  For various reasons, I just cannot dress like they do and I do like to be comfortable. Total savings on dresses $415.32.

Total Clothing Savings:  $ 554.33


I cut the special channels I had ordered on a 6 month promotion. Initially I opted in to these special channels as a way to see what I might be missing and because the channels were half price as an introductory offer for 6 months. I ended the first offer at about 5 months and took another package but ended it at 3 months. I just felt these channels offered nothing interesting but was glad of the chance to test them at a reduced price. Technically this isn't savings because I spent some money on channels I did not need. But it is a good use of funds to experiment and try out channels at reduced prices so you don't waste money paying full price. I could save a lot more money if I cut back to basic service altogether or cancel my subscription.  For various reasons I have not done this. Now I'm waiting to see what changes are coming as the Canadian Broadcasting regulatory authority is reforming the telecommunications industry in Canada.  This includes banning 3 years cell phone contracts and now looking at changes to television channel packaging.

I reduced one phone bill by cutting out voice mail ($10 a month) and increased long distance plan from 300 minutes to unlimited (which is really 1000 minutes), an increase from $6. to $20.  (This is to save the overuse of minutes in the plan which cost almost $19. dollar a month on top of the $6. plan).  These minutes are used for talking to mom every day and 300 minutes isn't enough time for the entire month. The operator also gave me a $10 monthly discount because I asked whether the package deal was the very best they could do. I am not sure how long the $10 discount will last but however long it lasts it is a real savings. I will assess things in another few months. Savings $20 a month for voice mail and discount.  Another $4. a month or so will be saved on long distance charges.

Total savings on phone plan: 24.00 a month.


I don't give so many gifts anymore but I still do like to give birthday and Christmas gifts to family members or very good friends. I have a few birthdays coming up in August and so I've been keeping my eyes open to gift ideas.

1.  For my pastor I've purchased a wonderful CD of instrumental Christian music - Regular price $13.98 purchased for $.99 (Savings $12.99)

2. For a friend I purchased a beautifully wrapped tea set for 2 which includes 2 china cups, a box of tea, and spoons placed in a reusable basket and wrapped in cellophane. Not sure the original price. I purchased it for $3.99 at a local thrift store. I placed it with nice gift paper in a large box along with a pair of denim jeggings marked down from $69.99 to $9.99 (Savings $60.00)

3. For another friend I bought a pendant marked down from $69.99 to $19.99 (Savings $50.00). This one is for a friend who lives in USA and so has to be small to reduce mailing costs.

Total spending on gifts is  $30.97.  This spending was not totally necessary but I like to appreciate the people in my life now and then. Especially if they have been a good support to me or they are celebrating something special.

Total savings on gifts:  $122.99


I regularly shop sales for food and all household items too. Since I last posted about savings at the pharmacy and points I've managed to save and use points worth $85 on two separate occasions since about March. I now have another $85 earned.  I don't normally earn so many points in such a short time but I've been getting wonderful multiplication of my spending by using promotional coupons.

I manage to earn  points by buying necessary household needs like toilet paper, paper towels (use sparingly), laundry detergent (I no longer use home made liquid detergent in my HE washers. If anyone has done this I'd be interested in knowing if you've experienced any issues with the washers), etc. I will be using my next $85 on purchasing vitamins which are very expensive. I can further increase my savings by waiting until the vitamins are on sale and they seem to be on sale right now. I didn't tally all the savings on monthly spending for household items purchased at the drugstore but it is huge. That is how I save the points to get more spending dollars to use on other things I need.  One thing I have learned not to do is spend on items I don't need just to earn points. Instead I rapidly earn points by looking for items that multiply the points earned by up to 20x. I also signed up for special offers to get significantly higher points for items I regularly use.

I also regularly save money on the food bill. This is getting harder and harder to do so I no  longer shop every week for meat. This might happen once or twice a month now when there is a decent sale.  Savings still add up but I don't tally this. I don't have time.

Last but not least, earlier this week I purchased a wool mattress pad (for aching back). I purchased it at a store closing out sale marked down from $139. to $85 (savings $54.00) . This wasn't the best sale but I know the price of wool and the mattress pads made of wool. Even at the regular price it was a bargain. I've actually been using it all week and it is comfortable to sleep on.

Total household savings:  $54.00 + ($85 x 3) $255. (dollars earned at drugstore since March) = $ 309.00


I don't just stretch the dollars by careful shopping on clothing and household food items. There are many other ways to save funds.

Eating out is one of the biggest sources of monthly expenditure for many people. When I go out I try to limit my dining budget to coffees/cool beverages and small, inexpensive places where I can get a wholesome meal (there are few of these places around but you can usually find one or two in your jaunts around the city). I prefer to have my coffee and meals at home so I can control what I eat.  But from time to time you can't and I'm not at that stage where I pack my lunch with me (I may get there). Also you need to get together with friends now and then over coffee and a meal. Most of my friends like to "go out" rather than eat at home. That is the social scene in Vancouver.

Entertainment is another big expense for most people. I limit my spending on this to one concert in a blue moon. I seldom go to concerts due to the expense but if I really want to take in an event I will. Last time I went to a concert it was for the Soweto Gospel Choir. That was a real treat and it was already 4 years ago!  Movies are something I like to enjoy. I save money by going to matinees and cheap days. I also don't bother with the snacks. I always carry a backpack and have my own healthier snacks inside if I really need to eat something. I carry water wherever I go also. Every time I go to a movie I earn points toward a free movie. If you go more often you get a free movie more often. I haven't been to a movie in a long while. Though I've certainly been meaning to go I have just been too busy. I busy myself with other entertaining things: books, television, blogging, crafts, gardening, day to day life.

Crafting is very expensive too especially since I have numerous hobbies. I always look for products on line and have now built up quite the stash of yarns. The last balls of yarn I bought were marked down at Michael's from $7.99 to $3.99.  I don't really need to buy more. If I had more room I probably would have even more yarn and other craft items for I also love to crochet, bead, sew, quilt, etc.

Books and magazines can be very expensive but such a source of pleasure. I get most of my books at the library. Recently I've been buying a few new books again because I've been looking for specific books that I can't get second hand in local shops.  I'm limiting the purchases to what I am definitely going to use as reference books right now.  They are books I've already read at the library and know I will use and related to health and/or cooking.The library also has magazines but you need to read them at the library. I just do not have time to sit and browse through magazines there but would love to do that some day. They also have printed news if you like the newspaper but I do most of my news reading on line in bits and spurts throughout the day. It is a lot quicker.

Hair care is a huge expense for most women. I've cut down on the cost of salon visits. I only go 2-3 times a year now for a cut and sometimes colour. I do my own hair at home using henna (a $10 bag lasts me about 1 year) or reduced price hair colouring ( a box costs me anywhere from $6.99 to $8.99 on sale and lasts one month or 1-2 uses).  I stopped using store bought hair colour to reduce my toxic load. I used only henna for 2 years.  Lately I have reverted to colour in a box again because it takes too much of my energy to put on the goopy henna and let it sit on my head for 2 hours then try to wash it all out.  It is much easier if I get the hair dresser to do it.  After my travels I will likely return to using henna to reduce chemicals on my body and also to save the pocketbook.

Running the home and paying for things like electricity is also very expensive. I monitor my power bills and try to reduce expenses by keeping the heat off through much of the winter as possible. I make use of heavy socks, sweaters, far infrared heating pads and mattress pads (I'm aware of concerns over emissions so have been moving to flannel sheets, more blankets, socks in bed, thermal pjs). Another huge savings is to use energy efficient appliances. All my appliances are energy efficient and save not only water but power usage and is my little bit to preserve our natural resources. This has made a big difference in my monthly household costs. Whenever I can afford it I want to update the bathrooms and install water efficient showers and toilets.


Since November I've managed to save just over $1000. Canadian dollars on clothing and household food & toiletry items (toilet paper, etc.).  These are things I need to buy.  I haven't included savings on all the other ways of saving money which I've mentioned (electricity, etc.).  If I wanted to do a really detailed analysis it would take me far more time than I want to dedicate to this exercise.  I know I've actually saved more money but the savings are on things that are more wants than needs. For example, massage services and acupuncture.  There can be considerable savings to be had if one looks through Groupon first. Only look if you need something and will use it soon otherwise you will be tempted to spend more than you should. Though these kinds of items are more in the want category they can also fall into the need category.  For example, I take massages, foot reflexology and acupuncture for pain and muscular issues. So it is a form of health care and health care costs are never frivolous if the aim is to improve or maintain health.

Saving money is a constant challenge and a constant task.   I said to the young clerk at the pharmacy the other day that all this coupon business was a lot of work and it is like having a job.  She knows me well and said 'yes, I'm sure it is but you are really saving a lot".

If you are like me you get a buzz by savings of 50-60% and if I can get the 90% savings now and then, so much the better! I feel very pleased with myself when that happens. I am pleased because I know I am spending wisely the funds that have been entrusted to me. I can also give to others less fortunate and help the most vulnerable in Kenya. One thing to remember though is not to spend for the sake of spending and accumulating.  There are also many other ways to reduce costs and expenditures. I've highlighted a few of the things I do regularly which adds up to significant savings over time. Here's to wise spending and happy savings.

A Gorgeous Day

Hello friends and fellow bloggers, Here in my part of the world we will soon transition to Spring and planting season or growing season.  Wh...