Showing posts with label images. Show all posts
Showing posts with label images. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Images From The Hood

I thought it would be fun to take a few photos while out on my errands.   It was about 5:30 p.m. and as you can see the darkness falls early at this time of year.

It was the warmest temperature on record today with a comfortable 14 degrees Celsius.  The next few days it will cool off by a few degrees each day until it hits a low of 4 degrees Celsius (a few degrees cooler than the norm) on Saturday/Sunday.

A garbage can and a recycling bin side by side and a girl waiting for her bus.  I don't know how often the can are emptied.  I think a lot  depends on the weather too & what people are eating/drinking as they walk along the streets.  In summer months the cans are overflowing.

I always like the look of a bike sitting against a post or a tree awaiting the return of it's rider.  In this case, I think he was in the  barber shop getting a hair cut.

 I snapped the tree and I'm surprised it turned out. In fact I'm surprised any of these photos turned out because I took them with my camera phone.  

I even got some fairly good shots of the moon. I plan to post them on Friday for Skywatch. Until next time, keep smiling!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

More Images of Kamloops

It's been a week or so now since I returned home from Kamloops. I didn't get a chance to post some of my photos when I was there. I am always too busy when there to do much sightseeing or blogging in the way I would like.

Hopefully these snap shots I captured on my errand days will give you a good sense of the area. Maybe I can get some photos of different areas next time. You can click on any of the photos to enlarge.

I also found this wonderful and short video tonight. I am not a mountain biker but Kamloops is a well known area for mountain biking so for those fans, you might really like this. I think it also gives a good view of the surrounding terrain. Isn't it beautiful?

Click here to learn more about the city and surrounding area.

Click here to visit some Kamloops webcams

Click here for a map to see where Kamloops is located.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

More Images @ the Fair

I wanted to share more photos I took at the annual fair on Wednesday. Some of them did not turn out so well and I realized I didn't take photos of the rides. The photos I did take I've put into a collage.

Can you see the pink motorbike? It is being raffled off for Breast Cancer Awareness. I've entered the draw. I think it would be cool to scoot around town in a pink bike. What do you think ladies?

Here is a close up of the scooter.

Skywatch Friday ~ Last Friday in March

Hello and welcome to Friday's Skywatch post, It has been raining so very heavily now for what seems like forever. It makes it difficult...