Showing posts with label Kamloops photos. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kamloops photos. Show all posts

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Fall is the Perfect Time of Year: Scenic Sunday, October 3, 2010

I think Fall is the perfect time of year. I can never get enough of the Fall colours though when I see the leaves fall, I do get saddened that winter is around the corner. I was never one who loved the snow. Though I might enjoy snow for a few days, I think the childhood memories of freezing cold, freezing a few toes and winters which dragged endlessly on, are never far from me. I do love one thing about winter which I will leave for the winter season to blog about *smile.

In the meantime, let me leave you with some final snap shots of Kamloops. These are likely the last photos I will take before I depart for my home on the coast on Sunday. It is Fall now but these shots are landscape shots of the city from the vantage point of the mountain. As you can see, the city is beautifully located alongside rivers and nestled in the valley.  When you drive in at night and see all the city lights it is particularly beautiful.  (Click on any photo to enlarge).

I hope you enjoyed these photos of Kamloops. If you would like to see some of the city in it's Fall splendour, please click here. Otherwise do join others here from around the globe for more beautiful Scenic Sundays.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Downtown Kamloops: Scenic Sunday, September 19, 2010

Thank you to my newest follower, Kiprotich from Kenya.

This is a continuation of a series of photos I've been taking of the City of Kamloops while I am here on a month long stay. I snapped all of these on September 6, 2010 when I first arrived. It was very quiet downtown as it is an annual statutory holiday and very little is open downtown. You can see more photos of this city if you click here, here and here.

View towards the north wherein lies the city and beyond that, the rivers and mountains.

Sacred Heart Catholic Church. Such a pretty little brick building.

I love the balustrade.

Canadian and Provincial flags flying on hospital grounds.

A view of the city from the 6th floor.

Main street of the downtown core.

Lamp posts and fare meters for parking.
Another view of the main street.

Yet another view of the main street. Though virtually everything was closed there were actually quite a few walking downtown. Mostly young people. My guess is they were college students as the library is close by.

The Plaza Hotel  is in the background with the green roof top. This is an historic hotel and it is furnished in Victorian style.

Some lovely planters line the streets.  You can see it was rather windy.

I love the vibrant red of these petunias.
Thanks for stopping by!  You can look for more Scenic Sunday blogs here.

Scenic Sunday

Friday, September 17, 2010

Views of Kamloops

A week ago Monday, I was visiting my mom at the local hospital. If you'd like to, you can read about it here.  I had to walk up this hill to get to the hospital. I thought you might like to see some views along the way. It was a statutory holiday here in my province that day so the streets were rather quiet.

The big  building in the middle at the end of the street is the hospital. On the right is the red brick Catholic Church.

In the distance you can see an old brick school on the left side just beyond the parking lot. In the distance you can see the mountains. The city of Kamloops is located in a narrow valley and has been built up around the junction of the North and South Thompson Rivers.

A quiet street  facing the front of the old brick school house in the previous photo. In the Summer, this street is the location of a farmer's market where you can purchase wonderful produce and baked goods. On market days this street is lively, colourful and lots of fun.
A building housing many of the city's doctors and a pharmacy.  See the reflections in the glass!

A long shot of the same building.

A view of a long standing hotel chain in the city. In the background the "mountains".

Here is a close up of the school which I reference in the photo near the top of this post.

A view back toward the city as I continue up the hill.

I do hope you've enjoyed the photos. More photos of this walk (to hospital and town) will be posted later.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Skywatch Friday, September 16, 2010

I snapped these photos rather hurriedly yesterday as I saw my bus rounding the corner to pick me up. I was trying to capture the vivid sunlight through the cloudy sky. It was a rather warm day, despite how it looks.

Join the Skywatch Friday gang here and see some wonderful photos of skies all over the world.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Photo of the Day

I love the sky and the vapour trail.

It's been raining a lot this week but the past few days the sun has come out after the rain. It makes for lovely days though they are a bit "coolish". How is the weather wherever you are?

Scenic Sunday, September 12, 2010

 I like the effect of the photo taken through a window screen.

Join others from around the world for Scenic Sunday

Friday, June 11, 2010

Skies Over Kamloops ~ June 11 , 2010

Such a beautiful sky.

Look again.

Looks like a storm rolling in.

I tried to capture the sun as it was peeking through the massive cloud cover.

Have a look at more sky photos here.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

New Library

For some time now I have been eagerly awaiting the completion of the new library on the North Shore of the City of Kamloops where I often visit.  I like to use the library when I come to the city and the old library had few spaces to sit and read.  It also had a long line of people to use the out of date computers to access the internet.

Last time I visited was in April and at that time I read that the library was scheduled to re-open in it's new location on April 18, 2010. I had an opportunity yesterday (Friday) to have a quick peek at the new premises.

Here are the comfy leather chairs and fireplace that are in the front area, just to your right as you enter the library.

Here is a view of the entryway to the library.  The check out desk is just beyond the seating area to the upper right as you view the photo.

 I love the sense of space in this new library. There are rows and rows (or stacks and stacks) of books.

 Here is a lengthwise view of the new space.

Last but not least, here is a photo (a rather poor one) of the computer area. Compared to the old library which only had 6 computers for public use, this new library is a dream.  There are now 20 computer stations. The computers are brand new so they have USB ports for file sticks, etc. They have also increased the time for use of the computers from 30 to 60 minutes once per day.  There may also be wifi access if you bring your laptop as most of the province's new libraries have that feature but I didn't enquire yet about this aspect of service.

I was taking surreptitious photos in the library as a lot of public places here do not like you to take photos. However as I left the library, one of the librarians was asking me if I was taking photos. I said of the fireplace. I thought she was going to chastise me. Instead she said she didn't want to get in the way as she was re-shelving books. That was a nice change!

I love libraries because I love books and reading. I also love using the internet. Until recently I did not have a wireless stick to use with my laptop so the library was the only place I could catch up on my email. Wifi has only been available on this side of town relatively recently and I really can't get out much once I am visiting mom anyway so it is more convenient to use the wireless stick. The library internet access will come in handy when I have more photos to upload and more time to get out to the library. Otherwise it is nice to have back up access to the computer. As you can probably guess, there isn't any computer access in my mother's apartment.

Please drop by Jan's new meme, Simple Joy Saturday by clicking here and tell us about your simple joys.

The End of 2024 in the Sky

Hello dear friends and fellow bloggers, Happy New Year to each and every one of you. I hope that 2025 is your best year yet.  May the year b...