Showing posts with label fall colours. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fall colours. Show all posts

Monday, September 23, 2024

Happy Autumn ~ Tuesday 4

Happy Autumn

 Welcome to Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4... are you ready for Autumn?

Sunday September 22 is the Autumnal Equinox, the first day of the Autumn season.  Let's talk about it okay?

1. Are there pumpkins or chrysanthemums on your porch or are you planning on putting some out?  

No. I don't have a porch but I also don't care for mums or using seasonal decor except at Christmas. Even that is minimal.

2. What seasonal changes are you noticing in your part of the world? What would you add or take away?

I've noticed a drastic change in temperature. We've had some lovely sunny days with brilliant, blue skies but we are now in the period where rain can happen at any time. If I could add or take away, I would increase the temperatures just a wee bit and take away some rainy days.  We do need rainy days to keep our trees and grass green.

3. Is pumpkin pie on the menu for you this fall?  How about pumpkin spice or pumpkin latte coffee flavors? Are you a fan?   Spiced teas?  What do you like?   

I'm the only one in my household who like pumpkin pie so I'm not sure if we'll have one in a few weeks for our Canadian Thanksgiving.    We often have apple pie instead and one year I made a Pumpkin Mousse Pie. It was delicious. I need to make it again. I'm not too keen on having pumpkin spice or pumpkin latte coffees. I have tried them but I don't need to have them. I prefer good old coffee with no additives other than cream and and cinnamon spice if I'm having a latte or cappuccino.      

4. If there was a free week long tour of New England, complete with peak colors and a trip to Plimouth, Massachusetts (the colony site with historical players), would you come along?  If that doesn't suit, where would you like to go for your Autumn trip?

Absolutely. I love autumn colours. The closest I've gotten to the beautiful autumn colours in the east is in Quebec and southern Ontario. In fact, many years ago I took my mother on an escorted Fall Colour Tour and we both enjoyed it so much. The foliage was absolutely spectacular. We get beautiful foliage here in BC too but not so many deep reds (maple trees) which I absolutely love.  An alternative trip would be to New York City. I think it would be the perfect season for walking and sightseeing in Manhattan.

Sunday, September 22, 2024

Fall is in the Air

 The weather has definitely turned cooler though it has been beautiful and sunny. I enjoy this time of year before the rains fall. One can still enjoy the light and sunshine, some floral blooms remain and fall colours are starting to set in.

I also enjoy seeing what people are wearing.  Today there were two women within one block with different stylings in animal print trousers.

One could say the fall colours have set in but it seems to me that for the last few years, there are always a number of trees, not all, that have golden coloured leaves. I believe it's due to the very hot summers and not enough rain to keep them green. 

Monday, September 26, 2022

Tuesday 4 - Autumn This & That

 It's time again for Tuesday 4 held in memory of Toni Taddeo it's founder and previous host.  

It's Autumn and temperatures in many places will be going down, days will be shorter and leaves will be tumbling down. 

Let's discuss these things.

1. Do lower temperatures bother you or make you uncomfortable and are you more of a warm climate person?

Lower temperatures in Winter bother me now that I'm older but I absolutely love the crisp, cool air that Autumn brings.

2.  Do you like the colors associated with Autumn. Clothing wise do they look good on you?

I love the natural, earthy colours of Autumn.  For most of my adult life I never wore them because I thought I was a "Winter" colour in the seasonal colour personality. These days there are so many colour analysts and they all seem to have their own system for determining what colours look best on you. 

A few years ago I did a colour 'test' through Linda Waldon, personal stylist.  Her system concluded I had a "Copper" pallette which  has all the colours of Autumn. Since then I've slowly been transitioning my clothing purchases to these colours and trying to simplify my wardrobe to make do with less. I'm still working on the less part. I think the Copper colour options make me feel more comfortable and I'm getting some compliments when I dress in these colours.

3. Would you rather:… 

  •  .… get lost in a corn maze or go on a hayride?
  •  …. visit an apple orchard or a pumpkin patch ?
  •  …. eat a caramel apple or  a candy apple?
  •   …. Cinnamon buns or Pumpkin muffins? 

All of the above sound good to me!

4. There are 7,500 varieties  of apple.  What is your favorite and do you like apple pie?

 I love crispy, crunchy apples. My favourite varieties that I can buy where I live are: Fuji, Honey Crisp, Gala, Ambrosia Gold & Pink Lady (Cripps Pink). I do love apple pie too; especially the kind made with Granny Smith apples which are now a little too rough against my gums for me to eat raw.

Saturday, October 16, 2021

On My Walk Today

 Hi friends,

I've had a busy few days despite the rainy and stormy weather we've been having.  I had to run out and do errands on Friday and Saturday. I also did some browsing at the thrift store, shopping at the dollar store, made 2 different library runs and picked up a doctor's prescription. I got my walks in on both days and I've also been tired.  So please forgive the late entry to Skywatch Friday.

I absolutely love autumn colours and this year it seems most of my photos were taken on rainy days. These are not the best photos but they bring me joy nonetheless. I hope you enjoy them too.

On my reading pile this week are: 

I've only just started the first one and haven't yet started #2 and #3. Mrs. March is a book of psychological suspense. The Night Hawks is a murder mystery and City of Girls is a love story set in the theatre world of 1940s New York City.  I've got a very busy week or so ahead of me so these books will keep me entertained in between appointments, visitors and 'to dos'.  

Enjoy your week ahead and thank you for dropping by!

Joining in with Skywatch Friday.

Thursday, October 1, 2020

Fall in Vancouver

 I'm continuing the Fall theme in this post. 

The trees photos were taken on Tuesday late afternoon when I was out running errands. I was looking for one small item and ended up having to go to four (4) different stores to find it. It is a simple little thing called a plate or tray hanger. You used to be able to find them almost anywhere.  Now I think they are becoming extinct though you can buy them on Amazon.  I found what I wanted at Michael's. The fact is, I knew that Michael's carried what I needed because I looked on line first.  But I was hoping to find them in one of the small stores near to where I live.

In the short video I am standing in the parking lot of a grocery store and looking down over Broadway Avenue. One block to the west (to the left of the scene in the video) they are connecting the street with a subway line that will eventually go out to the University of British Columbia.  This transportation option is long awaited and long overdue. The building of it has already started.

Once I picked up what I needed at Michael's, I was famished and had this lovely Teriyaki Beef Bento Box for dinner. The small restaurant where I ate was packed with diners.  They were mostly police officers on meal break but I was too tired to look for another restaurant.  At least the restaurant did have hand sanitizing and social distancing measures in place.

The next few photos are of my garden  and were taken Thursday, October 1st. The blooms are hanging in there so I haven't plucked anything up yet.  In fact, if I have time in the next week or so, I hope to try out my brother's camera lenses again.  I think the photos below were taken with my camera and the prime lens that came with it.

Here are a few more photos from Tuesday night's outing.

I found these apples growing on this tree amidst the high rises. I didn't pick them.

This blue sky photo was taken on Monday night.

 A book I recently completed and can recommend is:

It's a book about slavery, the underground railway and the magical, mystical powers of some of the people who helped their own as best they could. I did not know before reading this book, that the author and journalist, Ta-Nehisi Coates, has also written a Black Panther series for Marvel Comics. That was a happy connection for me as I very much enjoyed watching the movie, Black Panther.  I was saddened by the recent loss of one of it's lead actors, Chadwick Boseman, who by all accounts was not only a fabulous actor but a very fine human being. The more I read about him and what he did in his short life, the more I realize what a great loss it really is.  May his family and loved ones be comforted and may his legacy continue to impact many people around the globe. ♥♥♥


 Happy Friday and Happy Weekend to you all. Stay safe.

Joining in with Skywatch Friday today.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Thanksgiving Dinner, Fall Leaves and Eunice

In my last post I mentioned that Canada celebrated Thanksgiving last weekend and that I was under the weather.
Thank you to those blogging friends who prayed for me. I am feeling better and am on the mend.


I mentioned also that I was to make dinner for family. I did and took my time. It was a relaxing day and we enjoyed a quiet celebration.

My brother pronounced the turkey as the best I've ever made.
I think what he really liked was the crispy, golden skin. 

You can see all the liquid at the bottom of the roasting pan. It isn't all grease from the bird.
When I was growing up my mother always added water to the roasting pan.  I copy her approach. It helps to steam cook the bird and keep it moist. It also provides more drippings and liquid for making the gravy.

Roasted Brussels sprouts and carrots tossed in olive oil and coarse sea salt.I didn't make so much of this because I didn't want them as left overs. I also omitted green salad because no one ever eats it at the holiday meals.

No matter who cooks the bird I always go for the wings when it's time to eat. The wings are my favourite whether I'm eating turkey or chicken.  I stuffed the bird with bread stuffing and made extra for cooking on the side. I ignore all the expert opinions about stuffing the bird as a big 'no no'.  No one ever got sick in all the years my family and extended family and friends cooked a stuffed bird.
To round out the main meal we had mashed potatoes, gravy and cranberry sauce.

We had pumpkin pie and/or bread pudding topped with whipped cream for dessert.
The pie was not home made but the pudding was.

There were plenty of leftovers to eat during the week and I've saved some bones for soup stock.
I hope to make some turkey pot pies soon too.


We've been having so much rain off and on for well over a month.  We did have a break in the rain for about a week and a half.  It is so beautiful here when the sun shines and the glorious blue sky and the red leaves of autumn abound.

I love the canopy made by the leaves in the above photo.

Looking at and taking photos of the sky through leaves is one of my favourite things to do.


In other news,
my friend Eunice was tested to see how well her body is absorbing and utilizing the medicine she is on. The test results are now in and there has been improvement in the oxygen in the blood.
I'm so thankful for that.
She has improved but there is still a ways to go with her recovery.
Medicine and special food as well as oxygen and blood when needed (less frequently now) is very expensive.
I am still trying to raise awareness and raise funds. Take up is very slow but there isn't a deadline. I will keep
trying until there is a definite outcome for Eunice

Please take a moment to share it on Facebook, Twitter, your blog or email. 
It only takes a moment and you will be helping to save a life.
If you are able to contribute that is even better and we thank you so much for your giving.
Whatever you do, please do something.

I have added a photo of Eunice and  a link to the side bar for anyone who would like to come back later and link to the campaign.

Thank you 
and have a wonderful weekend.

Joining in with Skywatch Friday this week.

Gone With The Wind ~ Tuesday 4

Welcome to Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4 where we answer 4 questions each week and try to have some fun with them. 1.  Have you read the book...