Showing posts with label Fall 2019. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fall 2019. Show all posts

Friday, October 18, 2019

Thanksgiving Dinner, Fall Leaves and Eunice

In my last post I mentioned that Canada celebrated Thanksgiving last weekend and that I was under the weather.
Thank you to those blogging friends who prayed for me. I am feeling better and am on the mend.


I mentioned also that I was to make dinner for family. I did and took my time. It was a relaxing day and we enjoyed a quiet celebration.

My brother pronounced the turkey as the best I've ever made.
I think what he really liked was the crispy, golden skin. 

You can see all the liquid at the bottom of the roasting pan. It isn't all grease from the bird.
When I was growing up my mother always added water to the roasting pan.  I copy her approach. It helps to steam cook the bird and keep it moist. It also provides more drippings and liquid for making the gravy.

Roasted Brussels sprouts and carrots tossed in olive oil and coarse sea salt.I didn't make so much of this because I didn't want them as left overs. I also omitted green salad because no one ever eats it at the holiday meals.

No matter who cooks the bird I always go for the wings when it's time to eat. The wings are my favourite whether I'm eating turkey or chicken.  I stuffed the bird with bread stuffing and made extra for cooking on the side. I ignore all the expert opinions about stuffing the bird as a big 'no no'.  No one ever got sick in all the years my family and extended family and friends cooked a stuffed bird.
To round out the main meal we had mashed potatoes, gravy and cranberry sauce.

We had pumpkin pie and/or bread pudding topped with whipped cream for dessert.
The pie was not home made but the pudding was.

There were plenty of leftovers to eat during the week and I've saved some bones for soup stock.
I hope to make some turkey pot pies soon too.


We've been having so much rain off and on for well over a month.  We did have a break in the rain for about a week and a half.  It is so beautiful here when the sun shines and the glorious blue sky and the red leaves of autumn abound.

I love the canopy made by the leaves in the above photo.

Looking at and taking photos of the sky through leaves is one of my favourite things to do.


In other news,
my friend Eunice was tested to see how well her body is absorbing and utilizing the medicine she is on. The test results are now in and there has been improvement in the oxygen in the blood.
I'm so thankful for that.
She has improved but there is still a ways to go with her recovery.
Medicine and special food as well as oxygen and blood when needed (less frequently now) is very expensive.
I am still trying to raise awareness and raise funds. Take up is very slow but there isn't a deadline. I will keep
trying until there is a definite outcome for Eunice

Please take a moment to share it on Facebook, Twitter, your blog or email. 
It only takes a moment and you will be helping to save a life.
If you are able to contribute that is even better and we thank you so much for your giving.
Whatever you do, please do something.

I have added a photo of Eunice and  a link to the side bar for anyone who would like to come back later and link to the campaign.

Thank you 
and have a wonderful weekend.

Joining in with Skywatch Friday this week.

Gone With The Wind ~ Tuesday 4

Welcome to Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4 where we answer 4 questions each week and try to have some fun with them. 1.  Have you read the book...