Thursday, October 1, 2020

Fall in Vancouver

 I'm continuing the Fall theme in this post. 

The trees photos were taken on Tuesday late afternoon when I was out running errands. I was looking for one small item and ended up having to go to four (4) different stores to find it. It is a simple little thing called a plate or tray hanger. You used to be able to find them almost anywhere.  Now I think they are becoming extinct though you can buy them on Amazon.  I found what I wanted at Michael's. The fact is, I knew that Michael's carried what I needed because I looked on line first.  But I was hoping to find them in one of the small stores near to where I live.

In the short video I am standing in the parking lot of a grocery store and looking down over Broadway Avenue. One block to the west (to the left of the scene in the video) they are connecting the street with a subway line that will eventually go out to the University of British Columbia.  This transportation option is long awaited and long overdue. The building of it has already started.

Once I picked up what I needed at Michael's, I was famished and had this lovely Teriyaki Beef Bento Box for dinner. The small restaurant where I ate was packed with diners.  They were mostly police officers on meal break but I was too tired to look for another restaurant.  At least the restaurant did have hand sanitizing and social distancing measures in place.

The next few photos are of my garden  and were taken Thursday, October 1st. The blooms are hanging in there so I haven't plucked anything up yet.  In fact, if I have time in the next week or so, I hope to try out my brother's camera lenses again.  I think the photos below were taken with my camera and the prime lens that came with it.

Here are a few more photos from Tuesday night's outing.

I found these apples growing on this tree amidst the high rises. I didn't pick them.

This blue sky photo was taken on Monday night.

 A book I recently completed and can recommend is:

It's a book about slavery, the underground railway and the magical, mystical powers of some of the people who helped their own as best they could. I did not know before reading this book, that the author and journalist, Ta-Nehisi Coates, has also written a Black Panther series for Marvel Comics. That was a happy connection for me as I very much enjoyed watching the movie, Black Panther.  I was saddened by the recent loss of one of it's lead actors, Chadwick Boseman, who by all accounts was not only a fabulous actor but a very fine human being. The more I read about him and what he did in his short life, the more I realize what a great loss it really is.  May his family and loved ones be comforted and may his legacy continue to impact many people around the globe. ♥♥♥


 Happy Friday and Happy Weekend to you all. Stay safe.

Joining in with Skywatch Friday today.


  1. Hello,

    I just love all the pretty flowers and fall colors. The last sky photo is beautiful.
    Your meal looks and sounds delicious. Take care, enjoy your day! Have a happy weekend!

  2. Beautiful captures of your evening out!

  3. Lovely post...the food looks tempting

  4. Gorgeous...we're still waiting (anxiously) for fall...
    ~Have a lovely day!

  5. Nice shots, I love those of the blooms in your garden. You are a few weeks ahead of us yet.

  6. Gorgeous autumn photography and the book you mention sounds wonderful!

    Live with love each moment,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  7. Nice to see the beautiful flowers hanging in there. I enjoyed the video tour and the way you are supporting local businesses whenever it is possible.

  8. Your garden flowers are still nice and colourful.

    All the best Jan

  9. Refreshing and beautiful! Still triple digits here, so your photos look wonderful.

  10. The bento box upper looks great.

  11. Your flowers look pretty, even at the end of summer. The book looks very interesting. I also have read what a good man Chadwick Boseman was.

  12. That bento set looks good. Love the pretty flowers from your garden. How nice to see juicy apples hanging from the apple tree.

  13. That meal looks delicious and the flowers and photos are lovely.

  14. Hello Penny. I just logged onto blogger today after some months again of not doing and saw you had commented back in May! So sorry for not replying or visiting you here as often as I would like. Life got so busy despite the lockdown. I really hope I can be around more and visit you here again. It is Autumn here too but the weather has been so lovely, just beginning to get some rainy days now. It was sad to hear about Chadwick Boseman and learn about his life which I didn't know about until his death. The world is so beautiful and people so amazing. It is a blessing to be alive and to be able to enjoy such a world. Love to see your photos and book recommendations as I used to. Hope to be around again soon. x

  15. Yes autumn is upon us and here we are also having a lot of rain. Your little garden is still full of colour though which is great. Keep well and stay safe, Diane

  16. I've never read Coates but I've always enjoyed him when hearing him interviewed. I'm glad to hear you like the books. Our fall is slower here downstate but Rick says most of up north is done.


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