Thank you to the dear friends and fellow blogger who commented on my last post. I truly appreciate it. Monday concluded one of the busiest long weekends of the summer in my province. I didn't get up to much or go too far. I always like to avoid the crowds as much as I can and I'm still recovering from a recent hospital stay. I find I get tired even more quickly than usual.
On Friday, I completed the oral antibiotics I was prescribed. The skin infection, wounds and cellulitis on my legs have all improved significantly. But the redness and tenderness on my right leg is still a bit evident. On Sunday I had an appointment with wound care nurse at a neighbourhood clinic I've never been to before. My skin wounds are healed but I thought it best to keep the appointment and see what the nurse had to say. She confirmed everything is healed but she will call me in a week to see how things are going.
After my clinic visit I took a walk to the library to return two books. The book, There There is a debut novel of a Native American writer from the USA. It comes highly rated but I didn't enjoy it that much. It's basically about a number of troubled Native Americans and their individual troubled circumstances and how they all congregate (unknown to one another) at a Pow-Wow (dance competition/celebration). Sadly many of them end up dying there. I didn't enjoy the characters or even empathize with them and the plot line seemed quite pointless.
I was in great anticipation for the newest Lisa See novel. I've read most, if not all of her other novels and enjoyed every one of them. This book is based on a true story of a female physician from 15th century China. The novel takes you through the restricted life of a woman in 15th century China and how this doctor had to do things in order to be able to treat a few patients. While I did enjoy the book, it was not as engaging as all the other novels I've read by the same author. Don't let that remard deter you from reading it though because I still rate it 4 stars out of 5.

After I cooled down at the library and rested a bit, I walked on to the local Farmer's Market. I had no plans to attend but when I learned there was one a few blocks from the library I decided to go and take a look. I arrived at the market shortly after 1 p.m. and the market closes at 2 p.m. I didn't find anything that I wanted to buy. Besides, the prices at Farmer's Markets here are much higher than even the expensive supermarkets I shop at. I still like to attend from time to time in case there is something unique or interesting.
We're in a drought here so you might notice a lot of yellow grass especially at the park. A bit of rain is forecast in the next day or two and I hope it does indeed arrive.
Once I wandered around the market I decided to take a trip to another neighbourhood to see what I could find to eat. I'd been feeling nauseated all day and my appetite was not good. However, I know from previous experience, that not eating will only prolong the problem.
I couldn't find anything appealing as I wandered down the street. The restaurants I used to like have all changed hands and menus. I resorted to something I know I can generally eat, and ended up ordering a Chicken Bahn Mi which is a Vietnamese Submarine sandwich. It came with an iced coffee.
There are a number of produce stores in the area which is a good thing because I needed some veggies and fruits. I picked up some carrots, zucchini, rhubarb, plums and blackberries. It was a bargain compared to where I usually shop and came in at just over $8.00 Canadian. I also stopped at the Dollar Tree to buy some bleach and a few small things. The bill was much higher at $24 or so. I still wasn't feeling that great so I hopped on the bus to get home and rest.
It's always so nice to get home isn't it?
Some of you may remember me wanting to purchase a new phone so I could take better photos for blogging. I finally ordered one today. It will arrive next week and I'm looking forward to seeing if it will meet my needs.
I spent a bit of time catching up with a couple of friends, one local (by phone) and one up country (via email). It's always good to catch up with friends. It seems like most of us hardly have any time to do that these days.
I spent Monday doing some meal preparation for the next few days. I didn't get to everything I wanted to make but I did bake 2 loaves of bread and cooked up some ground beef stew and chicken curry with rice. I also took out the salmon from the freezer. I had washed and prepared it prior to freezing but I want to marinate it for grilling to be served with a cous cous salad. Preparing a few meals ahead helps me to be prepared for the days ahead.
I'm hoping to add a photo of the ficus lyrata I mentioned in my last post. It's new leaves are doing really well and I'm excited about it. I think I need to put my few other plants outside for some sunshine.
I hope you are all enjoying the lazy days of summer. As for me, I still have a lot of work to do to reorganize my space. Hopefully I can do most of it before the summer ends and experiment a bit with the new phone camera.